
    <title>cross-site iframes with partitioned cookies</title>
      function setCookie() {
        document.cookie = 'name=Good;';
<body onload="setCookie();">
<!-- This only works if the CrossSiteRedirector is running on the embedded test
     server, and the host_resolver is set up to handle b.test and c.test. -->
<iframe src="/cross-site/b.test/partitioned_cookie.html" id="frame1"></iframe>
<iframe src="/cross-site/c.test/mixed_with_partitioned_cookie.html" id="frame2"></iframe>
<iframe src="/cross-site/d.test/set_cookie_header.html" id="frame3"></iframe>
<!-- The frame below will never finish loading.  Requires that EmbeddedTestServer
     is started with default handlers. -->
<iframe src="/hung-after-headers" />