
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0

 * Copyright 2020 HabanaLabs, Ltd.
 * All Rights Reserved.

#include "habanalabs.h"

static const char * const hl_glbl_error_cause[] =;

 * hl_get_pb_block - return the relevant block within the block array
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @mm_reg_addr: register address in the desired block
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @array_size: blocks array size
static int hl_get_pb_block(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 mm_reg_addr,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], int array_size)

 * hl_unset_pb_in_block - clear a specific protection bit in a block
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @reg_offset: register offset will be converted to bit offset in pb block
 * @sgs_entry: pb array
static int hl_unset_pb_in_block(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 reg_offset,
				struct hl_block_glbl_sec *sgs_entry)

 * hl_unsecure_register - locate the relevant block for this register and
 *                        remove corresponding protection bit
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @mm_reg_addr: register address to unsecure
 * @offset: additional offset to the register address
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @sgs_array: pb array
 * @array_size: blocks array size
int hl_unsecure_register(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 mm_reg_addr, int offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], struct hl_block_glbl_sec sgs_array[],
		int array_size)

 * hl_unsecure_register_range - locate the relevant block for this register
 *                              range and remove corresponding protection bit
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @mm_reg_range: register address range to unsecure
 * @offset: additional offset to the register address
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @sgs_array: pb array
 * @array_size: blocks array size
static int hl_unsecure_register_range(struct hl_device *hdev,
		struct range mm_reg_range, int offset, const u32 pb_blocks[],
		struct hl_block_glbl_sec sgs_array[],
		int array_size)

 * hl_unsecure_registers - locate the relevant block for all registers and
 *                        remove corresponding protection bit
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @mm_reg_array: register address array to unsecure
 * @mm_array_size: register array size
 * @offset: additional offset to the register address
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @sgs_array: pb array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
int hl_unsecure_registers(struct hl_device *hdev, const u32 mm_reg_array[],
		int mm_array_size, int offset, const u32 pb_blocks[],
		struct hl_block_glbl_sec sgs_array[], int blocks_array_size)

 * hl_unsecure_registers_range - locate the relevant block for all register
 *                        ranges and remove corresponding protection bit
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @mm_reg_range_array: register address range array to unsecure
 * @mm_array_size: register array size
 * @offset: additional offset to the register address
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @sgs_array: pb array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
static int hl_unsecure_registers_range(struct hl_device *hdev,
		const struct range mm_reg_range_array[], int mm_array_size,
		int offset, const u32 pb_blocks[],
		struct hl_block_glbl_sec sgs_array[], int blocks_array_size)

 * hl_ack_pb_security_violations - Ack security violation
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @block_offset: additional offset to the block
 * @array_size: blocks array size
static void hl_ack_pb_security_violations(struct hl_device *hdev,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 block_offset, int array_size)

 * hl_config_glbl_sec - set pb in HW according to given pb array
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @sgs_array: pb array
 * @block_offset: additional offset to the block
 * @array_size: blocks array size
void hl_config_glbl_sec(struct hl_device *hdev, const u32 pb_blocks[],
		struct hl_block_glbl_sec sgs_array[], u32 block_offset,
		int array_size)

 * hl_secure_block - locally memsets a block to 0
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @sgs_array: pb array to clear
 * @array_size: blocks array size
void hl_secure_block(struct hl_device *hdev,
		struct hl_block_glbl_sec sgs_array[], int array_size)

 * hl_init_pb_with_mask - set selected pb instances with mask in HW according
 *                        to given configuration
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @num_dcores: number of decores to apply configuration to
 *              set to HL_PB_SHARED if need to apply only once
 * @dcore_offset: offset between dcores
 * @num_instances: number of instances to apply configuration to
 * @instance_offset: offset between instances
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
 * @user_regs_array: unsecured register array
 * @user_regs_array_size: unsecured register array size
 * @mask: enabled instances mask: 1- enabled, 0- disabled
int hl_init_pb_with_mask(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 num_dcores,
		u32 dcore_offset, u32 num_instances, u32 instance_offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 blocks_array_size,
		const u32 *user_regs_array, u32 user_regs_array_size, u64 mask)

 * hl_init_pb - set pb in HW according to given configuration
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @num_dcores: number of decores to apply configuration to
 *              set to HL_PB_SHARED if need to apply only once
 * @dcore_offset: offset between dcores
 * @num_instances: number of instances to apply configuration to
 * @instance_offset: offset between instances
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
 * @user_regs_array: unsecured register array
 * @user_regs_array_size: unsecured register array size
int hl_init_pb(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 num_dcores, u32 dcore_offset,
		u32 num_instances, u32 instance_offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 blocks_array_size,
		const u32 *user_regs_array, u32 user_regs_array_size)

 * hl_init_pb_ranges_with_mask - set pb instances using mask in HW according to
 *                               given configuration unsecurring registers
 *                               ranges instead of specific registers
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @num_dcores: number of decores to apply configuration to
 *              set to HL_PB_SHARED if need to apply only once
 * @dcore_offset: offset between dcores
 * @num_instances: number of instances to apply configuration to
 * @instance_offset: offset between instances
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
 * @user_regs_range_array: unsecured register range array
 * @user_regs_range_array_size: unsecured register range array size
 * @mask: enabled instances mask: 1- enabled, 0- disabled
int hl_init_pb_ranges_with_mask(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 num_dcores,
		u32 dcore_offset, u32 num_instances, u32 instance_offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 blocks_array_size,
		const struct range *user_regs_range_array,
		u32 user_regs_range_array_size, u64 mask)

 * hl_init_pb_ranges - set pb in HW according to given configuration unsecurring
 *                     registers ranges instead of specific registers
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @num_dcores: number of decores to apply configuration to
 *              set to HL_PB_SHARED if need to apply only once
 * @dcore_offset: offset between dcores
 * @num_instances: number of instances to apply configuration to
 * @instance_offset: offset between instances
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
 * @user_regs_range_array: unsecured register range array
 * @user_regs_range_array_size: unsecured register range array size
int hl_init_pb_ranges(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 num_dcores,
		u32 dcore_offset, u32 num_instances, u32 instance_offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 blocks_array_size,
		const struct range *user_regs_range_array,
		u32 user_regs_range_array_size)

 * hl_init_pb_single_dcore - set pb for a single docre in HW
 * according to given configuration
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @dcore_offset: offset from the dcore0
 * @num_instances: number of instances to apply configuration to
 * @instance_offset: offset between instances
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
 * @user_regs_array: unsecured register array
 * @user_regs_array_size: unsecured register array size
int hl_init_pb_single_dcore(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 dcore_offset,
		u32 num_instances, u32 instance_offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 blocks_array_size,
		const u32 *user_regs_array, u32 user_regs_array_size)

 * hl_init_pb_ranges_single_dcore - set pb for a single docre in HW according
 *                                  to given configuration unsecurring
 *                                  registers ranges instead of specific
 *                                  registers
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @dcore_offset: offset from the dcore0
 * @num_instances: number of instances to apply configuration to
 * @instance_offset: offset between instances
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
 * @user_regs_range_array: unsecured register range array
 * @user_regs_range_array_size: unsecured register range array size
int hl_init_pb_ranges_single_dcore(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 dcore_offset,
		u32 num_instances, u32 instance_offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 blocks_array_size,
		const struct range *user_regs_range_array, u32 user_regs_range_array_size)

 * hl_ack_pb_with_mask - ack pb with mask in HW according to given configuration
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @num_dcores: number of decores to apply configuration to
 *              set to HL_PB_SHARED if need to apply only once
 * @dcore_offset: offset between dcores
 * @num_instances: number of instances to apply configuration to
 * @instance_offset: offset between instances
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
 * @mask: enabled instances mask: 1- enabled, 0- disabled
void hl_ack_pb_with_mask(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 num_dcores,
		u32 dcore_offset, u32 num_instances, u32 instance_offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 blocks_array_size, u64 mask)

 * hl_ack_pb - ack pb in HW according to given configuration
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @num_dcores: number of decores to apply configuration to
 *              set to HL_PB_SHARED if need to apply only once
 * @dcore_offset: offset between dcores
 * @num_instances: number of instances to apply configuration to
 * @instance_offset: offset between instances
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
void hl_ack_pb(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 num_dcores, u32 dcore_offset,
		u32 num_instances, u32 instance_offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 blocks_array_size)

 * hl_ack_pb_single_dcore - ack pb for single docre in HW
 * according to given configuration
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @dcore_offset: offset from dcore0
 * @num_instances: number of instances to apply configuration to
 * @instance_offset: offset between instances
 * @pb_blocks: blocks array
 * @blocks_array_size: blocks array size
void hl_ack_pb_single_dcore(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 dcore_offset,
		u32 num_instances, u32 instance_offset,
		const u32 pb_blocks[], u32 blocks_array_size)

static u32 hl_automated_get_block_base_addr(struct hl_device *hdev,
		struct hl_special_block_info *block_info,
		u32 major, u32 minor, u32 sub_minor)

static bool hl_check_block_type_exclusion(struct hl_skip_blocks_cfg *skip_blocks_cfg,
		int block_type)

static bool hl_check_block_range_exclusion(struct hl_device *hdev,
		struct hl_skip_blocks_cfg *skip_blocks_cfg,
		struct hl_special_block_info *block_info,
		u32 major, u32 minor, u32 sub_minor)

static int hl_read_glbl_errors(struct hl_device *hdev,
		u32 blk_idx, u32 major, u32 minor, u32 sub_minor, void *data)

void hl_check_for_glbl_errors(struct hl_device *hdev)

int hl_iterate_special_blocks(struct hl_device *hdev, struct iterate_special_ctx *ctx)