// Copyright 2010 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// First check to see if this document is a feed. If so, it will redirect.
// Otherwise, check if it has embedded feed links, such as:
// (<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" etc). If so, show the
// page action icon.
debugMsg(logLevels.info, "Running feed finder script");
if (!isFeedDocument()) {
debugMsg(logLevels.info, "Document is not a feed, check for <link> tags.");
// See if the document contains a <link> tag within the <head> and
// whether that points to an RSS feed.
function findFeedLinks() {
// Find all the RSS link elements.
var result = document.evaluate(
'//*[local-name()="link"][contains(@rel, "alternate")] ' +
'[contains(@type, "rss") or contains(@type, "atom") or ' +
'contains(@type, "rdf")]', document, null, 0, null);
var feeds = [];
var item;
var count = 0;
while (item = result.iterateNext()) {
feeds.push({"href": item.href, "title": item.title});
if (count > 0) {
// Notify the extension needs to show the RSS page action icon.
chrome.extension.sendMessage({msg: "feedIcon", feeds: feeds});
// Check to see if the current document is a feed delivered as plain text,
// which Chrome does for some mime types, or a feed wrapped in an html.
function isFeedDocument() {
var body = document.body;
debugMsg(logLevels.info, "Checking if document is feed");
var soleTagInBody = "";
if (body && body.childElementCount == 1) {
soleTagInBody = body.children[0].tagName;
debugMsg(logLevels.info, "The sole tag in the body is: " + soleTagInBody);
// Some feeds show up as feed tags within the BODY tag, for example some
// ComputerWorld feeds. We cannot check for this at document_start since
// the body tag hasn't been defined at that time (contains only HTML element
// with no children).
if (soleTagInBody == "RSS" || soleTagInBody == "FEED" ||
soleTagInBody == "RDF") {
debugMsg(logLevels.info, "Found feed: Tag is: " + soleTagInBody);
chrome.extension.sendMessage({msg: "feedDocument", href: location.href});
return true;
// Chrome renders some content types like application/rss+xml and
// application/atom+xml as text/plain, resulting in a body tag with one
// PRE child containing the XML. So, we attempt to parse it as XML and look
// for RSS tags within.
if (soleTagInBody == "PRE") {
debugMsg(logLevels.info, "Found feed: Wrapped in PRE");
var domParser = new DOMParser();
var doc = domParser.parseFromString(body.textContent, "text/xml");
if (currentLogLevel >= logLevels.error) {
var error = doc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror");
if (error.length)
debugMsg(logLevels.error, 'error: ' + doc.childNodes[0].outerHTML);
// |doc| now contains the parsed document within the PRE tag.
if (containsFeed(doc)) {
// Let the extension know that we should show the subscribe page.
chrome.extension.sendMessage({msg: "feedDocument", href: location.href});
return true;
debugMsg(logLevels.info, "Exiting: feed is not a feed document");
return false;