// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/power/power_status.h"
namespace ash {
// A fake implementation of `PowerStatus`. Used for mocking in the status
// area internals testing page.
class ASH_EXPORT FakePowerStatus : public PowerStatus {
FakePowerStatus(const FakePowerStatus&) = delete;
FakePowerStatus& operator=(const FakePowerStatus&) = delete;
~FakePowerStatus() override;
// Sets whether the battery is present.
void SetIsBatteryPresent(bool present);
// Sets whether the battery saver mode is currently active.
void SetIsBatterySaverActive(bool active);
// Sets whether line power (including a charger of any type) is connected.
void SetIsLinePowerConnected(bool connected);
// Sets whether a USB Charger is connected.
void SetIsUsbChargerConnected(bool connected);
// Sets the battery's remaining charge as a value in the range [0.0, 100.0]
void SetBatteryPercent(double percent);
// Sets the conditions for the battery to not display any icons (default).
void SetDefaultState();
// PowerStatus:
bool IsBatteryPresent() const override;
bool IsBatterySaverActive() const override;
bool IsLinePowerConnected() const override;
bool IsUsbChargerConnected() const override;
double GetBatteryPercent() const override;
double battery_percent_ = 50;
bool is_battery_present_ = true;
bool is_battery_saver_active_ = false;
bool is_line_power_connected_ = false;
bool is_usb_charger_connected_ = false;
} // namespace ash