// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Bookmark Manager API test for Chrome.
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertNotReached} from 'chrome://webui-test/chai_assert.js';
suite('Bookmarks API with edit disabled', () => {
const bookmarkManager = chrome.bookmarkManagerPrivate;
const ERROR = 'Bookmark editing is disabled.';
let bar: chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode;
let folder: chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode;
let aaa: chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode;
let bbb: chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode;
// Bookmark model within this test:
// <root>/
// Bookmarks Bar/
// Folder/
// "BBB"
// "AAA"
// Other Bookmarks/
test('verify bookmark model', async function() {
const result = await chrome.bookmarks.getTree();
assertEquals(1, result.length);
const root = result[0] as chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode;
assertEquals(2, root.children!.length);
bar = root.children![0] as chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode;
assertEquals(2, bar.children!.length);
folder = bar.children![0] as chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode;
aaa = bar.children![1] as chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode;
assertEquals('Folder', folder.title);
assertEquals('AAA', aaa.title);
bbb = folder.children![0] as chrome.bookmarks.BookmarkTreeNode;
assertEquals('BBB', bbb.title);
test('disables create', function() {
return chrome.bookmarks.create({parentId: bar.id, title: 'Folder2'})
.then(_ => assertNotReached())
.catch(error => assertEquals(error.message, ERROR));
test('disables move', function() {
return chrome.bookmarks
.move(aaa.id, {parentId: folder.id, index: undefined})
.then(_ => assertNotReached())
.catch(error => assertEquals(error.message, ERROR));
test('disables remove', function() {
return chrome.bookmarks.remove(aaa.id)
.then(() => assertNotReached())
.catch(error => assertEquals(error.message, ERROR));
test('disables remove tree', function() {
return chrome.bookmarks.removeTree(folder.id)
.then(() => assertNotReached())
.catch(error => assertEquals(error.message, ERROR));
test('disables update', function() {
return chrome.bookmarks.update(aaa.id, {title: 'CCC'})
.then(_ => assertNotReached())
.catch(error => assertEquals(error.message, ERROR));
test('disables import', function() {
return bookmarkManager.import()
.then(_ => assertNotReached())
.catch(error => assertEquals(error.message, ERROR));
test('disables cut', function() {
return bookmarkManager.cut([bbb.id])
.then(_ => assertNotReached())
.catch(error => assertEquals(error.message, ERROR));
test('disables can paste', function() {
return bookmarkManager.canPaste(folder.id).then(result => {
assertFalse(result, 'Should not be able to paste bookmarks');
test('disables paste', function() {
return bookmarkManager.paste(folder.id, [bbb.id])
.then(_ => assertNotReached())
.catch(error => assertEquals(error.message, ERROR));