* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
// Public interface to tests.
* Gets the result of the promise-based |RTCPeerConnection.getStats| as a
* dictionary of RTCStats-dictionaries.
* Returns "ok-" followed by a JSON-stringified dictionary of dictionaries to
* the test.
function getStatsReportDictionary() {
return peerConnection_().getStats()
.then(function(report) {
if (report == null || report.size == 0)
throw new Error('report is null or empty.');
let reportDictionary = {};
for (let stats of report.values()) {
reportDictionary[stats.id] = stats;
return logAndReturn('ok-' + JSON.stringify(reportDictionary));
function(e) {
throw new Error('Promise was rejected: ' + e);
* Measures the performance of the promise-based |RTCPeerConnection.getStats|
* and returns the time it took in milliseconds as a double
* (DOMHighResTimeStamp, accurate to one thousandth of a millisecond).
* Verifies that all stats types of the allowlist were contained in the result.
* Returns "ok-" followed by a double on success.
function measureGetStatsPerformance() {
let t0 = performance.now();
return peerConnection_().getStats()
.then(function(report) {
let t1 = performance.now();
return logAndReturn('ok-' + (t1 - t0));
function(e) {
throw new Error('Promise was rejected: ' + e);
// Internals.
/** Gets a set of all mandatory stats types. */
function mandatoryStatsTypes() {
const mandatoryTypes = new Set();
for (let allowlistedStats of gStatsAllowlist.values()) {
if (allowlistedStats.presence() == Presence.MANDATORY)
return mandatoryTypes;
* Checks if |stats| correctly maps to a a allowlisted RTCStats-derived
* dictionary, throwing an error if it doesn't. See |gStatsAllowlist|.
* The "RTCStats.type" must map to a known dictionary description. Every member
* is optional, but if present it must be present in the allowlisted dictionary
* description and its type must match.
* @private
function verifyStatsIsAllowlisted_(stats) {
if (stats == null)
throw new Error('stats is null or undefined: ' + stats);
if (typeof(stats.id) !== 'string')
throw new Error('stats.id is not a string:' + stats.id);
if (typeof(stats.timestamp) !== 'number' || !isFinite(stats.timestamp) ||
stats.timestamp <= 0) {
throw new Error('stats.timestamp is not a positive finite number: ' +
if (typeof(stats.type) !== 'string')
throw new Error('stats.type is not a string: ' + stats.type);
let allowlistedStats = gStatsAllowlist.get(stats.type);
if (allowlistedStats == null)
throw new Error('stats.type is not a allowlisted type: ' + stats.type);
allowlistedStats = allowlistedStats.stats();
for (let propertyName in stats) {
if (propertyName === 'id' || propertyName === 'timestamp' ||
propertyName === 'type') {
if (!allowlistedStats.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
throw new Error(
stats.type + '.' + propertyName + ' is not a allowlisted ' +
'member: ' + stats[propertyName]);
if (allowlistedStats[propertyName] === 'any')
if (!allowlistedStats[propertyName].startsWith('sequence_')) {
if (typeof(stats[propertyName]) !== allowlistedStats[propertyName]) {
throw new Error('stats.' + propertyName + ' should have a different ' +
'type according to the allowlist: ' + stats[propertyName] + ' vs ' +
} else {
if (!Array.isArray(stats[propertyName])) {
throw new Error('stats.' + propertyName + ' should have a different ' +
'type according to the allowlist (should be an array): ' +
JSON.stringify(stats[propertyName]) + ' vs ' +
let elementType = allowlistedStats[propertyName].substring(9);
for (let element in stats[propertyName]) {
if (typeof(element) !== elementType) {
throw new Error('stats.' + propertyName +
' should have a different ' +
'type according to the allowlist (an element of the array has ' +
'the incorrect type): ' + JSON.stringify(stats[propertyName]) +
' vs ' + allowlistedStats[propertyName]);