
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
 * SCMI Message Protocol driver header
 * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 ARM Ltd.


#include <linux/bitfield.h>
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/notifier.h>
#include <linux/types.h>


 * struct scmi_revision_info - version information structure
 * @major_ver: Major ABI version. Change here implies risk of backward
 *	compatibility break.
 * @minor_ver: Minor ABI version. Change here implies new feature addition,
 *	or compatible change in ABI.
 * @num_protocols: Number of protocols that are implemented, excluding the
 *	base protocol.
 * @num_agents: Number of agents in the system.
 * @impl_ver: A vendor-specific implementation version.
 * @vendor_id: A vendor identifier(Null terminated ASCII string)
 * @sub_vendor_id: A sub-vendor identifier(Null terminated ASCII string)
struct scmi_revision_info {};

struct scmi_clock_info {};

enum scmi_power_scale {};

struct scmi_handle;
struct scmi_device;
struct scmi_protocol_handle;

enum scmi_clock_oem_config {};

 * struct scmi_clk_proto_ops - represents the various operations provided
 *	by SCMI Clock Protocol
 * @count_get: get the count of clocks provided by SCMI
 * @info_get: get the information of the specified clock
 * @rate_get: request the current clock rate of a clock
 * @rate_set: set the clock rate of a clock
 * @enable: enables the specified clock
 * @disable: disables the specified clock
 * @state_get: get the status of the specified clock
 * @config_oem_get: get the value of an OEM specific clock config
 * @config_oem_set: set the value of an OEM specific clock config
 * @parent_get: get the parent id of a clk
 * @parent_set: set the parent of a clock
struct scmi_clk_proto_ops {};

struct scmi_perf_domain_info {};

 * struct scmi_perf_proto_ops - represents the various operations provided
 *	by SCMI Performance Protocol
 * @num_domains_get: gets the number of supported performance domains
 * @info_get: get the information of a performance domain
 * @limits_set: sets limits on the performance level of a domain
 * @limits_get: gets limits on the performance level of a domain
 * @level_set: sets the performance level of a domain
 * @level_get: gets the performance level of a domain
 * @transition_latency_get: gets the DVFS transition latency for a given device
 * @rate_limit_get: gets the minimum time (us) required between successive
 *	requests
 * @device_opps_add: adds all the OPPs for a given device
 * @freq_set: sets the frequency for a given device using sustained frequency
 *	to sustained performance level mapping
 * @freq_get: gets the frequency for a given device using sustained frequency
 *	to sustained performance level mapping
 * @est_power_get: gets the estimated power cost for a given performance domain
 *	at a given frequency
 * @fast_switch_possible: indicates if fast DVFS switching is possible or not
 *	for a given device
 * @fast_switch_rate_limit: gets the minimum time (us) required between
 *	successive fast_switching requests
 * @power_scale_mw_get: indicates if the power values provided are in milliWatts
 *	or in some other (abstract) scale
struct scmi_perf_proto_ops {};

 * struct scmi_power_proto_ops - represents the various operations provided
 *	by SCMI Power Protocol
 * @num_domains_get: get the count of power domains provided by SCMI
 * @name_get: gets the name of a power domain
 * @state_set: sets the power state of a power domain
 * @state_get: gets the power state of a power domain
struct scmi_power_proto_ops {};

 * struct scmi_sensor_reading  - represent a timestamped read
 * Used by @reading_get_timestamped method.
 * @value: The signed value sensor read.
 * @timestamp: An unsigned timestamp for the sensor read, as provided by
 *	       SCMI platform. Set to zero when not available.
struct scmi_sensor_reading {};

 * struct scmi_range_attrs  - specifies a sensor or axis values' range
 * @min_range: The minimum value which can be represented by the sensor/axis.
 * @max_range: The maximum value which can be represented by the sensor/axis.
struct scmi_range_attrs {};

 * struct scmi_sensor_axis_info  - describes one sensor axes
 * @id: The axes ID.
 * @type: Axes type. Chosen amongst one of @enum scmi_sensor_class.
 * @scale: Power-of-10 multiplier applied to the axis unit.
 * @name: NULL-terminated string representing axes name as advertised by
 *	  SCMI platform.
 * @extended_attrs: Flag to indicate the presence of additional extended
 *		    attributes for this axes.
 * @resolution: Extended attribute representing the resolution of the axes.
 *		Set to 0 if not reported by this axes.
 * @exponent: Extended attribute representing the power-of-10 multiplier that
 *	      is applied to the resolution field. Set to 0 if not reported by
 *	      this axes.
 * @attrs: Extended attributes representing minimum and maximum values
 *	   measurable by this axes. Set to 0 if not reported by this sensor.
struct scmi_sensor_axis_info {};

 * struct scmi_sensor_intervals_info  - describes number and type of available
 *	update intervals
 * @segmented: Flag for segmented intervals' representation. When True there
 *	       will be exactly 3 intervals in @desc, with each entry
 *	       representing a member of a segment in this order:
 *	       {lowest update interval, highest update interval, step size}
 * @count: Number of intervals described in @desc.
 * @desc: Array of @count interval descriptor bitmask represented as detailed in
 *	  the SCMI specification: it can be accessed using the accompanying
 *	  macros.
 * @prealloc_pool: A minimal preallocated pool of desc entries used to avoid
 *		   lesser-than-64-bytes dynamic allocation for small @count
 *		   values.
struct scmi_sensor_intervals_info {};

 * struct scmi_sensor_info - represents information related to one of the
 * available sensors.
 * @id: Sensor ID.
 * @type: Sensor type. Chosen amongst one of @enum scmi_sensor_class.
 * @scale: Power-of-10 multiplier applied to the sensor unit.
 * @num_trip_points: Number of maximum configurable trip points.
 * @async: Flag for asynchronous read support.
 * @update: Flag for continuouos update notification support.
 * @timestamped: Flag for timestamped read support.
 * @tstamp_scale: Power-of-10 multiplier applied to the sensor timestamps to
 *		  represent it in seconds.
 * @num_axis: Number of supported axis if any. Reported as 0 for scalar sensors.
 * @axis: Pointer to an array of @num_axis descriptors.
 * @intervals: Descriptor of available update intervals.
 * @sensor_config: A bitmask reporting the current sensor configuration as
 *		   detailed in the SCMI specification: it can accessed and
 *		   modified through the accompanying macros.
 * @name: NULL-terminated string representing sensor name as advertised by
 *	  SCMI platform.
 * @extended_scalar_attrs: Flag to indicate the presence of additional extended
 *			   attributes for this sensor.
 * @sensor_power: Extended attribute representing the average power
 *		  consumed by the sensor in microwatts (uW) when it is active.
 *		  Reported here only for scalar sensors.
 *		  Set to 0 if not reported by this sensor.
 * @resolution: Extended attribute representing the resolution of the sensor.
 *		Reported here only for scalar sensors.
 *		Set to 0 if not reported by this sensor.
 * @exponent: Extended attribute representing the power-of-10 multiplier that is
 *	      applied to the resolution field.
 *	      Reported here only for scalar sensors.
 *	      Set to 0 if not reported by this sensor.
 * @scalar_attrs: Extended attributes representing minimum and maximum
 *		  measurable values by this sensor.
 *		  Reported here only for scalar sensors.
 *		  Set to 0 if not reported by this sensor.
struct scmi_sensor_info {};

 * Partial list from Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) specification:
 * DSP0249 (Platform Level Data Model specification)
enum scmi_sensor_class {};

 * struct scmi_sensor_proto_ops - represents the various operations provided
 *	by SCMI Sensor Protocol
 * @count_get: get the count of sensors provided by SCMI
 * @info_get: get the information of the specified sensor
 * @trip_point_config: selects and configures a trip-point of interest
 * @reading_get: gets the current value of the sensor
 * @reading_get_timestamped: gets the current value and timestamp, when
 *			     available, of the sensor. (as of v3.0 spec)
 *			     Supports multi-axis sensors for sensors which
 *			     supports it and if the @reading array size of
 *			     @count entry equals the sensor num_axis
 * @config_get: Get sensor current configuration
 * @config_set: Set sensor current configuration
struct scmi_sensor_proto_ops {};

 * struct scmi_reset_proto_ops - represents the various operations provided
 *	by SCMI Reset Protocol
 * @num_domains_get: get the count of reset domains provided by SCMI
 * @name_get: gets the name of a reset domain
 * @latency_get: gets the reset latency for the specified reset domain
 * @reset: resets the specified reset domain
 * @assert: explicitly assert reset signal of the specified reset domain
 * @deassert: explicitly deassert reset signal of the specified reset domain
struct scmi_reset_proto_ops {};

enum scmi_voltage_level_mode {};

 * struct scmi_voltage_info - describe one available SCMI Voltage Domain
 * @id: the domain ID as advertised by the platform
 * @segmented: defines the layout of the entries of array @levels_uv.
 *	       - when True the entries are to be interpreted as triplets,
 *	         each defining a segment representing a range of equally
 *	         space voltages: <lowest_volts>, <highest_volt>, <step_uV>
 *	       - when False the entries simply represent a single discrete
 *	         supported voltage level
 * @negative_volts_allowed: True if any of the entries of @levels_uv represent
 *			    a negative voltage.
 * @async_level_set: True when the voltage domain supports asynchronous level
 *		     set commands.
 * @name: name assigned to the Voltage Domain by platform
 * @num_levels: number of total entries in @levels_uv.
 * @levels_uv: array of entries describing the available voltage levels for
 *	       this domain.
struct scmi_voltage_info {};

 * struct scmi_voltage_proto_ops - represents the various operations provided
 * by SCMI Voltage Protocol
 * @num_domains_get: get the count of voltage domains provided by SCMI
 * @info_get: get the information of the specified domain
 * @config_set: set the config for the specified domain
 * @config_get: get the config of the specified domain
 * @level_set: set the voltage level for the specified domain
 * @level_get: get the voltage level of the specified domain
struct scmi_voltage_proto_ops {};

 * struct scmi_powercap_info  - Describe one available Powercap domain
 * @id: Domain ID as advertised by the platform.
 * @notify_powercap_cap_change: CAP change notification support.
 * @notify_powercap_measurement_change: MEASUREMENTS change notifications
 *				       support.
 * @async_powercap_cap_set: Asynchronous CAP set support.
 * @powercap_cap_config: CAP configuration support.
 * @powercap_monitoring: Monitoring (measurements) support.
 * @powercap_pai_config: PAI configuration support.
 * @powercap_scale_mw: Domain reports power data in milliwatt units.
 * @powercap_scale_uw: Domain reports power data in microwatt units.
 *		       Note that, when both @powercap_scale_mw and
 *		       @powercap_scale_uw are set to false, the domain
 *		       reports power data on an abstract linear scale.
 * @name: name assigned to the Powercap Domain by platform.
 * @min_pai: Minimum configurable PAI.
 * @max_pai: Maximum configurable PAI.
 * @pai_step: Step size between two consecutive PAI values.
 * @min_power_cap: Minimum configurable CAP.
 * @max_power_cap: Maximum configurable CAP.
 * @power_cap_step: Step size between two consecutive CAP values.
 * @sustainable_power: Maximum sustainable power consumption for this domain
 *		       under normal conditions.
 * @accuracy: The accuracy with which the power is measured and reported in
 *	      integral multiples of 0.001 percent.
 * @parent_id: Identifier of the containing parent power capping domain, or the
 *	       value 0xFFFFFFFF if this powercap domain is a root domain not
 *	       contained in any other domain.
struct scmi_powercap_info {};

 * struct scmi_powercap_proto_ops - represents the various operations provided
 * by SCMI Powercap Protocol
 * @num_domains_get: get the count of powercap domains provided by SCMI.
 * @info_get: get the information for the specified domain.
 * @cap_get: get the current CAP value for the specified domain.
 *	     On SCMI platforms supporting powercap zone disabling, this could
 *	     report a zero value for a zone where powercapping is disabled.
 * @cap_set: set the CAP value for the specified domain to the provided value;
 *	     if the domain supports setting the CAP with an asynchronous command
 *	     this request will finally trigger an asynchronous transfer, but, if
 *	     @ignore_dresp here is set to true, this call will anyway return
 *	     immediately without waiting for the related delayed response.
 *	     Note that the powercap requested value must NOT be zero, even if
 *	     the platform supports disabling a powercap by setting its cap to
 *	     zero (since SCMI v3.2): there are dedicated operations that should
 *	     be used for that. (@cap_enable_set/get)
 * @cap_enable_set: enable or disable the powercapping on the specified domain,
 *		    if supported by the SCMI platform implementation.
 *		    Note that, by the SCMI specification, the platform can
 *		    silently ignore our disable request and decide to enforce
 *		    anyway some other powercap value requested by another agent
 *		    on the system: for this reason @cap_get and @cap_enable_get
 *		    will always report the final platform view of the powercaps.
 * @cap_enable_get: get the current CAP enable status for the specified domain.
 * @pai_get: get the current PAI value for the specified domain.
 * @pai_set: set the PAI value for the specified domain to the provided value.
 * @measurements_get: retrieve the current average power measurements for the
 *		      specified domain and the related PAI upon which is
 *		      calculated.
 * @measurements_threshold_set: set the desired low and high power thresholds
 *				to be used when registering for notification
 *				of type POWERCAP_MEASUREMENTS_NOTIFY with this
 *				powercap domain.
 *				Note that this must be called at least once
 *				before registering any callback with the usual
 *				@scmi_notify_ops; moreover, in case this method
 *				is called with measurement notifications already
 *				enabled it will also trigger, transparently, a
 *				proper update of the power thresholds configured
 *				in the SCMI backend server.
 * @measurements_threshold_get: get the currently configured low and high power
 *				thresholds used when registering callbacks for
struct scmi_powercap_proto_ops {};

enum scmi_pinctrl_selector_type {};

enum scmi_pinctrl_conf_type {};

 * struct scmi_pinctrl_proto_ops - represents the various operations provided
 * by SCMI Pinctrl Protocol
 * @count_get: returns count of the registered elements in given type
 * @name_get: returns name by index of given type
 * @group_pins_get: returns the set of pins, assigned to the specified group
 * @function_groups_get: returns the set of groups, assigned to the specified
 *	function
 * @mux_set: set muxing function for groups of pins
 * @settings_get_one: returns one configuration parameter for pin or group
 *	specified by config_type
 * @settings_get_all: returns all configuration parameters for pin or group
 * @settings_conf: sets the configuration parameter for pin or group
 * @pin_request: aquire pin before selecting mux setting
 * @pin_free: frees pin, acquired by request_pin call
struct scmi_pinctrl_proto_ops {};

 * struct scmi_notify_ops  - represents notifications' operations provided by
 * SCMI core
 * @devm_event_notifier_register: Managed registration of a notifier_block for
 *				  the requested event
 * @devm_event_notifier_unregister: Managed unregistration of a notifier_block
 *				    for the requested event
 * @event_notifier_register: Register a notifier_block for the requested event
 * @event_notifier_unregister: Unregister a notifier_block for the requested
 *			       event
 * A user can register/unregister its own notifier_block against the wanted
 * platform instance regarding the desired event identified by the
 * tuple: (proto_id, evt_id, src_id) using the provided register/unregister
 * interface where:
 * @sdev: The scmi_device to use when calling the devres managed ops devm_
 * @handle: The handle identifying the platform instance to use, when not
 *	    calling the managed ops devm_
 * @proto_id: The protocol ID as in SCMI Specification
 * @evt_id: The message ID of the desired event as in SCMI Specification
 * @src_id: A pointer to the desired source ID if different sources are
 *	    possible for the protocol (like domain_id, sensor_id...etc)
 * @src_id can be provided as NULL if it simply does NOT make sense for
 * the protocol at hand, OR if the user is explicitly interested in
 * receiving notifications from ANY existent source associated to the
 * specified proto_id / evt_id.
 * Received notifications are finally delivered to the registered users,
 * invoking the callback provided with the notifier_block *nb as follows:
 *	int user_cb(nb, evt_id, report)
 * with:
 * @nb: The notifier block provided by the user
 * @evt_id: The message ID of the delivered event
 * @report: A custom struct describing the specific event delivered
struct scmi_notify_ops {};

 * struct scmi_handle - Handle returned to ARM SCMI clients for usage.
 * @dev: pointer to the SCMI device
 * @version: pointer to the structure containing SCMI version information
 * @devm_protocol_acquire: devres managed method to get hold of a protocol,
 *			   causing its initialization and related resource
 *			   accounting
 * @devm_protocol_get: devres managed method to acquire a protocol and get specific
 *		       operations and a dedicated protocol handler
 * @devm_protocol_put: devres managed method to release a protocol
 * @is_transport_atomic: method to check if the underlying transport for this
 *			 instance handle is configured to support atomic
 *			 transactions for commands.
 *			 Some users of the SCMI stack in the upper layers could
 *			 be interested to know if they can assume SCMI
 *			 command transactions associated to this handle will
 *			 never sleep and act accordingly.
 *			 An optional atomic threshold value could be returned
 *			 where configured.
 * @notify_ops: pointer to set of notifications related operations
struct scmi_handle {};

enum scmi_std_protocol {};

enum scmi_system_events {};

struct scmi_device {};

#define to_scmi_dev(d)

struct scmi_device_id {};

struct scmi_driver {};

#define to_scmi_driver(d)

int scmi_driver_register(struct scmi_driver *driver,
			 struct module *owner, const char *mod_name);
void scmi_driver_unregister(struct scmi_driver *driver);
static inline int
scmi_driver_register(struct scmi_driver *driver, struct module *owner,
		     const char *mod_name)
	return -EINVAL;

static inline void scmi_driver_unregister(struct scmi_driver *driver) {}

#define scmi_register(driver)
#define scmi_unregister(driver)

 * module_scmi_driver() - Helper macro for registering a scmi driver
 * @__scmi_driver: scmi_driver structure
 * Helper macro for scmi drivers to set up proper module init / exit
 * functions.  Replaces module_init() and module_exit() and keeps people from
 * printing pointless things to the kernel log when their driver is loaded.
#define module_scmi_driver(__scmi_driver)

 * module_scmi_protocol() - Helper macro for registering a scmi protocol
 * @__scmi_protocol: scmi_protocol structure
 * Helper macro for scmi drivers to set up proper module init / exit
 * functions.  Replaces module_init() and module_exit() and keeps people from
 * printing pointless things to the kernel log when their driver is loaded.
#define module_scmi_protocol(__scmi_protocol)

struct scmi_protocol;
int scmi_protocol_register(const struct scmi_protocol *proto);
void scmi_protocol_unregister(const struct scmi_protocol *proto);

/* SCMI Notification API - Custom Event Reports */
enum scmi_notification_events {};

struct scmi_power_state_changed_report {};

struct scmi_clock_rate_notif_report {};

struct scmi_system_power_state_notifier_report {};

struct scmi_perf_limits_report {};

struct scmi_perf_level_report {};

struct scmi_sensor_trip_point_report {};

struct scmi_sensor_update_report {};

struct scmi_reset_issued_report {};

struct scmi_base_error_report {};

struct scmi_powercap_cap_changed_report {};

struct scmi_powercap_meas_changed_report {};