
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
 * sndif.h
 * Unified sound-device I/O interface for Xen guest OSes.
 * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 GlobalLogic Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 EPAM Systems Inc.
 * Authors: Oleksandr Andrushchenko <[email protected]>
 *          Oleksandr Grytsov <[email protected]>
 *          Oleksandr Dmytryshyn <[email protected]>
 *          Iurii Konovalenko <[email protected]>


#include "ring.h"
#include "../grant_table.h"

 *                           Protocol version

 *                  Feature and Parameter Negotiation
 * Front->back notifications: when enqueuing a new request, sending a
 * notification can be made conditional on xensnd_req (i.e., the generic
 * hold-off mechanism provided by the ring macros). Backends must set
 * xensnd_req appropriately (e.g., using RING_FINAL_CHECK_FOR_REQUESTS()).
 * Back->front notifications: when enqueuing a new response, sending a
 * notification can be made conditional on xensnd_resp (i.e., the generic
 * hold-off mechanism provided by the ring macros). Frontends must set
 * xensnd_resp appropriately (e.g., using RING_FINAL_CHECK_FOR_RESPONSES()).
 * The two halves of a para-virtual sound card driver utilize nodes within
 * XenStore to communicate capabilities and to negotiate operating parameters.
 * This section enumerates these nodes which reside in the respective front and
 * backend portions of XenStore, following the XenBus convention.
 * All data in XenStore is stored as strings. Nodes specifying numeric
 * values are encoded in decimal. Integer value ranges listed below are
 * expressed as fixed sized integer types capable of storing the conversion
 * of a properly formated node string, without loss of information.
 *                        Example configuration
 * Note: depending on the use-case backend can expose more sound cards and
 * PCM devices/streams than the underlying HW physically has by employing
 * SW mixers, configuring virtual sound streams, channels etc.
 * This is an example of backend and frontend configuration:
 *--------------------------------- Backend -----------------------------------
 * /local/domain/0/backend/vsnd/1/0/frontend-id = "1"
 * /local/domain/0/backend/vsnd/1/0/frontend = "/local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0"
 * /local/domain/0/backend/vsnd/1/0/state = "4"
 * /local/domain/0/backend/vsnd/1/0/versions = "1,2"
 *--------------------------------- Frontend ----------------------------------
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/backend-id = "0"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/backend = "/local/domain/0/backend/vsnd/1/0"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/state = "4"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/version = "1"
 *----------------------------- Card configuration ----------------------------
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/short-name = "Card short name"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/long-name = "Card long name"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/sample-rates = "8000,32000,44100,48000,96000"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/sample-formats = "s8,u8,s16_le,s16_be"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/buffer-size = "262144"
 *------------------------------- PCM device 0 --------------------------------
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/name = "General analog"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/channels-max = "5"
 *----------------------------- Stream 0, playback ----------------------------
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/0/type = "p"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/0/sample-formats = "s8,u8"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/0/unique-id = "0"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/0/ring-ref = "386"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/0/event-channel = "15"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/0/evt-ring-ref = "1386"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/0/evt-event-channel = "215"
 *------------------------------ Stream 1, capture ----------------------------
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/1/type = "c"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/1/channels-max = "2"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/1/unique-id = "1"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/1/ring-ref = "384"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/1/event-channel = "13"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/1/evt-ring-ref = "1384"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/0/1/evt-event-channel = "213"
 *------------------------------- PCM device 1 --------------------------------
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/1/name = "HDMI-0"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/1/sample-rates = "8000,32000,44100"
 *------------------------------ Stream 0, capture ----------------------------
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/1/0/type = "c"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/1/0/unique-id = "2"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/1/0/ring-ref = "387"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/1/0/event-channel = "151"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/1/0/evt-ring-ref = "1387"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/1/0/evt-event-channel = "351"
 *------------------------------- PCM device 2 --------------------------------
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/2/name = "SPDIF"
 *----------------------------- Stream 0, playback ----------------------------
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/2/0/type = "p"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/2/0/unique-id = "3"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/2/0/ring-ref = "389"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/2/0/event-channel = "152"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/2/0/evt-ring-ref = "1389"
 * /local/domain/1/device/vsnd/0/2/0/evt-event-channel = "452"
 *                            Backend XenBus Nodes
 *----------------------------- Protocol version ------------------------------
 * versions
 *      Values:         <string>
 *      List of XENSND_LIST_SEPARATOR separated protocol versions supported
 *      by the backend. For example "1,2,3".
 *                            Frontend XenBus Nodes
 *-------------------------------- Addressing ---------------------------------
 * dom-id
 *      Values:         <uint16_t>
 *      Domain identifier.
 * dev-id
 *      Values:         <uint16_t>
 *      Device identifier.
 * pcm-dev-idx
 *      Values:         <uint8_t>
 *      Zero based contigous index of the PCM device.
 * stream-idx
 *      Values:         <uint8_t>
 *      Zero based contigous index of the stream of the PCM device.
 * The following pattern is used for addressing:
 *   /local/domain/<dom-id>/device/vsnd/<dev-id>/<pcm-dev-idx>/<stream-idx>/...
 *----------------------------- Protocol version ------------------------------
 * version
 *      Values:         <string>
 *      Protocol version, chosen among the ones supported by the backend.
 *------------------------------- PCM settings --------------------------------
 * Every virtualized sound frontend has a set of PCM devices and streams, each
 * could be individually configured. Part of the PCM configuration can be
 * defined at higher level of the hierarchy and be fully or partially re-used
 * by the underlying layers. These configuration values are:
 *  o number of channels (min/max)
 *  o supported sample rates
 *  o supported sample formats.
 * E.g. one can define these values for the whole card, device or stream.
 * Every underlying layer in turn can re-define some or all of them to better
 * fit its needs. For example, card may define number of channels to be
 * in [1; 8] range, and some particular stream may be limited to [1; 2] only.
 * The rule is that the underlying layer must be a subset of the upper layer
 * range.
 * channels-min
 *      Values:         <uint8_t>
 *      The minimum amount of channels that is supported, [1; channels-max].
 *      Optional, if not set or omitted a value of 1 is used.
 * channels-max
 *      Values:         <uint8_t>
 *      The maximum amount of channels that is supported.
 *      Must be at least <channels-min>.
 * sample-rates
 *      Values:         <list of uint32_t>
 *      List of supported sample rates separated by XENSND_LIST_SEPARATOR.
 *      Sample rates are expressed as a list of decimal values w/o any
 *      ordering requirement.
 * sample-formats
 *      Values:         <list of XENSND_PCM_FORMAT_XXX_STR>
 *      List of supported sample formats separated by XENSND_LIST_SEPARATOR.
 *      Items must not exceed XENSND_SAMPLE_FORMAT_MAX_LEN length.
 * buffer-size
 *      Values:         <uint32_t>
 *      The maximum size in octets of the buffer to allocate per stream.
 *----------------------- Virtual sound card settings -------------------------
 * short-name
 *      Values:         <char[32]>
 *      Short name of the virtual sound card. Optional.
 * long-name
 *      Values:         <char[80]>
 *      Long name of the virtual sound card. Optional.
 *----------------------------- Device settings -------------------------------
 * name
 *      Values:         <char[80]>
 *      Name of the sound device within the virtual sound card. Optional.
 *----------------------------- Stream settings -------------------------------
 * type
 *      Values:         "p", "c"
 *      Stream type: "p" - playback stream, "c" - capture stream
 *      If both capture and playback are needed then two streams need to be
 *      defined under the same device.
 * unique-id
 *      Values:         <string>
 *      After stream initialization it is assigned a unique ID, so every
 *      stream of the frontend can be identified by the backend by this ID.
 *      This can be UUID or such.
 *-------------------- Stream Request Transport Parameters --------------------
 * event-channel
 *      Values:         <uint32_t>
 *      The identifier of the Xen event channel used to signal activity
 *      in the ring buffer.
 * ring-ref
 *      Values:         <uint32_t>
 *      The Xen grant reference granting permission for the backend to map
 *      a sole page in a single page sized ring buffer.
 *--------------------- Stream Event Transport Parameters ---------------------
 * This communication path is used to deliver asynchronous events from backend
 * to frontend, set up per stream.
 * evt-event-channel
 *      Values:         <uint32_t>
 *      The identifier of the Xen event channel used to signal activity
 *      in the ring buffer.
 * evt-ring-ref
 *      Values:         <uint32_t>
 *      The Xen grant reference granting permission for the backend to map
 *      a sole page in a single page sized ring buffer.
 *                               STATE DIAGRAMS
 * Tool stack creates front and back state nodes with initial state
 * XenbusStateInitialising.
 * Tool stack creates and sets up frontend sound configuration nodes per domain.
 * Front                                Back
 * =================================    =====================================
 * XenbusStateInitialising              XenbusStateInitialising
 *                                       o Query backend device identification
 *                                         data.
 *                                       o Open and validate backend device.
 *                                                      |
 *                                                      |
 *                                                      V
 *                                      XenbusStateInitWait
 * o Query frontend configuration
 * o Allocate and initialize
 *   event channels per configured
 *   playback/capture stream.
 * o Publish transport parameters
 *   that will be in effect during
 *   this connection.
 *              |
 *              |
 *              V
 * XenbusStateInitialised
 *                                       o Query frontend transport parameters.
 *                                       o Connect to the event channels.
 *                                                      |
 *                                                      |
 *                                                      V
 *                                      XenbusStateConnected
 *  o Create and initialize OS
 *    virtual sound device instances
 *    as per configuration.
 *              |
 *              |
 *              V
 * XenbusStateConnected
 *                                      XenbusStateUnknown
 *                                      XenbusStateClosed
 *                                      XenbusStateClosing
 * o Remove virtual sound device
 * o Remove event channels
 *              |
 *              |
 *              V
 * XenbusStateClosed
 *------------------------------- Recovery flow -------------------------------
 * In case of frontend unrecoverable errors backend handles that as
 * if frontend goes into the XenbusStateClosed state.
 * In case of backend unrecoverable errors frontend tries removing
 * the virtualized device. If this is possible at the moment of error,
 * then frontend goes into the XenbusStateInitialising state and is ready for
 * new connection with backend. If the virtualized device is still in use and
 * cannot be removed, then frontend goes into the XenbusStateReconfiguring state
 * until either the virtualized device removed or backend initiates a new
 * connection. On the virtualized device removal frontend goes into the
 * XenbusStateInitialising state.
 * Note on XenbusStateReconfiguring state of the frontend: if backend has
 * unrecoverable errors then frontend cannot send requests to the backend
 * and thus cannot provide functionality of the virtualized device anymore.
 * After backend is back to normal the virtualized device may still hold some
 * state: configuration in use, allocated buffers, client application state etc.
 * So, in most cases, this will require frontend to implement complex recovery
 * reconnect logic. Instead, by going into XenbusStateReconfiguring state,
 * frontend will make sure no new clients of the virtualized device are
 * accepted, allow existing client(s) to exit gracefully by signaling error
 * state etc.
 * Once all the clients are gone frontend can reinitialize the virtualized
 * device and get into XenbusStateInitialising state again signaling the
 * backend that a new connection can be made.
 * There are multiple conditions possible under which frontend will go from
 * XenbusStateReconfiguring into XenbusStateInitialising, some of them are OS
 * specific. For example:
 * 1. The underlying OS framework may provide callbacks to signal that the last
 *    client of the virtualized device has gone and the device can be removed
 * 2. Frontend can schedule a deferred work (timer/tasklet/workqueue)
 *    to periodically check if this is the right time to re-try removal of
 *    the virtualized device.
 * 3. By any other means.
 *                             PCM FORMATS
 * XENSND_PCM_FORMAT_<format>[_<endian>]
 * format: <S/U/F><bits> or <name>
 *     S - signed, U - unsigned, F - float
 *     bits - 8, 16, 24, 32
 *     name - MU_LAW, GSM, etc.
 * endian: <LE/BE>, may be absent
 *     LE - Little endian, BE - Big endian

 *                             REQUEST CODES


 *                                 EVENT CODES


/* Field names */

/* Stream type field values. */
/* Sample rate max string length */
/* Sample format field values */


 *                          STATUS RETURN CODES
 * Status return code is zero on success and -XEN_EXX on failure.
 *                              Assumptions
 * o usage of grant reference 0 as invalid grant reference:
 *   grant reference 0 is valid, but never exposed to a PV driver,
 *   because of the fact it is already in use/reserved by the PV console.
 * o all references in this document to page sizes must be treated
 *   as pages of size XEN_PAGE_SIZE unless otherwise noted.
 *       Description of the protocol between frontend and backend driver
 * The two halves of a Para-virtual sound driver communicate with
 * each other using shared pages and event channels.
 * Shared page contains a ring with request/response packets.
 * Packets, used for input/output operations, e.g. read/write, set/get volume,
 * etc., provide offset/length fields in order to allow asynchronous protocol
 * operation with buffer space sharing: part of the buffer allocated at
 * XENSND_OP_OPEN can be used for audio samples and part, for example,
 * for volume control.
 * All reserved fields in the structures below must be 0.
 *---------------------------------- Requests ---------------------------------
 * All request packets have the same length (64 octets)
 * All request packets have common header:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                |    operation   |    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 *   id - uint16_t, private guest value, echoed in response
 *   operation - uint8_t, operation code, XENSND_OP_???
 * For all packets which use offset and length:
 *   offset - uint32_t, read or write data offset within the shared buffer,
 *     passed with XENSND_OP_OPEN request, octets,
 *     [0; XENSND_OP_OPEN.buffer_sz - 1].
 *   length - uint32_t, read or write data length, octets
 * Request open - open a PCM stream for playback or capture:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                | XENSND_OP_OPEN |    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             pcm_rate                              | 12
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |  pcm_format    |  pcm_channels  |             reserved            | 16
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             buffer_sz                             | 20
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                           gref_directory                          | 24
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             period_sz                             | 28
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 32
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 64
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * pcm_rate - uint32_t, stream data rate, Hz
 * pcm_format - uint8_t, XENSND_PCM_FORMAT_XXX value
 * pcm_channels - uint8_t, number of channels of this stream,
 *   [channels-min; channels-max]
 * buffer_sz - uint32_t, buffer size to be allocated, octets
 * period_sz - uint32_t, event period size, octets
 *   This is the requested value of the period at which frontend would
 *   like to receive XENSND_EVT_CUR_POS notifications from the backend when
 *   stream position advances during playback/capture.
 *   It shows how many octets are expected to be played/captured before
 *   sending such an event.
 *   If set to 0 no XENSND_EVT_CUR_POS events are sent by the backend.
 * gref_directory - grant_ref_t, a reference to the first shared page
 *   describing shared buffer references. At least one page exists. If shared
 *   buffer size  (buffer_sz) exceeds what can be addressed by this single page,
 *   then reference to the next page must be supplied (see gref_dir_next_page
 *   below)

struct xensnd_open_req {};

 * Shared page for XENSND_OP_OPEN buffer descriptor (gref_directory in the
 *   request) employs a list of pages, describing all pages of the shared data
 *   buffer:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                        gref_dir_next_page                         | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              gref[0]                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              gref[i]                              | i*4+8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             gref[N - 1]                           | N*4+8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * gref_dir_next_page - grant_ref_t, reference to the next page describing
 *   page directory. Must be 0 if there are no more pages in the list.
 * gref[i] - grant_ref_t, reference to a shared page of the buffer
 *   allocated at XENSND_OP_OPEN
 * Number of grant_ref_t entries in the whole page directory is not
 * passed, but instead can be calculated as:
 *   num_grefs_total = (XENSND_OP_OPEN.buffer_sz + XEN_PAGE_SIZE - 1) /
 *       XEN_PAGE_SIZE

struct xensnd_page_directory {};

 *  Request close - close an opened pcm stream:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                | XENSND_OP_CLOSE|    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 64
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * Request read/write - used for read (for capture) or write (for playback):
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                |   operation    |    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              offset                               | 12
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              length                               | 16
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 20
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 64
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * operation - XENSND_OP_READ for read or XENSND_OP_WRITE for write

struct xensnd_rw_req {};

 * Request set/get volume - set/get channels' volume of the stream given:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                |   operation    |    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              offset                               | 12
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              length                               | 16
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 20
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 64
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * operation - XENSND_OP_SET_VOLUME for volume set
 *   or XENSND_OP_GET_VOLUME for volume get
 * Buffer passed with XENSND_OP_OPEN is used to exchange volume
 * values:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             channel[0]                            | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             channel[i]                            | i*4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                           channel[N - 1]                          | (N-1)*4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * N = XENSND_OP_OPEN.pcm_channels
 * i - uint8_t, index of a channel
 * channel[i] - sint32_t, volume of i-th channel
 * Volume is expressed as a signed value in steps of 0.001 dB,
 * while 0 being 0 dB.
 * Request mute/unmute - mute/unmute stream:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                |   operation    |    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              offset                               | 12
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              length                               | 16
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 20
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 64
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * operation - XENSND_OP_MUTE for mute or XENSND_OP_UNMUTE for unmute
 * Buffer passed with XENSND_OP_OPEN is used to exchange mute/unmute
 * values:
 *                                   0                                 octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             channel[0]                            | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * +/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             channel[i]                            | i*4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * +/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                           channel[N - 1]                          | (N-1)*4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * N = XENSND_OP_OPEN.pcm_channels
 * i - uint8_t, index of a channel
 * channel[i] - uint8_t, non-zero if i-th channel needs to be muted/unmuted
 *------------------------------------ N.B. -----------------------------------
 * The 'struct xensnd_rw_req' is also used for XENSND_OP_SET_VOLUME,
 * Request stream running state change - trigger PCM stream running state
 * to start, stop, pause or resume:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                |   _OP_TRIGGER  |    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |      type      |                     reserved                     | 12
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 16
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 64
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * type - uint8_t, XENSND_OP_TRIGGER_XXX value

struct xensnd_trigger_req {};

 * Request stream parameter ranges: request intervals and
 *   masks of supported ranges for stream configuration values.
 *   Sound device configuration for a particular stream is a limited subset
 *   of the multidimensional configuration available on XenStore, e.g.
 *   once the frame rate has been selected there is a limited supported range
 *   for sample rates becomes available (which might be the same set configured
 *   on XenStore or less). For example, selecting 96kHz sample rate may limit
 *   number of channels available for such configuration from 4 to 2, etc.
 *   Thus, each call to XENSND_OP_HW_PARAM_QUERY may reduce configuration
 *   space making it possible to iteratively get the final stream configuration,
 *   used in XENSND_OP_OPEN request.
 *   See response format for this request.
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                | _HW_PARAM_QUERY|    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                     formats mask low 32-bit                       | 12
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                     formats mask high 32-bit                      | 16
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              min rate                             | 20
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              max rate                             | 24
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                            min channels                           | 28
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                            max channels                           | 32
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         min buffer frames                         | 36
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         max buffer frames                         | 40
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         min period frames                         | 44
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         max period frames                         | 48
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 52
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 64
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * formats - uint64_t, bit mask representing values of the parameter
 *     made as bitwise OR of (1 << XENSND_PCM_FORMAT_XXX) values
 * For interval parameters:
 *   min - uint32_t, minimum value of the parameter
 *   max - uint32_t, maximum value of the parameter
 * Frame is defined as a product of the number of channels by the
 * number of octets per one sample.

struct xensnd_query_hw_param {};

 *---------------------------------- Responses --------------------------------
 * All response packets have the same length (64 octets)
 * All response packets have common header:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                |    operation   |    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              status                               | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * id - uint16_t, copied from the request
 * operation - uint8_t, XENSND_OP_* - copied from request
 * status - int32_t, response status, zero on success and -XEN_EXX on failure
 * HW parameter query response - response for XENSND_OP_HW_PARAM_QUERY:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                |    operation   |    reserved    | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              status                               | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                     formats mask low 32-bit                       | 12
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                     formats mask high 32-bit                      | 16
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              min rate                             | 20
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                              max rate                             | 24
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                            min channels                           | 28
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                            max channels                           | 32
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         min buffer frames                         | 36
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         max buffer frames                         | 40
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         min period frames                         | 44
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         max period frames                         | 48
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 52
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 64
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * Meaning of the values in this response is the same as for

 *----------------------------------- Events ----------------------------------
 * Events are sent via shared page allocated by the front and propagated by
 *   evt-event-channel/evt-ring-ref XenStore entries
 * All event packets have the same length (64 octets)
 * All event packets have common header:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                |      type      |   reserved     | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * id - uint16_t, event id, may be used by front
 * type - uint8_t, type of the event
 * Current stream position - event from back to front when stream's
 *   playback/capture position has advanced:
 *         0                1                 2               3        octet
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |               id                |   _EVT_CUR_POS |   reserved     | 4
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 8
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         position low 32-bit                       | 12
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                         position high 32-bit                      | 16
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 20
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * |                             reserved                              | 64
 * +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+
 * position - current value of stream's playback/capture position, octets

struct xensnd_cur_pos_evt {};

struct xensnd_req {};

struct xensnd_resp {};

struct xensnd_evt {};

DEFINE_RING_TYPES(xen_sndif, struct xensnd_req, struct xensnd_resp);

 *                        Back to front events delivery
 * In order to deliver asynchronous events from back to front a shared page is
 * allocated by front and its granted reference propagated to back via
 * XenStore entries (evt-ring-ref/evt-event-channel).
 * This page has a common header used by both front and back to synchronize
 * access and control event's ring buffer, while back being a producer of the
 * events and front being a consumer. The rest of the page after the header
 * is used for event packets.
 * Upon reception of an event(s) front may confirm its reception
 * for either each event, group of events or none.

struct xensnd_event_page {};

#define XENSND_IN_RING(page)
#define XENSND_IN_RING_REF(page, idx)

#endif /* __XEN_PUBLIC_IO_SNDIF_H__ */