# How to generate installer test files
This README describes how to generate:
- test_chrome.7z
- test_chrome.packed.7z
- mini_installer.exe.test
- test_mini_installer_uncompressed.exe.test
These files are needed for mini_installer_unittest and unpack_archive_unittest
## Build the real mini_installers
On a windows machine, generate a new build directory, for this example:
gn args out\Default
When prompted, set the build arguments to the following:
is_component_build = false
target_cpu = "x86"
is_debug = false
# Required to build mini_installer_uncompressed:
Next, build the `mini_installer` and the `mini_installer_uncompressed` targets,
to produce a release build of `mini_installer.exe` and
autoninja -C out/Default mini_installer mini_installer_uncompressed
This will also build the *mini_installer_archive* target, which produces the
uncompressed `chrome.7z` and the compressed `chrome.packed.7z` contained in the
mini_installer binaries.
## Create the fake chrome archives
In order to reduce the size of the test files stored in the repository, replace
the files contained in `chrome.7z` with a file to verify the archives are
unpacked as expected, regardless of contents.
This can be done by opening a blank text file, and pasting the following string
as is without any new lines, null terminator, or preceding or trailing
Save this file as `test_data.txt` to a path you will use later.
Run the following commands to modify the archives using the 7zip commandline
utility 7za.exe provided in the repository:
:: Delete all the files within chrome.7z
"{chromium source dir}\third_party\lzma_sdk\bin\host_platform\7za.exe" d ^
"{chromium source dir}\out\Default\chrome.7z" * -r
:: Delete all the files within chrome.packed.7z
"{chromium source dir}\third_party\lzma_sdk\bin\host_platform\7za.exe" d ^
"{chromium source dir}\out\Default\chrome.packed.7z" * -r
:: Add the test_data.txt to the chrome.7z
"{chromium source dir}\third_party\lzma_sdk\bin\host_platform\7za.exe" a ^
"{chromium source dir}\out\Default\chrome.7z" "{path}\{to}\test_data.txt"
:: Add the chrome.7z to the chrome.packed.7z
"{chromium source dir}\third_party\lzma_sdk\bin\host_platform\7za.exe" a ^
"{chromium source dir}\out\Default\chrome.packed.7z" ^
"{chromium source dir}\out\Default\chrome.7z"
Retain the modified `chrome.7z` and `chrome.packed.7z` for later.
## Create the fake setup binaries
Next, create a fake `SETUP.EXE`. This can be done by opening a blank text file,
and pasting the following string as is without any new lines, null terminator,
or preceding or trailing whitespace:
Save this file as `SETUP.EXE`.
Take the fake `SETUP.EXE` and use it to produce the fake compressed `SETUP.EX_`
cab using windows `makecab` tool:
makecab "{input}\{path}\SETUP.EXE" "{output}\{path}\SETUP.EX_"
Save the fake, compressed `SETUP.EX_` for later.
## Create the fake component resource
Next, open a blank text file and paste the following string as is without any
new lines, null terminator, or preceding or trailing whitespace:
Save the file as `bdresources.txt` for later.
## Modify the mini_installer executable resources
Next, open Visual Studio, and create a new project/solution.
*NOTE: This project won't actually be needed after modifying the resources,
but it's important to note that if `mini_installer.exe` is opened as a
`project/solution`, it does not give provide the opportunity to modify the
Select `File > Open > File...` and select the `out\Default\mini_installer.exe`
that was built above, which will present visual studio's resource viewer.
This allows for a developer edit the existing resources.
To finish producing the fake mini_installers, a developer will need to replace
and add a few resources in order to prepare these fake mini_installers for
For example, for the `mini_installer.exe`, the developer will need to replace
the resource located at `mini_installer.exe/"B7"/CHROME.PACKED.7Z` with the fake
`CHROME.PACKED.7Z` produced above.
This can be done by right-clicking anywhere on the `mini_installer.exe` resource
directory view, and then selecting `Add Resource` from the drop-down menu.
In the menu that appears, click the `Import...` button which will open a file
explorer. In the file explorer menu, make sure that `All Files (*.*)` filter is
selected, as the default `Bitmaps` will filter out the relevant files.
Navigate to the file that will be imported--in this case, the fake
`chrome.packed.7z` archive--select it and click the `Open` button.
In the `Custom Resource Type` type in the desired resource type with quotes
(`"B7"` for LZMA compressed resources, `"BL"` for LZC compressed resources,
`"BN"` for uncompressed resources, or `"BD"` for component resources), in
this case `"B7"`, and click `OK`.
This opens the file in visual studio as an `*.RCDATA` file. hit `Ctrl + S` or
manually save this file to create the resource and return to the
`mini_installer.exe` tab to see the resource has been created, but with a
resource name set to some integer, let's assume `101`.
If a resource is being added, which should be the case for `"BD"` resources for
component builds, simply continue on to the next step. If a resource is being
replaced, take a note of the exact name of the original resource ID for the
resource to be replaced, right-click and select `Delete` for the resource being
Click on the new resource, in this case `101`, and look for the ID field in the
`Custom Editor` panel on the right side of visual studio. If this is a resource
addition, replace this numerical ID with the original filename for the file you
imported *surrounded by quotes*. If this is a resource replacement, replace the
assigned numerical ID with the original name of the resource that was noted
above, *surrounded by quotes*. In this case, that would be `"CHROME.PACKED.7Z"`.
*NOTE: If the encapsulating quotes are not provided, visual studio will report
that this resource ID contains illegal characters and will refused to modify
For each executable, replace and add the resources as outlined below:
### mini_installer.exe resources
Replace `mini_installer.exe\"B7"\"CHROME.PACKED.7Z"`
with the modified `chrome.packed.7z` produced above.
Replace `mini_installer.exe\"BL"\"SETUP.EX_"`
with the newly compressed cab `SETUP.EX_`.
Add `mini_installer.exe\"BD"\"bdresource.txt"`
### mini_installer_uncompressed.exe resources
Replace `mini_installer_uncompressed.exe\"BN"\"CHROME.7Z"`
with the modified `chrome.7z` produced above.
Replace `mini_installer_uncompressed.exe\"BN"\"SETUP.EXE"`
with the uncompressed `SETUP.EXE` from above.
Add `mini_installer.exe\"BD"\"bdresource.txt"`
## Move and Rename the files
Now that all of the files are created, the last step is to move them to this
folder, `chrome\test\data\installer`, renaming the files as described below.
### File Produced -> Filename Expected by Tests
`mini_installer.exe` -> `mini_installer.exe.test`
`mini_installer_uncompressed.exe` -> `mini_installer_uncompressed.exe.test`
`chrome.7z` -> `test_chrome.7z`
`chrome.packed.7z` -> `test_chrome.packed.7z`
All other files created along the way to produce the above 4 packages can be
deleted as they are no longer needed.