Script with javascript functions for creating and canceling notifications.
Also can be used to request permission for notifications.
// Array of all notifications this page has created.
var g_notifications = [];
// Whether the site has requested and been granted permission.
var g_permissionGranted = false;
// Currently active media stream.
var g_mediaStream = null;
// Creates a notification with a iconUrl, title, text, and tag.
// Returns an id for the notification, which can be used to cancel it with
// |cancelNotification|. If two notifications are created with the same
// tag, the second one should replace the first.
function createNotification(iconUrl, title, text, tag, onclick) {
var notification = new Notification(title, {
icon: iconUrl,
body: text,
tag: tag
notification.onclick = onclick;
return createNotificationHelper(notification, true);
// Cancels a notification with the given id. The notification must be showing,
// as opposed to waiting to be shown in the display queue.
// Returns '1' on success.
function cancelNotification(id) {
if (id < 0 || id > g_notifications.length) {
var errorMsg = "Attempted to cancel notification with invalid ID.\n" +
"ID: " + id + "\n# of notifications: " + g_notifications.length;
return sendResultToTest(errorMsg);
return new Promise(resolve => {
g_notifications[id].onclose = function() {
// Requests permission for this origin to create notifications. Immediately
// sends the result without waiting for callbacks to complete.
function requestPermissionAndRespond() {
return sendResultToTest('requested');
// Requests permission for this origin to create notifications. The result will
// be sent from the callback (permissionCallbackWithResponse);
function requestPermission() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// Checks the notification permission status. The result will be sent directly
// via permissionCallbackWithResponse.
function queryPermissionStatus() {
return sendResultToTest(Notification.permission);
// Callback for requestPermissionAndRespond. Will send the permission status to
// the test driver.
function permissionCallbackWithResponse(permissionStatus) {
if (permissionStatus === 'granted')
return sendResultToTest('request-callback-granted');
else if (permissionStatus === 'denied')
return sendResultToTest('request-callback-denied');
else if (permissionStatus === 'default')
return sendResultToTest('request-callback-default');
// Callback for requesting notification privileges.
function permissionCallbackNoResponse() {
g_permissionGranted = true;
// Starts a screen capture session and reports success to the test driver.
function startScreenCapture() {
return navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({video: true}).then((stream) => {
g_mediaStream = stream;
return sendResultToTest('success');
}).catch(() => {
return sendResultToTest('error');
// Stops a screen capture session and reports success to the test driver.
function stopScreenCapture() {
if (!g_mediaStream) {
return sendResultToTest('error');
for (const track of g_mediaStream.getTracks())
g_mediaStream = null;
return sendResultToTest('success');
// Helper function that adds a notification to |g_notifications| and shows
// it. The index of the notification is sent back to the test, or -1 is sent
// back on error. If |waitForDisplay| is true, the response will not be sent
// until the notification is actually displayed.
function createNotificationHelper(note, waitForDisplay) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
function sendNotificationIdToTest() {
resolve(sendResultToTest(g_notifications.length - 1));
if (waitForDisplay)
note.onshow = sendNotificationIdToTest;
note.onerror = function() {
if (!waitForDisplay)
// Sends a result back to the main test logic.
function sendResultToTest(result) {
// Convert the result to a string.
var stringResult = "" + result;
window.document.title = stringResult;
if (typeof stringResult != "string")
stringResult = JSON.stringify(result);
return stringResult;
This page is used for testing HTML5 notifications.