
 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.


#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>




#define ngx_string(str)
#define ngx_null_string
#define ngx_str_set(str, text)
#define ngx_str_null(str)

#define ngx_tolower(c)
#define ngx_toupper(c)

void ngx_strlow(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t n);

#define ngx_strncmp(s1, s2, n)

/* msvc and icc7 compile strcmp() to inline loop */
#define ngx_strcmp(s1, s2)

#define ngx_strstr(s1, s2)
#define ngx_strlen(s)

size_t ngx_strnlen(u_char *p, size_t n);

#define ngx_strchr(s1, c)

static ngx_inline u_char *
ngx_strlchr(u_char *p, u_char *last, u_char c)

 * msvc and icc7 compile memset() to the inline "rep stos"
 * while ZeroMemory() and bzero() are the calls.
 * icc7 may also inline several mov's of a zeroed register for small blocks.
#define ngx_memzero(buf, n)
#define ngx_memset(buf, c, n)

void ngx_explicit_memzero(void *buf, size_t n);


void *ngx_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t n);
#define ngx_cpymem


 * gcc3, msvc, and icc7 compile memcpy() to the inline "rep movs".
 * gcc3 compiles memcpy(d, s, 4) to the inline "mov"es.
 * icc8 compile memcpy(d, s, 4) to the inline "mov"es or XMM moves.
#define ngx_memcpy(dst, src, n)
#define ngx_cpymem(dst, src, n)


#if ( __INTEL_COMPILER >= 800 )

 * the simple inline cycle copies the variable length strings up to 16
 * bytes faster than icc8 autodetecting _intel_fast_memcpy()

static ngx_inline u_char *
ngx_copy(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t len)
    if (len < 17) {

        while (len) {
            *dst++ = *src++;

        return dst;

    } else {
        return ngx_cpymem(dst, src, len);


#define ngx_copy


#define ngx_memmove(dst, src, n)
#define ngx_movemem(dst, src, n)

/* msvc and icc7 compile memcmp() to the inline loop */
#define ngx_memcmp(s1, s2, n)

u_char *ngx_cpystrn(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t n);
u_char *ngx_pstrdup(ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_str_t *src);
u_char * ngx_cdecl ngx_sprintf(u_char *buf, const char *fmt, ...);
u_char * ngx_cdecl ngx_snprintf(u_char *buf, size_t max, const char *fmt, ...);
u_char * ngx_cdecl ngx_slprintf(u_char *buf, u_char *last, const char *fmt,
u_char *ngx_vslprintf(u_char *buf, u_char *last, const char *fmt, va_list args);
#define ngx_vsnprintf(buf, max, fmt, args)

ngx_int_t ngx_strcasecmp(u_char *s1, u_char *s2);
ngx_int_t ngx_strncasecmp(u_char *s1, u_char *s2, size_t n);

u_char *ngx_strnstr(u_char *s1, char *s2, size_t n);

u_char *ngx_strstrn(u_char *s1, char *s2, size_t n);
u_char *ngx_strcasestrn(u_char *s1, char *s2, size_t n);
u_char *ngx_strlcasestrn(u_char *s1, u_char *last, u_char *s2, size_t n);

ngx_int_t ngx_rstrncmp(u_char *s1, u_char *s2, size_t n);
ngx_int_t ngx_rstrncasecmp(u_char *s1, u_char *s2, size_t n);
ngx_int_t ngx_memn2cmp(u_char *s1, u_char *s2, size_t n1, size_t n2);
ngx_int_t ngx_dns_strcmp(u_char *s1, u_char *s2);
ngx_int_t ngx_filename_cmp(u_char *s1, u_char *s2, size_t n);

ngx_int_t ngx_atoi(u_char *line, size_t n);
ngx_int_t ngx_atofp(u_char *line, size_t n, size_t point);
ssize_t ngx_atosz(u_char *line, size_t n);
off_t ngx_atoof(u_char *line, size_t n);
time_t ngx_atotm(u_char *line, size_t n);
ngx_int_t ngx_hextoi(u_char *line, size_t n);

u_char *ngx_hex_dump(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t len);

#define ngx_base64_encoded_length(len)
#define ngx_base64_decoded_length(len)

void ngx_encode_base64(ngx_str_t *dst, ngx_str_t *src);
void ngx_encode_base64url(ngx_str_t *dst, ngx_str_t *src);
ngx_int_t ngx_decode_base64(ngx_str_t *dst, ngx_str_t *src);
ngx_int_t ngx_decode_base64url(ngx_str_t *dst, ngx_str_t *src);

uint32_t ngx_utf8_decode(u_char **p, size_t n);
size_t ngx_utf8_length(u_char *p, size_t n);
u_char *ngx_utf8_cpystrn(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t n, size_t len);



uintptr_t ngx_escape_uri(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t size,
    ngx_uint_t type);
void ngx_unescape_uri(u_char **dst, u_char **src, size_t size, ngx_uint_t type);
uintptr_t ngx_escape_html(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t size);
uintptr_t ngx_escape_json(u_char *dst, u_char *src, size_t size);


void ngx_str_rbtree_insert_value(ngx_rbtree_node_t *temp,
    ngx_rbtree_node_t *node, ngx_rbtree_node_t *sentinel);
ngx_str_node_t *ngx_str_rbtree_lookup(ngx_rbtree_t *rbtree, ngx_str_t *name,
    uint32_t hash);

void ngx_sort(void *base, size_t n, size_t size,
    ngx_int_t (*cmp)(const void *, const void *));
#define ngx_qsort

#define ngx_value_helper(n)
#define ngx_value(n)

#endif /* _NGX_STRING_H_INCLUDED_ */