// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "ui/message_center/message_center.h"
#include "ui/message_center/message_center_observer.h"
namespace message_center {
class NotificationViewController;
} // namespace message_center
namespace ash {
namespace {
class GroupedNotificationList;
} // namespace
class NotificationCenterTray;
// A controller class to manage adding, removing and updating group
// notifications.
class ASH_EXPORT NotificationGroupingController
: public message_center::MessageCenterObserver {
explicit NotificationGroupingController(
NotificationCenterTray* notification_tray);
NotificationGroupingController(const NotificationGroupingController& other) =
NotificationGroupingController& operator=(
const NotificationGroupingController& other) = delete;
~NotificationGroupingController() override;
// MessageCenterObserver:
void OnNotificationAdded(const std::string& notification_id) override;
void OnNotificationDisplayed(
const std::string& notification_id,
const message_center::DisplaySource source) override;
void OnNotificationRemoved(const std::string& notification_id,
bool by_user) override;
void OnNotificationUpdated(const std::string& notification_id) override;
// This is a callback which will be triggered after the "convert from single
// notification to group notification" animation is completed. This handles
// setting up the parent notification and add the child notification to its
// group.
void ConvertFromSingleToGroupNotificationAfterAnimation(
const std::string& notification_id,
std::string& parent_id,
message_center::Notification* parent_notification);
// Virtual for testing.
virtual message_center::NotificationViewController*
// Adds grouped child notifications that belong to a parent message
// view.
void PopulateGroupParent(const std::string& notification_id);
const std::string& GetParentIdForChildForTest(
const std::string& notification_id) const;
friend class NotificationGroupingControllerTest;
// Sets up a parent view to hold all message views for
// a grouped notification. Does this by creating a copy of the
// parent notification and switching the notification_ids of the
// current message view associated with the parent notification.
// Returns the new parent_id for the newly created copy.
const std::string& SetupParentNotification(
message_center::Notification* parent_notification,
const std::string& parent_id);
// Creates a copy notification that will act as a parent notification
// for its group.
std::unique_ptr<message_center::Notification> CreateCopyForParentNotification(
const message_center::Notification& parent_notification);
// Remove `notification_id` from `child_parent_map` and
// `notifications_in_parent_map` Also remove from it's parent notification's
// view if if the view currently exists.
void RemoveGroupedChild(const std::string& notification_id);
// Adds notification associated with `notification_id` to its corresponding
// group with `parent_id`.
void AddNotificationToGroup(const std::string& notification_id,
const std::string& parent_id);
// Update the pinned state for the parent notification. It should be pinned if
// at least one of its child is pinned.
void UpdateParentNotificationPinnedState(const std::string& parent_id);
// Check if `notification` had it's parent change. Subsequently, update the
// `grouped_notification_list_` to reflect any change in relationship.
void ReparentNotificationIfNecessary(
message_center::Notification* notification);
// Whether a grouped parent notification is being added to MessageCenter. Used
// to prevent an infinite loop.
bool adding_parent_grouped_notification_ = false;
// Owner of this class.
const raw_ptr<NotificationCenterTray, DanglingUntriaged> notification_tray_;
// A data structure that holds all grouped notifications along with their
// associations with their parent notifications. This pointer is assigned to a
// static global instance that is shared across all instances of
// `NotificationGroupingController`.
const raw_ptr<GroupedNotificationList> grouped_notification_list_;
base::ScopedObservation<message_center::MessageCenter, MessageCenterObserver>
} // namespace ash