
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
 * Handler for Realtek 8 byte switch tags
 * Copyright (C) 2021 Alvin Šipraga <[email protected]>
 * NOTE: Currently only supports protocol "4" found in the RTL8365MB, hence
 * named tag_rtl8_4.
 * This tag has the following format:
 *  0                                  7|8                                 15
 *  |-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------|---
 *  |                               (16-bit)                                | ^
 *  |                       Realtek EtherType [0x8899]                      | |
 *  |-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------| 8
 *  |              (8-bit)              |              (8-bit)              |
 *  |          Protocol [0x04]          |              REASON               | b
 *  |-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------| y
 *  |   (1)  | (1) | (2) |   (1)  | (3) | (1)  | (1) |    (1)    |   (5)    | t
 *  | FID_EN |  X  | FID | PRI_EN | PRI | KEEP |  X  | LEARN_DIS |    X     | e
 *  |-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------| s
 *  |   (1)  |                       (15-bit)                               | |
 *  |  ALLOW |                        TX/RX                                 | v
 *  |-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------|---
 * With the following field descriptions:
 *    field      | description
 *   ------------+-------------
 *    Realtek    | 0x8899: indicates that this is a proprietary Realtek tag;
 *     EtherType |         note that Realtek uses the same EtherType for
 *               |         other incompatible tag formats (e.g. tag_rtl4_a.c)
 *    Protocol   | 0x04: indicates that this tag conforms to this format
 *    X          | reserved
 *   ------------+-------------
 *    REASON     | reason for forwarding packet to CPU
 *               | 0: packet was forwarded or flooded to CPU
 *               | 80: packet was trapped to CPU
 *    FID_EN     | 1: packet has an FID
 *               | 0: no FID
 *    FID        | FID of packet (if FID_EN=1)
 *    PRI_EN     | 1: force priority of packet
 *               | 0: don't force priority
 *    PRI        | priority of packet (if PRI_EN=1)
 *    KEEP       | preserve packet VLAN tag format
 *    LEARN_DIS  | don't learn the source MAC address of the packet
 *    ALLOW      | 1: treat TX/RX field as an allowance port mask, meaning the
 *               |    packet may only be forwarded to ports specified in the
 *               |    mask
 *               | 0: no allowance port mask, TX/RX field is the forwarding
 *               |    port mask
 *    TX/RX      | TX (switch->CPU): port number the packet was received on
 *               | RX (CPU->switch): forwarding port mask (if ALLOW=0)
 *               |                   allowance port mask (if ALLOW=1)
 * The tag can be positioned before Ethertype, using tag "rtl8_4":
 *  +--------+--------+------------+------+-----
 *  | MAC DA | MAC SA | 8 byte tag | Type | ...
 *  +--------+--------+------------+------+-----
 * The tag can also appear between the end of the payload and before the CRC,
 * using tag "rtl8_4t":
 * +--------+--------+------+-----+---------+------------+-----+
 * | MAC DA | MAC SA | TYPE | ... | payload | 8-byte tag | CRC |
 * +--------+--------+------+-----+---------+------------+-----+
 * The added bytes after the payload will break most checksums, either in
 * software or hardware. To avoid this issue, if the checksum is still pending,
 * this tagger checksums the packet in software before adding the tag.

#include <linux/bitfield.h>
#include <linux/bits.h>
#include <linux/etherdevice.h>

#include "tag.h"

/* Protocols supported:
 * 0x04 = RTL8365MB DSA protocol

#define RTL8_4_NAME
#define RTL8_4T_NAME

#define RTL8_4_TAG_LEN

#define RTL8_4_PROTOCOL
#define RTL8_4_PROTOCOL_RTL8365MB
#define RTL8_4_REASON
#define RTL8_4_REASON_TRAP

#define RTL8_4_LEARN_DIS

#define RTL8_4_TX
#define RTL8_4_RX

static void rtl8_4_write_tag(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
			     void *tag)

static struct sk_buff *rtl8_4_tag_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb,
				       struct net_device *dev)

static struct sk_buff *rtl8_4t_tag_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb,
					struct net_device *dev)

static int rtl8_4_read_tag(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev,
			   void *tag)

static struct sk_buff *rtl8_4_tag_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb,
				      struct net_device *dev)

static struct sk_buff *rtl8_4t_tag_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb,
				       struct net_device *dev)

/* Ethertype version */
static const struct dsa_device_ops rtl8_4_netdev_ops =;



/* Tail version */
static const struct dsa_device_ops rtl8_4t_netdev_ops =;



static struct dsa_tag_driver *dsa_tag_drivers[] =;