
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * IPVS         An implementation of the IP virtual server support for the
 *              LINUX operating system.  IPVS is now implemented as a module
 *              over the NetFilter framework. IPVS can be used to build a
 *              high-performance and highly available server based on a
 *              cluster of servers.
 * Version 1,   is capable of handling both version 0 and 1 messages.
 *              Version 0 is the plain old format.
 *              Note Version 0 receivers will just drop Ver 1 messages.
 *              Version 1 is capable of handle IPv6, Persistence data,
 *              time-outs, and firewall marks.
 *              In ver.1 "ip_vs_sync_conn_options" will be sent in netw. order.
 *              Ver. 0 can be turned on by sysctl -w net.ipv4.vs.sync_version=0
 * Definitions  Message: is a complete datagram
 *              Sync_conn: is a part of a Message
 *              Param Data is an option to a Sync_conn.
 * Authors:     Wensong Zhang <[email protected]>
 * ip_vs_sync:  sync connection info from master load balancer to backups
 *              through multicast
 * Changes:
 *	Alexandre Cassen	:	Added master & backup support at a time.
 *	Alexandre Cassen	:	Added SyncID support for incoming sync
 *					messages filtering.
 *	Justin Ossevoort	:	Fix endian problem on sync message size.
 *	Hans Schillstrom	:	Added Version 1: i.e. IPv6,
 *					Persistence support, fwmark and time-out.

#define pr_fmt(fmt)

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/inetdevice.h>
#include <linux/net.h>
#include <linux/completion.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/skbuff.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/igmp.h>                 /* for ip_mc_join_group */
#include <linux/udp.h>
#include <linux/err.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/sched/signal.h>

#include <asm/unaligned.h>		/* Used for ntoh_seq and hton_seq */

#include <net/ip.h>
#include <net/sock.h>

#include <net/ip_vs.h>



static struct lock_class_key __ipvs_sync_key;
 *	IPVS sync connection entry
 *	Version 0, i.e. original version.
struct ip_vs_sync_conn_v0 {};

struct ip_vs_sync_conn_options {};

     Sync Connection format (sync_conn)

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |    Type       |    Protocol   | Ver.  |        Size           |
      |                             Flags                             |
      |            State              |         cport                 |
      |            vport              |         dport                 |
      |                             fwmark                            |
      |                             timeout  (in sec.)                |
      |                              ...                              |
      |                        IP-Addresses  (v4 or v6)               |
      |                              ...                              |
  Optional Parameters.
      | Param. Type    | Param. Length |   Param. data                |
      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               |
      |                              ...                              |
      |                               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
      |                               | Param Type    | Param. Length |
      |                           Param  data                         |
      |         Last Param data should be padded for 32 bit alignment |

 *  Type 0, IPv4 sync connection format
struct ip_vs_sync_v4 {};
 * Type 2 messages IPv6
struct ip_vs_sync_v6 {};


/* Bits in Type field in above */
#define STYPE_INET6
#define STYPE_F_INET6

#define SVER_SHIFT
#define SVER_MASK



struct ip_vs_sync_thread_data {};

/* Version 0 definition of packet sizes */

  The master mulitcasts messages (Datagrams) to the backup load balancers
  in the following format.

 Version 1:
  Note, first byte should be Zero, so ver 0 receivers will drop the packet.

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |      0        |    SyncID     |            Size               |
      |  Count Conns  |    Version    |    Reserved, set to Zero      |
      |                                                               |
      |                    IPVS Sync Connection (1)                   |
      |                            .                                  |
      ~                            .                                  ~
      |                            .                                  |
      |                                                               |
      |                    IPVS Sync Connection (n)                   |

 Version 0 Header
       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |  Count Conns  |    SyncID     |            Size               |
      |                    IPVS Sync Connection (1)                   |

/* Version 0 header */
struct ip_vs_sync_mesg_v0 {};

/* Version 1 header */
struct ip_vs_sync_mesg {};


struct ip_vs_sync_buff {};

 * Copy of struct ip_vs_seq
 * From unaligned network order to aligned host order
static void ntoh_seq(struct ip_vs_seq *no, struct ip_vs_seq *ho)

 * Copy of struct ip_vs_seq
 * From Aligned host order to unaligned network order
static void hton_seq(struct ip_vs_seq *ho, struct ip_vs_seq *no)

static inline struct ip_vs_sync_buff *
sb_dequeue(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, struct ipvs_master_sync_state *ms)

 * Create a new sync buffer for Version 1 proto.
static inline struct ip_vs_sync_buff *
ip_vs_sync_buff_create(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, unsigned int len)

static inline void ip_vs_sync_buff_release(struct ip_vs_sync_buff *sb)

static inline void sb_queue_tail(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs,
				 struct ipvs_master_sync_state *ms)

 *	Get the current sync buffer if it has been created for more
 *	than the specified time or the specified time is zero.
static inline struct ip_vs_sync_buff *
get_curr_sync_buff(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, struct ipvs_master_sync_state *ms,
		   unsigned long time)

static inline int
select_master_thread_id(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, struct ip_vs_conn *cp)

 * Create a new sync buffer for Version 0 proto.
static inline struct ip_vs_sync_buff *
ip_vs_sync_buff_create_v0(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, unsigned int len)

/* Check if connection is controlled by persistence */
static inline bool in_persistence(struct ip_vs_conn *cp)

/* Check if conn should be synced.
 * pkts: conn packets, use sysctl_sync_threshold to avoid packet check
 * - (1) sync_refresh_period: reduce sync rate. Additionally, retry
 *	sync_retries times with period of sync_refresh_period/8
 * - (2) if both sync_refresh_period and sync_period are 0 send sync only
 *	for state changes or only once when pkts matches sync_threshold
 * - (3) templates: rate can be reduced only with sync_refresh_period or
 *	with (2)
static int ip_vs_sync_conn_needed(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs,
				  struct ip_vs_conn *cp, int pkts)

 *      Version 0 , could be switched in by sys_ctl.
 *      Add an ip_vs_conn information into the current sync_buff.
static void ip_vs_sync_conn_v0(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, struct ip_vs_conn *cp,
			       int pkts)

 *      Add an ip_vs_conn information into the current sync_buff.
 *      Called by ip_vs_in.
 *      Sending Version 1 messages
void ip_vs_sync_conn(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, struct ip_vs_conn *cp, int pkts)

 *  fill_param used by version 1
static inline int
ip_vs_conn_fill_param_sync(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, int af, union ip_vs_sync_conn *sc,
			   struct ip_vs_conn_param *p,
			   __u8 *pe_data, unsigned int pe_data_len,
			   __u8 *pe_name, unsigned int pe_name_len)

 *  Connection Add / Update.
 *  Common for version 0 and 1 reception of backup sync_conns.
 *  Param: ...
 *         timeout is in sec.
static void ip_vs_proc_conn(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, struct ip_vs_conn_param *param,
			    unsigned int flags, unsigned int state,
			    unsigned int protocol, unsigned int type,
			    const union nf_inet_addr *daddr, __be16 dport,
			    unsigned long timeout, __u32 fwmark,
			    struct ip_vs_sync_conn_options *opt)

 *  Process received multicast message for Version 0
static void ip_vs_process_message_v0(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, const char *buffer,
				     const size_t buflen)

 * Handle options
static inline int ip_vs_proc_seqopt(__u8 *p, unsigned int plen,
				    __u32 *opt_flags,
				    struct ip_vs_sync_conn_options *opt)

static int ip_vs_proc_str(__u8 *p, unsigned int plen, unsigned int *data_len,
			  __u8 **data, unsigned int maxlen,
			  __u32 *opt_flags, __u32 flag)
 *   Process a Version 1 sync. connection
static inline int ip_vs_proc_sync_conn(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, __u8 *p, __u8 *msg_end)
 *      Process received multicast message and create the corresponding
 *      ip_vs_conn entries.
 *      Handles Version 0 & 1
static void ip_vs_process_message(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, __u8 *buffer,
				  const size_t buflen)

 *      Setup sndbuf (mode=1) or rcvbuf (mode=0)
static void set_sock_size(struct sock *sk, int mode, int val)

 *      Setup loopback of outgoing multicasts on a sending socket
static void set_mcast_loop(struct sock *sk, u_char loop)

 *      Specify TTL for outgoing multicasts on a sending socket
static void set_mcast_ttl(struct sock *sk, u_char ttl)

/* Control fragmentation of messages */
static void set_mcast_pmtudisc(struct sock *sk, int val)

 *      Specifiy default interface for outgoing multicasts
static int set_mcast_if(struct sock *sk, struct net_device *dev)

 *      Join a multicast group.
 *      the group is specified by a class D multicast address
 *      in the in_addr structure passed in as a parameter.
static int
join_mcast_group(struct sock *sk, struct in_addr *addr, struct net_device *dev)

static int join_mcast_group6(struct sock *sk, struct in6_addr *addr,
			     struct net_device *dev)

static int bind_mcastif_addr(struct socket *sock, struct net_device *dev)

static void get_mcast_sockaddr(union ipvs_sockaddr *sa, int *salen,
			       struct ipvs_sync_daemon_cfg *c, int id)

 *      Set up sending multicast socket over UDP
static int make_send_sock(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, int id,
			  struct net_device *dev, struct socket **sock_ret)

 *      Set up receiving multicast socket over UDP
static int make_receive_sock(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, int id,
			     struct net_device *dev, struct socket **sock_ret)

static int
ip_vs_send_async(struct socket *sock, const char *buffer, const size_t length)

static int
ip_vs_send_sync_msg(struct socket *sock, struct ip_vs_sync_mesg *msg)

static int
ip_vs_receive(struct socket *sock, char *buffer, const size_t buflen)

/* Wakeup the master thread for sending */
static void master_wakeup_work_handler(struct work_struct *work)

/* Get next buffer to send */
static inline struct ip_vs_sync_buff *
next_sync_buff(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, struct ipvs_master_sync_state *ms)

static int sync_thread_master(void *data)

static int sync_thread_backup(void *data)

int start_sync_thread(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, struct ipvs_sync_daemon_cfg *c,
		      int state)

int stop_sync_thread(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs, int state)

 * Initialize data struct for each netns
int __net_init ip_vs_sync_net_init(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs)

void ip_vs_sync_net_cleanup(struct netns_ipvs *ipvs)