# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script is used to generate an HFS file system with several types of
# files of different sizes.
set -eu
if [[ ! $FILESYSTEM_TYPE ]]; then
echo "Need to specify a filesystem type. See \`diskutil listfilesystems'."
exit 1
if [[ ! $RAMDISK_SIZE ]]; then
echo "Need to specify a volume size in bytes."
exit 1
if [[ ! $OUT_FILE ]]; then
echo "Need to specify a destination filename."
exit 1
RAMDISK_VOLUME=$(hdiutil attach -nomount ram://$RAMDISK_SIZE)
diskutil erasevolume "${FILESYSTEM_TYPE}" "${VOLUME_NAME}" ${RAMDISK_VOLUME}
diskutil mount ${RAMDISK_VOLUME}
pushd "/Volumes/${VOLUME_NAME}"
touch .metadata_never_index
mkdir -p first/second/third/fourth/fifth
pushd first
pushd second
pushd third
pushd fourth
pushd fifth
dd if=/dev/random of=random bs=1 count=768 &> /dev/null
popd # fourth
touch "Hello World"
touch "hEllo wOrld" # No-op on case-insensitive filesystem.
popd # third
ln -s fourth/fifth/random symlink-random
popd # second
# ditto has some logic to decide if it's worth compressing a file. 10,000 copies
# seems to be enough to trigger that logic consistently.
python3 -c "print('Poop'*10001)" > "${UNICODE_FILENAME}"
ditto --hfsCompression "${UNICODE_FILENAME}" goat-output.txt
popd # first
ln "second/${UNICODE_FILENAME}" unicode_name
popd # volume root
echo "This is a test HFS+ filesystem generated by" \
"chrome/test/data/safe_browsing/dmg/make_hfs.sh." > README.txt
popd # Original PWD
# Unmount the volume, copy the raw device to a file, and then destroy it.
diskutil unmount force ${RAMDISK_VOLUME}
dd if=${RAMDISK_VOLUME} of="${OUT_FILE}" &> /dev/null
diskutil eject ${RAMDISK_VOLUME}