* Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
"use strict";
// Test page management. //
let track;
let trackClone;
let otherCaptureTrack;
let role;
function setRole(value) {
role = value;
// Given a URL, set embedded_frame's source to that URL.
// Return "embedding-done" after embedding is done.
async function startEmbeddingFrame(url) {
const waiter = waitForMessage('embedding-done');
document.getElementById("embedded_frame").src = url;
const message = await waiter;
return message.messageType;
// Called by the embedded pages participating in the test.
// Registers listeners for messages from the top-level page.
function registerEmbeddedListeners() {
window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
const type = event.data.messageType;
const reply = (message) => {
event.source.postMessage(message, "*");
if (type == "setup-mailman") {
} else if (type == "start-capture") {
startCapture().then((result) => {
reply({messageType: "start-capture-complete", result});
} else if (type == "produce-sub-target") {
subCaptureTargetFromElement(event.data.targetType, "embedded",
.then((result) => {
reply({messageType: "produce-sub-target-complete", result});
} else if (type == "sub-capture-application") {
applySubCapture(event.data.target, event.data.targetType,
event.data.targetFrame, event.data.targetTrackStr)
.then((result) => {
reply({messageType: "sub-capture-application-complete", result});
} else if (type == 'create-new-element') {
createNewElement(event.data.targetFrame, event.data.tag, event.data.id)
.then((result) => {
reply({messageType: "create-new-element-complete", result});
} else if (type == 'start-second-capture') {
.then((result) => {
reply({messageType: "start-second-capture-complete", result});
} else if (type == 'stop-capture') {
stopCapture(event.data.targetFrame, event.data.targetTrack)
.then((result) => {
reply({messageType: "stop-complete", result});
// Allows creating new elements for which new crop-targets may be created.
// Parameters:
// * targetFrame: Either "top-level" or "embedded". Determines in which
// page the element should be created.
// * tag: The type of element to be created.
// * id: The ID which the new element should be assigned.
// Returns "create-new-element-complete" once done.
async function createNewElement(targetFrame, tag, id) {
if (role == targetFrame) {
const newElement = document.createElement(tag);
newElement.id = id;
return `${role}-new-element-success`;
} else {
if (role != "top-level") {
return `${role}-new-element-error`;
const embedded_frame = document.getElementById("embedded_frame");
const waiter = waitForMessage("create-new-element-complete");
messageType: 'create-new-element',
targetFrame: targetFrame,
tag: tag,
id: id
const message = await waiter;
return message.result;
// Produces visual updates in the page, ensuring new frames
// will be emitted and reducing test flakiness.
function animate(element) {
const animationCallback = function() {
element.innerHTML = parseInt(element.innerHTML) + 1;
setInterval(animationCallback, 20);
// Main actions from C++ test fixture. //
// Starts the main capture session.
async function startCapture() {
if (track || trackClone) {
return "error-multiple-captures";
try {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
video: true,
selfBrowserSurface: "include"
[track] = stream.getVideoTracks();
return `${role}-capture-success`;
} catch (e) {
return `${role}-capture-failure`;
// Starts a second capture, associated with `otherCaptureTrack`,
// in the indicated target-frame (top-level / embedded).
// Returns `${role}-second-capture-success` upon success,
// `${role}-second-capture-failure` if unsuccessful.
async function startSecondCapture(targetFrame) {
if (targetFrame != `${role}`) {
if (`${role}` != "top-level") {
throw "error";
const embedded_frame = document.getElementById("embedded_frame");
const waiter = waitForMessage("start-second-capture-complete");
messageType: "start-second-capture",
targetFrame: targetFrame
}, "*");
const message = await waiter;
return message.result;
try {
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
video: true,
selfBrowserSurface: "include"
[otherCaptureTrack] = stream.getVideoTracks();
return `${role}-second-capture-success`;
} catch (e) {
return `${role}-second-capture-failure`;
// Stops a specific capture in a specific frame.
// * targetFrame: Either "top-level" or "embedded".
// * targetTrack: "original", "clone" or "second", referencing
// `track`, `trackClone` and `otherCaptureTrack`, respectively.
async function stopCapture(targetFrame, targetTrack) {
if (targetFrame != `${role}`) {
if (`${role}` != "top-level") {
throw "error";
const embedded_frame = document.getElementById("embedded_frame");
const waiter = waitForMessage("stop-capture-complete");
messageType: "stop-capture",
targetFrame: targetFrame,
targetTrack: targetTrack
}, "*");
const message = await waiter;
return message.result;
if (targetTrack == "original") {
track = undefined;
} else if (targetTrack == "clone") {
trackClone = undefined;
} else if (targetTrack == "second") {
otherCaptureTrack = undefined
} else {
return "error";
return `${role}-stop-success`;
// Produce a token of type `targetType` for the element
// whose ID is `elementId`.
async function mintToken(targetType, elementId) {
const element = document.getElementById(elementId);
if (!element) {
throw "unknown-element-error";
if (targetType == "crop-target") {
return CropTarget.fromElement(element);
} else if (targetType == "restriction-target") {
return RestrictionTarget.fromElement(element);
} else {
throw "unknown-target-type-error";
// Produce a token for a given element in the indicated frame.
// Parameters:
// * targetType: The type of token (crop-target / restriction-target).
// * targetFrame: The frame (top-level / embedded).
// * elementId: The ID of the element for which the token should be produced.
// The token is stored in subCaptureTargets and its index is returned.
async function subCaptureTargetFromElement(targetType, targetFrame, elementId) {
const resultPrefix = `${role}-produce-${targetType}`;
if (role == targetFrame) {
try {
const token = await mintToken(targetType, elementId);
return makeSubCaptureTargetProxy(token);
} catch (e) {
return resultPrefix + "-error";
} else {
const embedded_frame = document.getElementById("embedded_frame");
const waiter = waitForMessage("produce-sub-target-complete");
messageType: "produce-sub-target",
element: elementId,
}, "*");
const message = await waiter;
return message.result;
// Applies sub-capture; that is, calls cropTo() or restrictTo().
// Parameters:
// * target: Indicates the target of cropping/restricting. (Note that this
// might be `undefined`.)
// * targetType: Indicates which type of sub-target `target` represents.
// This parameter is necessary when `target` is `undefined`; otherwise, it
// is surmisable from the target.
// * targetFrame: Indicates the targeted frame (top-level / embedded).
// * targetTrackStr: Indicates the targeted track, in case the capturing
// frame has multiple concurrent captures.
// Returns `${role}-${targetType}-success` upon success.
async function applySubCapture(target, targetType, targetFrame,
targetTrackStr) {
// `targetType` is explicitly indicated for the case where `target`
// is `undefined`.
// Otherwise, the type can be derived from `target`'s actual type.
const isValid =
target == undefined ||
(targetType == "crop-target" &&
target.__proto__.constructor.name == "CropTarget") ||
(targetType == "restriction-target" &&
target.__proto__.constructor.name == "RestrictionTarget");
if (!isValid) {
throw "error-invalid-type";
if (targetFrame != `${role}`) {
if (`${role}` != "top-level") {
throw "unrecognized-target-frame-error";
const embedded_frame = document.getElementById("embedded_frame");
const waiter = waitForMessage("sub-capture-application-complete");
messageType: 'sub-capture-application',
target: target,
targetType: targetType,
targetFrame: targetFrame,
targetTrackStr: targetTrackStr
const message = await waiter;
return message.result;
const targetTrack = (targetTrackStr == "original" ? track :
targetTrackStr == "clone" ? trackClone :
targetTrackStr == "second" ? otherCaptureTrack :
if (!targetTrack) {
throw "no-target-track-error";
try {
if (targetType == "crop-target") {
await targetTrack.cropTo(target);
} else if (targetType == "restriction-target") {
await targetTrack.restrictTo(target);
} else {
throw "unknown-type-error";
return `${role}-${targetType}-success`;
} catch (e) {
return `${role}-${targetType}-error`;
// Communication with other pages belonging to this page. //
// To facilitate cross-origin communication, an embedded "mailman frame"
// is used. This "mailman frame" relays messages between (1) the frame which
// embeds the "mailman" and (2) the main frame of the other tab, which is
// same-origin with the mailman frame.
async function setUpMailman(url) {
const mailman_frame = document.getElementById("mailman_frame");
mailman_frame.src = url;
window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
if (event.data.messageType == "announce-sub-capture-target") {
messageType: "ack-sub-capture-target",
index: event.data.index
await waitForMessage('mailman-embedded');
if (role == "top-level") {
const waiter = waitForMessage('mailman-ready');
messageType: "setup-mailman",
url: url
}, "*");
const message = await waiter;
return message.messageType;
return {messageType: "mailman-ready"};
// Return a Promise that will remain pending until a specific event
// is received, then resolve with the data associated with
// that event's data field.
function waitForMessage(expectedMessageType) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const listener = (event) => {
if (event.data.messageType == expectedMessageType) {
window.removeEventListener("message", listener);
window.addEventListener("message", listener);
// Send a message to all other pages participating in this test.
function broadcast(msg) {
const mailman_frame = document.getElementById("mailman_frame");
mailman_frame.contentWindow.postMessage(msg, "*");
// Maintenance of a shared CropTarget database so that any page //
// could be tested in cropping to a target in any other page. //
// Because CropTargets and RestrictionTargets are not stringifiable,
// we cache them here and give the C++ test fixture their index.
// When the C++ test fixture hands back the index as input to an action,
// we use the relevant token stored here.
// When a page mints a CropTarget/RestrictionTarget, it propagates it
// to all other pages. Each page acks it back, and when the minter
// receives the expected number of acks, it returns control to
// the C++ fixture.
// Contains all of the tokens this page knows of.
const subCaptureTargets = [];
const EXPECTED_ACKS = 3;
// Given a sub-capture token, announce it to all pages participating
// in the test, and return a promise which will resolve once all
// of those pages have acknowledged reception of the token.
async function makeSubCaptureTargetProxy(subCaptureTarget) {
let ackCount = 0;
let expectedAckIndex = subCaptureTargets.length - 1;
const acksCompletedPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
let ackListener = (event) => {
if (event.data.messageType == "ack-sub-capture-target") {
if (event.data.index != expectedAckIndex) {
if (++ackCount != EXPECTED_ACKS) {
window.removeEventListener("message", ackListener);
resolve(`${subCaptureTargets.length - 1}`);
window.addEventListener("message", ackListener);
messageType: "announce-sub-capture-target",
target: subCaptureTarget,
index: expectedAckIndex
return acksCompletedPromise;
// The C++ fixture can only pass strings, not the actual JS objects.
// Therefore, whenever it wishes to refer to a specific sub-capture
// token, it references it via its index out of all sub-capture tokens
// produced by the test. This helper converts between the two.
// For convenience's sake, the special value `"undefined"` is allowed
// as well, and is converted to `undefined`.
function getSubCaptureTarget(subCaptureTargetIndex) {
if (subCaptureTargetIndex == "undefined") {
return undefined;
if (subCaptureTargetIndex >= subCaptureTargets.length) {
throw "out-of-bounds-error";
return subCaptureTargets[subCaptureTargetIndex];