<title>Initial Title</title>
var QueryString = function() {
// Allows access to query parameters on the URL; e.g., given a URL like:
// http://<server>/my.html?test=123&bob=123
// Parameters can then be accessed via QueryString.test or QueryString.bob.
var params = {};
// RegEx to split out values by &.
var r = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g;
// Lambda function for decoding extracted match values. Replaces '+' with
// space so decodeURIComponent functions properly.
function d(s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); }
var match;
while (match = r.exec(window.location.search.substring(1)))
params[d(match[1])] = d(match[2]);
return params;
var mimeType = QueryString.mimetype;
function inject() {
var child = document.createElement('div');
// Set data="foo" to make this content same-origin (so it's not throttled).
child.innerHTML = '<object type="' + mimeType + '" id="plugin" data="foo">' +
' <b>You should not see this text!</b>' +
// Plugins are loaded synchronously during layout, so the plugin has either
// been loaded or blocked at this point.
var plugin = document.getElementById('plugin');
try {
// All Pepper plugins support postMessage().
// If postMessage is undefined, the plugin is not loaded.
if (plugin.postMessage == undefined) {
document.title = 'Not Loaded';
// If we do not get an exception, the Pepper plugin is loaded.
document.title = 'Loaded';
} catch (e) {
var errorMessage = 'Unexpected Exception: ' + e.toString();
document.title = errorMessage;
<body onload='inject();'>
<div id='content'></div>