// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {ViewerThumbnailBarElement, ViewerThumbnailElement} from 'chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/pdf_viewer_wrapper.js';
import {ChangePageOrigin, PAINTED_ATTRIBUTE, PluginController} from 'chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai/pdf_viewer_wrapper.js';
import {keyDownOn} from 'chrome://webui-test/keyboard_mock_interactions.js';
import {eventToPromise, microtasksFinished, whenAttributeIs} from 'chrome://webui-test/test_util.js';
function createThumbnailBar(): ViewerThumbnailBarElement {
document.body.innerHTML = '';
const thumbnailBar = document.createElement('viewer-thumbnail-bar');
thumbnailBar.inTest = true;
return thumbnailBar;
function getTestThumbnailBarHeight(): number {
// Create a viewer-thumbnail element to get the standard height.
document.body.innerHTML = '';
const sizerThumbnail = document.createElement('viewer-thumbnail');
sizerThumbnail.pageNumber = 1;
return sizerThumbnail.offsetHeight;
function keydown(element: HTMLElement, key: string) {
keyDownOn(element, 0, [], key);
function whenThumbnailPainted(thumbnail: ViewerThumbnailElement):
Promise<void> {
return whenAttributeIs(thumbnail, PAINTED_ATTRIBUTE, '');
function whenThumbnailCleared(thumbnail: ViewerThumbnailElement):
Promise<void> {
return whenAttributeIs(thumbnail, PAINTED_ATTRIBUTE, null);
// Unit tests for the viewer-thumbnail-bar element.
const tests = [
// Test that the thumbnail bar has the correct number of thumbnails and
// correspond to the right pages.
async function testThumbnails() {
const testDocLength = 10;
const thumbnailBar = createThumbnailBar();
thumbnailBar.docLength = testDocLength;
await microtasksFinished();
// Test that the correct number of viewer-thumbnail elements was created.
const thumbnails =
chrome.test.assertEq(testDocLength, thumbnails.length);
function testNavigateThumbnail(
thumbnail: ViewerThumbnailElement,
expectedPageIndex: number): Promise<void> {
const whenChanged = eventToPromise('change-page', thumbnailBar);
return whenChanged.then(e => {
chrome.test.assertEq(expectedPageIndex, e.detail.page);
chrome.test.assertEq(ChangePageOrigin.THUMBNAIL, e.detail.origin);
// Test that each thumbnail has the correct page number and navigates to
// the corresponding page.
for (let i = 0; i < thumbnails.length; i++) {
const thumbnail = thumbnails[i]!;
chrome.test.assertEq(i + 1, thumbnail.pageNumber);
await testNavigateThumbnail(thumbnail, i);
async function testTriggerPaint() {
const thumbnailBarHeight = getTestThumbnailBarHeight();
// Clear HTML for just the thumbnail bar.
const testDocLength = 8;
const thumbnailBar = createThumbnailBar();
thumbnailBar.docLength = testDocLength;
// Set the height to one thumbnail. One thumbnail should be visible and
// another should be hidden by intersecting the observer.
thumbnailBar.style.height = `${thumbnailBarHeight}px`;
thumbnailBar.style.display = 'block';
// Remove any padding from the scroller.
const scroller = thumbnailBar.$.thumbnails!;
scroller.style.padding = '';
await microtasksFinished();
const thumbnails =
// Only two thumbnails should be "painted" upon load.
const whenRequestedPaintingFirst = [
await Promise.all(whenRequestedPaintingFirst);
chrome.test.assertEq(testDocLength, thumbnails.length);
for (let i = 0; i < thumbnails.length; i++) {
chrome.test.assertEq(i < 2, thumbnails[i]!.isPainted());
// Test that scrolling to the sixth thumbnail triggers 'paint-thumbnail'
// for thumbnails 3 through 7. When on the sixth thumbnail, five
// thumbnails above and one thumbnail below should also be painted because
// of the 500% top and 100% bottom root margins.
const whenRequestedPaintingNext = [];
for (let i = 2; i < 7; i++) {
const thumbnailHeight = thumbnailBarHeight + 24; // Including padding.
scroller.scrollTop = 5 * thumbnailHeight;
await Promise.all(whenRequestedPaintingNext);
// First seven thumbnails should be painted.
for (let i = 0; i < thumbnails.length; i++) {
chrome.test.assertEq(i < 7, thumbnails[i]!.isPainted());
// Test that scrolling down to the eighth thumbnail will clear the
// thumbnails outside the root margin, namely the first two. A paint
// should also be triggered for the eighth thumbnail.
const whenRequestedPaintingLast = [
scroller.scrollTop = 7 * thumbnailHeight;
await Promise.all(whenRequestedPaintingLast);
// Only first two thumbnails should not be painted.
for (let i = 0; i < thumbnails.length; i++) {
chrome.test.assertEq(i > 1, thumbnails[i]!.isPainted());
async function testThumbnailForwardFocus() {
const testDocLength = 10;
const thumbnailBar = createThumbnailBar();
thumbnailBar.docLength = testDocLength;
await microtasksFinished();
function waitForwardFocus(pageNumber: number): Promise<void> {
// Reset focus.
const toThumbnail = thumbnailBar.getThumbnailForPage(pageNumber)!;
const whenActiveThumbnailFocused = eventToPromise('focus', toThumbnail);
// Calling focus() on `thumbnailBar` in this test doesn't trigger the
// event listener, but manually dispatching an event does.
thumbnailBar.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focus'));
return whenActiveThumbnailFocused;
// When there's no active page, focus should forward to the first
// thumbnail.
await waitForwardFocus(1);
// When there's an active page, focus should forward to the thumbnail of
// the active page.
let activePage = 3;
thumbnailBar.activePage = activePage;
await waitForwardFocus(activePage);
activePage = 10;
thumbnailBar.activePage = activePage;
await waitForwardFocus(activePage);
async function testThumbnailUpDownFocus() {
const testDocLength = 2;
const thumbnailBar = createThumbnailBar();
thumbnailBar.docLength = testDocLength;
await microtasksFinished();
thumbnailBar.activePage = 1;
let whenChanged = eventToPromise('change-page', thumbnailBar);
keydown(thumbnailBar, 'ArrowDown');
let event = await whenChanged;
// The event contains the zero-based page index.
chrome.test.assertEq(1, event.detail.page);
thumbnailBar.activePage = 2;
whenChanged = eventToPromise('change-page', thumbnailBar);
keydown(thumbnailBar, 'ArrowUp');
event = await whenChanged;
// The event contains the zero-based page index.
chrome.test.assertEq(0, event.detail.page);
async function testThumbnailLeftRightSelect() {
const testDocLength = 2;
const thumbnailBar = createThumbnailBar();
thumbnailBar.docLength = testDocLength;
await microtasksFinished();
thumbnailBar.activePage = 1;
let whenChanged = eventToPromise('change-page', thumbnailBar);
keydown(thumbnailBar, 'ArrowRight');
let event = await whenChanged;
// The event contains the zero-based page index.
chrome.test.assertEq(1, event.detail.page);
thumbnailBar.activePage = 2;
whenChanged = eventToPromise('change-page', thumbnailBar);
keydown(thumbnailBar, 'ArrowLeft');
event = await whenChanged;
// The event contains the zero-based page index.
chrome.test.assertEq(0, event.detail.page);
async function testReactToNoPlugin() {
const thumbnailBar = createThumbnailBar();
thumbnailBar.docLength = 1;
// Deactivate the PluginController, causing the thumbnails to hide.
const pluginController = PluginController.getInstance();
pluginController.isActive = false;
await microtasksFinished();
const scroller = thumbnailBar.$.thumbnails;
const thumbnail =
const whenPaintTriggered = whenThumbnailPainted(thumbnail).then(() => {
// The thumbnail shouldn't paint when the controller is inactive.
if (!pluginController.isActive) {
// Give the test a chance to fail.
await microtasksFinished();
// The thumbnail should paint when reactivating the plugin.
pluginController.isActive = true;
await microtasksFinished();
await whenPaintTriggered;
// The thumbnail should clear when deactivating the plugin.
pluginController.isActive = false;
await microtasksFinished();
await whenThumbnailCleared(thumbnail);