
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0

 * Copyright 2016-2022 HabanaLabs, Ltd.
 * All Rights Reserved.

#include "habanalabs.h"
#include <linux/habanalabs/hl_boot_if.h>

#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/firmware.h>
#include <linux/crc32.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/ctype.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>

#include <trace/events/habanalabs.h>


static char *comms_cmd_str_arr[COMMS_INVLD_LAST] =;

static char *comms_sts_str_arr[COMMS_STS_INVLD_LAST] =;

 * hl_fw_version_cmp() - compares the FW version to a specific version
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure
 * @major: major number of a reference version
 * @minor: minor number of a reference version
 * @subminor: sub-minor number of a reference version
 * Return 1 if FW version greater than the reference version, -1 if it's
 *         smaller and 0 if versions are identical.
int hl_fw_version_cmp(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 major, u32 minor, u32 subminor)

static char *extract_fw_ver_from_str(const char *fw_str)

 * extract_u32_until_given_char() - given a string of the format "<u32><char>*", extract the u32.
 * @str: the given string
 * @ver_num: the pointer to the extracted u32 to be returned to the caller.
 * @given_char: the given char at the end of the u32 in the string
 * Return: Upon success, return a pointer to the given_char in the string. Upon failure, return NULL
static char *extract_u32_until_given_char(char *str, u32 *ver_num, char given_char)

 * hl_get_sw_major_minor_subminor() - extract the FW's SW version major, minor, sub-minor
 *				      from the version string
 * @hdev: pointer to the hl_device
 * @fw_str: the FW's version string
 * The extracted version is set in the hdev fields: fw_sw_{major/minor/sub_minor}_ver.
 * fw_str is expected to have one of two possible formats, examples:
 * 1) 'Preboot version hl-gaudi2-1.9.0-fw-42.0.1-sec-3'
 * 2) 'Preboot version hl-gaudi2-1.9.0-rc-fw-42.0.1-sec-3'
 * In those examples, the SW major,minor,subminor are correspondingly: 1,9,0.
 * Return: 0 for success or a negative error code for failure.
static int hl_get_sw_major_minor_subminor(struct hl_device *hdev, const char *fw_str)

 * hl_get_preboot_major_minor() - extract the FW's version major, minor from the version string.
 * @hdev: pointer to the hl_device
 * @preboot_ver: the FW's version string
 * preboot_ver is expected to be the format of <major>.<minor>.<sub minor>*, e.g: 42.0.1-sec-3
 * The extracted version is set in the hdev fields: fw_inner_{major/minor}_ver.
 * Return: 0 on success, negative error code for failure.
static int hl_get_preboot_major_minor(struct hl_device *hdev, char *preboot_ver)

static int hl_request_fw(struct hl_device *hdev,
				const struct firmware **firmware_p,
				const char *fw_name)

 * hl_release_firmware() - release FW
 * @fw: fw descriptor
 * note: this inline function added to serve as a comprehensive mirror for the
 *       hl_request_fw function.
static inline void hl_release_firmware(const struct firmware *fw)

 * hl_fw_copy_fw_to_device() - copy FW to device
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure.
 * @fw: fw descriptor
 * @dst: IO memory mapped address space to copy firmware to
 * @src_offset: offset in src FW to copy from
 * @size: amount of bytes to copy (0 to copy the whole binary)
 * actual copy of FW binary data to device, shared by static and dynamic loaders
static int hl_fw_copy_fw_to_device(struct hl_device *hdev,
				const struct firmware *fw, void __iomem *dst,
				u32 src_offset, u32 size)

 * hl_fw_copy_msg_to_device() - copy message to device
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure.
 * @msg: message
 * @dst: IO memory mapped address space to copy firmware to
 * @src_offset: offset in src message to copy from
 * @size: amount of bytes to copy (0 to copy the whole binary)
 * actual copy of message data to device.
static int hl_fw_copy_msg_to_device(struct hl_device *hdev,
		struct lkd_msg_comms *msg, void __iomem *dst,
		u32 src_offset, u32 size)

 * hl_fw_load_fw_to_device() - Load F/W code to device's memory.
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure.
 * @fw_name: the firmware image name
 * @dst: IO memory mapped address space to copy firmware to
 * @src_offset: offset in src FW to copy from
 * @size: amount of bytes to copy (0 to copy the whole binary)
 * Copy fw code from firmware file to device memory.
 * Return: 0 on success, non-zero for failure.
int hl_fw_load_fw_to_device(struct hl_device *hdev, const char *fw_name,
				void __iomem *dst, u32 src_offset, u32 size)

int hl_fw_send_pci_access_msg(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 opcode, u64 value)

 * hl_fw_send_cpu_message() - send CPU message to the device.
 * @hdev: pointer to hl_device structure.
 * @hw_queue_id: HW queue ID
 * @msg: raw data of the message/packet
 * @size: size of @msg in bytes
 * @timeout_us: timeout in usec to wait for CPU reply on the message
 * @result: return code reported by FW
 * send message to the device CPU.
 * Return: 0 on success, non-zero for failure.
 *     -ENOMEM: memory allocation failure
 *     -EAGAIN: CPU is disabled (try again when enabled)
 *     -ETIMEDOUT: timeout waiting for FW response
 *     -EIO: protocol error
int hl_fw_send_cpu_message(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 hw_queue_id, u32 *msg,
				u16 size, u32 timeout_us, u64 *result)

int hl_fw_unmask_irq(struct hl_device *hdev, u16 event_type)

int hl_fw_unmask_irq_arr(struct hl_device *hdev, const u32 *irq_arr,
		size_t irq_arr_size)

int hl_fw_test_cpu_queue(struct hl_device *hdev)

void *hl_fw_cpu_accessible_dma_pool_alloc(struct hl_device *hdev, size_t size,
						dma_addr_t *dma_handle)

void hl_fw_cpu_accessible_dma_pool_free(struct hl_device *hdev, size_t size,
					void *vaddr)

int hl_fw_send_soft_reset(struct hl_device *hdev)

int hl_fw_send_device_activity(struct hl_device *hdev, bool open)

int hl_fw_send_heartbeat(struct hl_device *hdev)

static bool fw_report_boot_dev0(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 err_val, u32 sts_val)

/* placeholder for ERR1 as no errors defined there yet */
static bool fw_report_boot_dev1(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 err_val,
								u32 sts_val)

static int fw_read_errors(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 boot_err0_reg,
				u32 boot_err1_reg, u32 cpu_boot_dev_status0_reg,
				u32 cpu_boot_dev_status1_reg)

int hl_fw_cpucp_info_get(struct hl_device *hdev,
				u32 sts_boot_dev_sts0_reg,
				u32 sts_boot_dev_sts1_reg, u32 boot_err0_reg,
				u32 boot_err1_reg)

static int hl_fw_send_msi_info_msg(struct hl_device *hdev)

int hl_fw_cpucp_handshake(struct hl_device *hdev,
				u32 sts_boot_dev_sts0_reg,
				u32 sts_boot_dev_sts1_reg, u32 boot_err0_reg,
				u32 boot_err1_reg)

int hl_fw_get_eeprom_data(struct hl_device *hdev, void *data, size_t max_size)

int hl_fw_get_monitor_dump(struct hl_device *hdev, void *data)

int hl_fw_cpucp_pci_counters_get(struct hl_device *hdev,
		struct hl_info_pci_counters *counters)

int hl_fw_cpucp_total_energy_get(struct hl_device *hdev, u64 *total_energy)

int get_used_pll_index(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 input_pll_index,
						enum pll_index *pll_index)

int hl_fw_cpucp_pll_info_get(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 pll_index,
		u16 *pll_freq_arr)

int hl_fw_cpucp_power_get(struct hl_device *hdev, u64 *power)

int hl_fw_dram_replaced_row_get(struct hl_device *hdev,
				struct cpucp_hbm_row_info *info)

int hl_fw_dram_pending_row_get(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 *pend_rows_num)

int hl_fw_cpucp_engine_core_asid_set(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 asid)

void hl_fw_ask_hard_reset_without_linux(struct hl_device *hdev)

void hl_fw_ask_halt_machine_without_linux(struct hl_device *hdev)

static void detect_cpu_boot_status(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 status)

int hl_fw_wait_preboot_ready(struct hl_device *hdev)

static int hl_fw_read_preboot_caps(struct hl_device *hdev)

static int hl_fw_static_read_device_fw_version(struct hl_device *hdev,
					enum hl_fw_component fwc)

 * hl_fw_preboot_update_state - update internal data structures during
 *                              handshake with preboot
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static void hl_fw_preboot_update_state(struct hl_device *hdev)

static int hl_fw_static_read_preboot_status(struct hl_device *hdev)

int hl_fw_read_preboot_status(struct hl_device *hdev)

/* associate string with COMM status */
static char *hl_dynamic_fw_status_str[COMMS_STS_INVLD_LAST] =;

 * hl_fw_dynamic_report_error_status - report error status
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @status: value of FW status register
 * @expected_status: the expected status
static void hl_fw_dynamic_report_error_status(struct hl_device *hdev,
						u32 status,
						enum comms_sts expected_status)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_send_cmd - send LKD to FW cmd
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @cmd: LKD to FW cmd code
 * @size: size of next FW component to be loaded (0 if not necessary)
 * LDK to FW exact command layout is defined at struct comms_command.
 * note: the size argument is used only when the next FW component should be
 *       loaded, otherwise it shall be 0. the size is used by the FW in later
 *       protocol stages and when sending only indicating the amount of memory
 *       to be allocated by the FW to receive the next boot component.
static void hl_fw_dynamic_send_cmd(struct hl_device *hdev,
				struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader,
				enum comms_cmd cmd, unsigned int size)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_extract_fw_response - update the FW response
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @response: FW response
 * @status: the status read from CPU status register
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static int hl_fw_dynamic_extract_fw_response(struct hl_device *hdev,
						struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader,
						struct fw_response *response,
						u32 status)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_wait_for_status - wait for status in dynamic FW load
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @expected_status: expected status to wait for
 * @timeout: timeout for status wait
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
 * waiting for status from FW include polling the FW status register until
 * expected status is received or timeout occurs (whatever occurs first).
static int hl_fw_dynamic_wait_for_status(struct hl_device *hdev,
						struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader,
						enum comms_sts expected_status,
						u32 timeout)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_send_clear_cmd - send clear command to FW
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
 * after command cycle between LKD to FW CPU (i.e. LKD got an expected status
 * from FW) we need to clear the CPU status register in order to avoid garbage
 * between command cycles.
 * This is done by sending clear command and polling the CPU to LKD status
 * register to hold the status NOOP
static int hl_fw_dynamic_send_clear_cmd(struct hl_device *hdev,
						struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_send_protocol_cmd - send LKD to FW cmd and wait for ACK
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @cmd: LKD to FW cmd code
 * @size: size of next FW component to be loaded (0 if not necessary)
 * @wait_ok: if true also wait for OK response from FW
 * @timeout: timeout for status wait
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
 * brief:
 * when sending protocol command we have the following steps:
 * - send clear (clear command and verify clear status register)
 * - send the actual protocol command
 * - wait for ACK on the protocol command
 * - send clear
 * - send NOOP
 * if, in addition, the specific protocol command should wait for OK then:
 * - wait for OK
 * - send clear
 * - send NOOP
 * send clear: this is necessary in order to clear the status register to avoid
 *             leftovers between command
 * NOOP command: necessary to avoid loop on the clear command by the FW
int hl_fw_dynamic_send_protocol_cmd(struct hl_device *hdev,
				struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader,
				enum comms_cmd cmd, unsigned int size,
				bool wait_ok, u32 timeout)

 * hl_fw_compat_crc32 - CRC compatible with FW
 * @data: pointer to the data
 * @size: size of the data
 * @return the CRC32 result
 * NOTE: kernel's CRC32 differs from standard CRC32 calculation.
 *       in order to be aligned we need to flip the bits of both the input
 *       initial CRC and kernel's CRC32 result.
 *       in addition both sides use initial CRC of 0,
static u32 hl_fw_compat_crc32(u8 *data, size_t size)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_validate_memory_bound - validate memory bounds for memory
 *                                        transfer (image or descriptor) between
 *                                        host and FW
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @addr: device address of memory transfer
 * @size: memory transfer size
 * @region: PCI memory region
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static int hl_fw_dynamic_validate_memory_bound(struct hl_device *hdev,
						u64 addr, size_t size,
						struct pci_mem_region *region)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_validate_descriptor - validate FW descriptor
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @fw_desc: the descriptor from FW
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static int hl_fw_dynamic_validate_descriptor(struct hl_device *hdev,
					struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader,
					struct lkd_fw_comms_desc *fw_desc)

static int hl_fw_dynamic_validate_response(struct hl_device *hdev,
						struct fw_response *response,
						struct pci_mem_region *region)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_read_descriptor_msg - read and show the ascii msg that sent by fw
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_desc: the descriptor from FW
static void hl_fw_dynamic_read_descriptor_msg(struct hl_device *hdev,
					struct lkd_fw_comms_desc *fw_desc)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_read_and_validate_descriptor - read and validate FW descriptor
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static int hl_fw_dynamic_read_and_validate_descriptor(struct hl_device *hdev,
						struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_request_descriptor - handshake with CPU to get FW descriptor
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @next_image_size: size to allocate for next FW component
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static int hl_fw_dynamic_request_descriptor(struct hl_device *hdev,
						struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader,
						size_t next_image_size)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_read_device_fw_version - read FW version to exposed properties
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fwc: the firmware component
 * @fw_version: fw component's version string
static int hl_fw_dynamic_read_device_fw_version(struct hl_device *hdev,
					enum hl_fw_component fwc,
					const char *fw_version)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_copy_image - copy image to memory allocated by the FW
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw: fw descriptor
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
static int hl_fw_dynamic_copy_image(struct hl_device *hdev,
						const struct firmware *fw,
						struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_copy_msg - copy msg to memory allocated by the FW
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @msg: message
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
static int hl_fw_dynamic_copy_msg(struct hl_device *hdev,
		struct lkd_msg_comms *msg, struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader)

 * hl_fw_boot_fit_update_state - update internal data structures after boot-fit
 *                               is loaded
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @cpu_boot_dev_sts0_reg: register holding CPU boot dev status 0
 * @cpu_boot_dev_sts1_reg: register holding CPU boot dev status 1
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static void hl_fw_boot_fit_update_state(struct hl_device *hdev,
						u32 cpu_boot_dev_sts0_reg,
						u32 cpu_boot_dev_sts1_reg)

static void hl_fw_dynamic_update_linux_interrupt_if(struct hl_device *hdev)
 * hl_fw_dynamic_load_image - load FW image using dynamic protocol
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @load_fwc: the FW component to be loaded
 * @img_ld_timeout: image load timeout
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static int hl_fw_dynamic_load_image(struct hl_device *hdev,
						struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader,
						enum hl_fw_component load_fwc,
						u32 img_ld_timeout)

static int hl_fw_dynamic_wait_for_boot_fit_active(struct hl_device *hdev,
					struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader)

static int hl_fw_dynamic_wait_for_linux_active(struct hl_device *hdev,
						struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader)

 * hl_fw_linux_update_state -	update internal data structures after Linux
 *				is loaded.
 *				Note: Linux initialization is comprised mainly
 *				of two stages - loading kernel (SRAM_AVAIL)
 *				& loading ARMCP.
 *				Therefore reading boot device status in any of
 *				these stages might result in different values.
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @cpu_boot_dev_sts0_reg: register holding CPU boot dev status 0
 * @cpu_boot_dev_sts1_reg: register holding CPU boot dev status 1
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static void hl_fw_linux_update_state(struct hl_device *hdev,
						u32 cpu_boot_dev_sts0_reg,
						u32 cpu_boot_dev_sts1_reg)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_send_msg - send a COMMS message with attached data
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @msg_type: message type
 * @data: data to be sent
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static int hl_fw_dynamic_send_msg(struct hl_device *hdev,
		struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader, u8 msg_type, void *data)

 * hl_fw_dynamic_init_cpu - initialize the device CPU using dynamic protocol
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
 * brief: the dynamic protocol is master (LKD) slave (FW CPU) protocol.
 * the communication is done using registers:
 * - LKD command register
 * - FW status register
 * the protocol is race free. this goal is achieved by splitting the requests
 * and response to known synchronization points between the LKD and the FW.
 * each response to LKD request is known and bound to a predefined timeout.
 * in case of timeout expiration without the desired status from FW- the
 * protocol (and hence the boot) will fail.
static int hl_fw_dynamic_init_cpu(struct hl_device *hdev,
					struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader)

 * hl_fw_static_init_cpu - initialize the device CPU using static protocol
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @fw_loader: managing structure for loading device's FW
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
static int hl_fw_static_init_cpu(struct hl_device *hdev,
					struct fw_load_mgr *fw_loader)

 * hl_fw_init_cpu - initialize the device CPU
 * @hdev: pointer to the habanalabs device structure
 * @return 0 on success, otherwise non-zero error code
 * perform necessary initializations for device's CPU. takes into account if
 * init protocol is static or dynamic.
int hl_fw_init_cpu(struct hl_device *hdev)

void hl_fw_set_pll_profile(struct hl_device *hdev)

int hl_fw_get_clk_rate(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 *cur_clk, u32 *max_clk)

long hl_fw_get_frequency(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 pll_index, bool curr)

void hl_fw_set_frequency(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 pll_index, u64 freq)

long hl_fw_get_max_power(struct hl_device *hdev)

void hl_fw_set_max_power(struct hl_device *hdev)

static int hl_fw_get_sec_attest_data(struct hl_device *hdev, u32 packet_id, void *data, u32 size,
					u32 nonce, u32 timeout)

int hl_fw_get_sec_attest_info(struct hl_device *hdev, struct cpucp_sec_attest_info *sec_attest_info,
				u32 nonce)

int hl_fw_get_dev_info_signed(struct hl_device *hdev,
			      struct cpucp_dev_info_signed *dev_info_signed, u32 nonce)

int hl_fw_send_generic_request(struct hl_device *hdev, enum hl_passthrough_type sub_opcode,
						dma_addr_t buff, u32 *size)