// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/phonehub/feature_status_provider.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace base {
class Clock;
namespace multidevice {
class RemoteDeviceRef;
namespace views {
class View;
namespace ash {
// This class is responsible for displaying Phone Hub onboarding nudge when
// applicable.
class ASH_EXPORT OnboardingNudgeController
: public phonehub::FeatureStatusProvider::Observer {
OnboardingNudgeController(views::View* anchored_view,
base::RepeatingClosure stop_animation_callback,
base::RepeatingClosure start_animation_callback,
base::Clock* clock);
OnboardingNudgeController(const OnboardingNudgeController&) = delete;
OnboardingNudgeController& operator=(const OnboardingNudgeController&) =
~OnboardingNudgeController() override;
// Register `kPhoneHubNudgeLastTimeShown`, `kPhoneHubNudgeTotalAppearances`,
//`kPhoneHubNudgeLastActionTime` `kPhoneHubNudgeLastClickTime` &
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
static constexpr char kPhoneHubNudgeId[] = "PhoneHubNudge";
// A time pref indicating the last time Phone Hub Nudge was shown.
static constexpr char kPhoneHubNudgeLastShownTime[] =
// An integer pref indicating the total number of times Phone Hub nudge has
// been shown.
static constexpr char kPhoneHubNudgeTotalAppearances[] =
// A time pref indicating the time an action (nudge or hover) was taken on the
// nudge.
static constexpr char kPhoneHubNudgeLastActionTime[] =
// A time pref indicating the time a user clicks on the nudge.
static constexpr char kPhoneHubNudgeLastClickTime[] =
// List pref of all eligible hosts that have been discovered.
static constexpr char kSyncedDevices[] = "ash.phone_hub_synced_devices";
void ShowNudgeIfNeeded();
void HideNudge();
// Attempts recording nudge action metric when Phone Hub icon is activated.
void MaybeRecordNudgeAction();
void OnNudgeHoverStateChanged(bool is_hovering);
void OnNudgeClicked();
void OnNudgeDismissed();
bool IsDeviceStoredInPref(const multidevice::RemoteDeviceRef& device);
void AddToEligibleDevicesPref(const multidevice::RemoteDeviceRef& device);
void ResetNudgePrefs();
// FeatureStatusProvider::Observer:
void OnFeatureStatusChanged() override {}
void OnEligiblePhoneHubHostFound(
const multidevice::RemoteDeviceRefList eligible_devices) override;
bool IsInPhoneHubNudgeExperimentGroup();
bool ShouldShowNudge();
bool is_nudge_clicked_ = false;
bool is_phone_hub_icon_clicked_ = false;
raw_ptr<views::View> anchored_view_;
base::RepeatingClosure stop_animation_callback_;
base::RepeatingClosure start_animation_callback_;
raw_ptr<base::Clock> clock_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<OnboardingNudgeController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash