<!doctype html>
html, body {
width: 0%;
height: 0%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
// Watch for the testing trigger_id for HaTS Next, defined on the browser
// side in hats_service.cc.
if (params.get('trigger_id') == 'HLpeYy5Av0ugnJ3q1cK0XzzA8UHv') {
// Check that the provided product specific data, and the provided
// preferred language, match the values defined in hats_browsertest.cc,
// if they do, provide a loaded response before closing.
const productSpecificData = JSON.parse(
const languages =
if (productSpecificData['Test Field 1'] === 'true' &&
productSpecificData['Test Field 2'] === 'false' &&
productSpecificData['Test Field 3'] === 'Test value' &&
languages.length == 1 && languages[0] == 'lt') {
history.pushState('', '', '#loaded');
history.pushState('', '', '#close');
if (params.get('trigger_id') == "close_for_testing") {
history.pushState('', '', '#close');
if (params.get('trigger_id') == "invalid_url_fragment_for_testing") {
history.pushState('', '', '#foo');
if (params.get('trigger_id') == "open_new_web_contents_for_testing"){
window.open('http://foo.com', '_blank');
history.pushState('', '', '#close');
if (params.get('trigger_id') == "resize_for_testing") {
// Size wrapping div element to a known size, with one dimension smaller
// than the by-default renderer-enforced minimum.
window.onload = function() {
const wrapper = document.querySelector('#surveyWrapper');
wrapper.setAttribute('style', 'width:70px; height:300px');
if (params.get('trigger_id') == "resize_to_large_for_testing") {
// Size wrapping div element larger than the maximum allowed by the HaTS
// Next dialog.
window.onload = function() {
const wrapper = document.querySelector('#surveyWrapper');
wrapper.setAttribute('style', 'width:1000px; height:1000px');
<div id="surveyWrapper"></div>