// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
const automation_helper = (function() {
var automation_helper = {
// An enum specifying the state of an element on the page.
"present": 0,
"visible": 1,
"enabled": 2,
"on_top": 4,
// public:
// Checks if an element is present, visible or enabled on the page.
automation_helper.isElementReady = function(
xpath = "",
state_flags =
this.DomElementReadyState.visible |
this.DomElementReadyState.enabled |
this.DomElementReadyState.on_top) {
let isReady = true;
// Some sites override the console function locally,
// this ensures our function can write to log
var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
try {
console = frame.contentWindow.console;
const element = getElementFunction();
let logDataArr = [];
logDataArr.push('[Element (' + xpath + ')]');
if (element) {
let target = element;
if (state_flags & this.DomElementReadyState.visible) {
// In some custom select drop downs, like the ones on Amazon.com and
// Zappos.com, the drop down options are hosted inside a span element
// that is the immediate sibling, rather than the descendant, of the
// select dropdown.
// In these cases, check if the span is visible instead.
if (element.offsetParent === null &&
element instanceof HTMLSelectElement &&
element.nextElementSibling instanceof HTMLSpanElement) {
logDataArr.push("[Moved to nextElementSibling]");
target = element.nextElementSibling;
const isVisible = (target.offsetParent !== null) &&
(target.offsetWidth > 0) && (target.offsetHeight > 0);
logDataArr.push('[isVisible:' + isVisible + ']');
isReady = isReady && isVisible;
if (state_flags & this.DomElementReadyState.on_top) {
// The document.elementFromPoint function only acts on an element
// inside the viewport. Actively scroll the element into view first.
element.scrollIntoView({block:"center", inline:"center"});
const rect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
// Check that the element is not concealed behind another element.
const topElement = document.elementFromPoint(
// As coordinates, use the center of the element, minus the
// window offset in case the element is outside the view.
rect.left + rect.width / 2, rect.top + rect.height / 2);
const isTop = target.contains(topElement) ||
isReady = isReady && isTop;
logDataArr.push('[OnTop:' + isTop + ':' + topElement.localName + ']');
if (state_flags & this.DomElementReadyState.enabled) {
const isEnabled = !element.disabled;
logDataArr.push('[Enabled:' + isEnabled + ']');
isReady = isReady && isEnabled;
} else {
isReady = false;
logDataArr.push('[NOT FOUND]');
logDataArr.push('[FinalReady:' + isReady + ']');
} finally {
// Remove our temporary console iframe
return isReady;
// Check if an element identified by a xpath is present, visible or
// enabled on the page.
automation_helper.isElementWithXpathReady = function(
state_flags = this.DomElementReadyState.visible
| this.DomElementReadyState.enabled) {
return this.isElementReady(
return automation_helper.getElementByXpath(xpath);
// Simulates the user selecting a dropdown option by setting the dropdown
// option and then fire an onchange event on the dropdown element.
automation_helper.selectOptionFromDropDownElementByIndex =
function (dropdown, index) {
dropdown.options.selectedIndex = index;
// Simulates the user interacting with an input element by setting the input
// value and then fire
// an onchange event on the input element.
automation_helper.setInputElementValue = function (element, value) {
element.value = value;
automation_helper.getElementByXpath = function (path) {
return document.evaluate(path, document, null,
XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
// private:
// Triggers an onchange event on a dom element.
function triggerOnChangeEventOnElement(element) {
var event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent('change', false, true);
return automation_helper;
(function () {
// Some sites have beforeunload triggers to stop user navigation away.
// For testing purposes, we can suppress those here.
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (event) {