# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This must match the commonName in codesign.cfg.
[email protected]
# Functions to add and remove codesigning identity to user's keychain. These
# are necessary since the codesign utility no longer supports the -k option,
# which reads the identity from a file.
pre-build = security import codesign.key && security import codesign.crt
post-build = security delete-identity -c [email protected]
executable32: src.c
clang -m32 -o $@ $^
executable64: src.c
clang -m64 -o $@ $^
executablefat: executable32 executable64
lipo -create -output $@ $^
lib32.dylib: src.c
clang -m32 -shared -o $@ $^
lib64.dylib: src.c
clang -m64 -shared -o $@ $^
libfat.dylib: lib64.dylib lib32.dylib
lipo -create -output $@ $^
openssl genrsa -out $@ 2048
codesign.csr: codesign.key codesign.cfg
openssl req -new -key $< -out $@ -config codesign.cfg
codesign.crt: codesign.csr codesign.key codesign.cfg
openssl x509 -req -signkey codesign.key -sha256 -days 9999 \
-extfile codesign.cfg -extensions req_attrs -in $< -out $@
signedexecutable32: executable32 codesign.crt
$(call pre-build)
cp $< $@
codesign -s $(KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY) $@
$(call post-build)
libsigned64.dylib: lib64.dylib codesign.crt
$(call pre-build)
cp $< $@
codesign -s $(KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY) $@
$(call post-build)
signedexecutablefat: executablefat codesign.crt
$(call pre-build)
cp $< $@
codesign -s $(KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY) $@ --all-architectures
$(call post-build)
signed-archive.dmg: test-bundle.app codesign.crt
$(call pre-build)
hdiutil create -srcfolder test-bundle.app -format UDZO -layout \
SPUD -volname "Signed Archive" -ov $@
codesign -s $(KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY) $@
$(call post-build)
zipped-app-two-executables-one-signed.zip: executablefat signedexecutablefat
ditto base-bundle.app app-with-executables.app
ditto $< app-with-executables.app/Contents/MacOS/
ditto $(word 2,$^) app-with-executables.app/Contents/MacOS/
zip -r $@ app-with-executables.app
rm -r app-with-executables.app
.PHONY: shell-script.app
$(call pre-build)
ditto base-bundle.app $@
mkdir $@/Contents/MacOS || true
echo 'echo "Hello world"' > $@/Contents/MacOS/test-bundle
codesign -f -s $(KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY) $@
$(call post-build)
.PHONY: test-bundle.app
test-bundle.app: signedexecutablefat libsigned64.dylib executable32
$(call pre-build)
ditto base-bundle.app $@
ditto $< $@/Contents/MacOS/test-bundle
ditto $(word 2,$^) $@/Contents/Frameworks/$(word 2,$^)
ditto $(word 3,$^) $@/Contents/Resources/$(word 3,$^)
codesign -f -s $(KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY) $@ --all-architectures \
--resource-rules ResourceRules
$(call post-build)
.PHONY: modified-bundle.app
modified-bundle.app: test-bundle.app lib32.dylib executable64
$(call pre-build)
ditto $< $@
echo "<xml/>" > $@/Contents/Resources/Base.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
codesign -f -s $(KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY) $@ --all-architectures \
--resource-rules ResourceRules
echo "BAD" > $@/Contents/Resources/Base.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
touch $@/Contents/Resources/codesign.cfg
ditto $(word 2,$^) $@/Contents/Frameworks/libsigned64.dylib
ditto $(word 3,$^) $@/Contents/Resources/executable32
echo "foo" >> $@/Contents/Resources/Base.lproj/MainMenu.nib
codesign -f -s $(KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY) \
$(call post-build)
.PHONY: modified-bundle-and-exec.app
modified-bundle-and-exec.app: test-bundle.app lib32.dylib executable64
ditto $< $@
touch $@/Contents/Resources/codesign.cfg
ditto $(word 2,$^) $@/Contents/Frameworks/libsigned64.dylib
ditto $(word 3,$^) $@/Contents/Resources/executable32
printf '\x31' | dd bs=1 seek=8097 count=1 conv=notrunc \
.PHONY: modified-main-exec32.app
modified-main-exec32.app: test-bundle.app
ditto $< $@
printf '\x31' | dd bs=1 seek=8097 count=1 conv=notrunc \
.PHONY: modified-main-exec64.app
modified-main-exec64.app: test-bundle.app
ditto $< $@
printf '\x31' | dd bs=1 seek=24448 count=1 conv=notrunc \
.PHONY: modified-localization.app
modified-localization.app: test-bundle.app
$(call pre-build)
ditto $< $@
echo "<xml/>" > $@/Contents/Resources/Base.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
codesign -f -s $(KEYCHAIN_IDENTITY) $@ --all-architectures \
--resource-rules ResourceRules
echo "CORRUPT" > $@/Contents/Resources/Base.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
$(call post-build)