// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Grab the querystring, removing question mark at the front and splitting on
// the ampersand.
var queryString = location.search.substring(1).split("&");
// The feed URL is the first component and always present.
var feedUrl = decodeURIComponent(queryString[0]);
// This extension's ID.
var extension_id = chrome.i18n.getMessage("@@extension_id");
// The XMLHttpRequest object that tries to load and parse the feed, and (if
// testing) also the style sheet and the frame js.
var req;
// Depending on whether this is run from a test or from the extension, this
// will either be a link to the css file within the extension or contain the
// contents of the style sheet, fetched through XmlHttpRequest.
var styleSheet = "";
// Depending on whether this is run from a test or from the extension, this
// will either be a link to the js file within the extension or contain the
// contents of the style sheet, fetched through XmlHttpRequest.
var frameScript = "";
// What to show when we cannot parse the feed name.
var unknownName = chrome.i18n.getMessage("rss_subscription_unknown_feed_name");
// A list of feed readers, populated by localStorage if available, otherwise
// hard coded.
var feedReaderList;
// The token to use during communications with the iframe.
var token = "";
// Navigates to the reader of the user's choice (for subscribing to the feed).
function navigate() {
var select = document.getElementById('readerDropdown');
var url =
"%s", encodeURIComponent(feedUrl));
// Before we navigate, see if we want to skip this step in the future...
if (storageEnabled) {
// See if the user wants to always use this reader.
var alwaysUse = document.getElementById('alwaysUse');
if (alwaysUse.checked) {
window.localStorage.defaultReader =
window.localStorage.showPreviewPage = "No";
document.location = url;
* The main function. Sets up the selection list for possible readers and
* fetches the data.
function main() {
if (storageEnabled && window.localStorage.readerList)
feedReaderList = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.readerList);
if (!feedReaderList)
feedReaderList = defaultReaderList();
// Populate the list of readers.
var readerDropdown = document.getElementById('readerDropdown');
for (i = 0; i < feedReaderList.length; ++i) {
readerDropdown.options[i] = new Option(feedReaderList[i].description, i);
if (storageEnabled && isDefaultReader(feedReaderList[i].url))
readerDropdown.selectedIndex = i;
if (storageEnabled) {
// Add the "Manage..." entry to the dropdown and show the checkbox asking
// if we always want to use this reader in the future (skip the preview).
readerDropdown.options[i] =
new Option(chrome.i18n.getMessage("rss_subscription_manage_label"), "");
document.getElementById('alwaysUseSpan').style.display = "block";
// Set the token.
var tokenArray = new Uint32Array(4);
token = [].join.call(tokenArray);
styleSheet = "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" +
chrome.runtime.getURL("style.css") + "'>";
frameScript = window.domAutomationController !== undefined ? "<script src='" +
chrome.runtime.getURL("test_support.js") +
"'></" + "script>" : "";
frameScript += "<script src='" + chrome.runtime.getURL("iframe.js") +
"'></" + "script>";
// Now fetch the feed data.
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = handleResponse;
req.onerror = handleError;
req.open("GET", feedUrl, true);
// Not everyone sets the mime type correctly, which causes handleResponse
// to fail to XML parse the response text from the server. By forcing
// it to text/xml we avoid this.
document.getElementById('feedUrl').href = 'view-source:' + feedUrl;
// Sets the title for the feed.
function setFeedTitle(title) {
var titleTag = document.getElementById('title');
titleTag.textContent =
chrome.i18n.getMessage("rss_subscription_feed_for", title);
// Handles errors during the XMLHttpRequest.
function handleError() {
// Handles feed parsing errors.
function handleFeedParsingFailed(error) {
// The tests always expect an IFRAME, so add one showing the error.
var html = "<body><span id=\"error\" class=\"item_desc\">" + error +
if (window.domAutomationController) {
html += "<script src='" + chrome.runtime.getURL("test_send_error.js") +
"'></" + "script>";
var error_frame = createFrame('error', html);
var itemsTag = document.getElementById('items');
function createFrame(frame_id, html) {
var csp = '<meta http-equiv="content-security-policy" ' +
'content="object-src \'none\'; script-src \'self\'">';
frame = document.createElement('iframe');
frame.id = frame_id;
frame.name = "preview";
frame.sandbox = "allow-scripts";
frame.src = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<html>" + csp +
"<!--Token:" + extension_id + token +
"-->" + html + "</html>";
frame.scrolling = "auto";
frame.frameBorder = "0";
frame.marginWidth = "0";
return frame;
// Handles parsing the feed data we got back from XMLHttpRequest.
function handleResponse() {
// Uncomment these three lines to see what the feed data looks like.
// var itemsTag = document.getElementById('items');
// itemsTag.textContent = req.responseText;
// return;
var doc = req.responseXML;
if (!doc) {
// If the XMLHttpRequest object fails to parse the feed we make an attempt
// ourselves, because sometimes feeds have html/script code appended below a
// valid feed, which makes the feed invalid as a whole even though it is
// still parsable.
var domParser = new DOMParser();
doc = domParser.parseFromString(req.responseText, "text/xml");
if (!doc) {
// We must find at least one 'entry' or 'item' element before proceeding.
var entries = doc.getElementsByTagName('entry');
if (entries.length == 0)
entries = doc.getElementsByTagName('item');
if (entries.length == 0) {
// Figure out what the title of the whole feed is.
var title = doc.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];
if (title)
// Embed the iframe.
var itemsTag = document.getElementById('items');
// TODO(aa): Add base URL tag
iframe = createFrame('rss', styleSheet + frameScript);
* Handler for when selection changes.
function onSelectChanged() {
if (!storageEnabled)
var readerDropdown = document.getElementById('readerDropdown');
// If the last item (Manage...) was selected we show the options.
var oldSelection = readerDropdown.selectedIndex;
if (readerDropdown.selectedIndex == readerDropdown.length - 1)
window.location = "options.html";
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
document.title =
i18nReplaceImpl('feedUrl', 'rss_subscription_feed_link', '');
var dropdown = document.getElementById('readerDropdown');
dropdown.addEventListener('change', onSelectChanged);
var button = document.getElementById('rss_subscription_subscribe_button');
button.addEventListener('click', navigate);
window.addEventListener("message", function(e) {
if (e.ports[0] && e.data === token)
}, false);