// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/system/power/power_status.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power/power_manager_client.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_member.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace ash {
namespace {
using ExternalPower = power_manager::PowerSupplyProperties_ExternalPower;
// Controller class to manage power/battery sounds.
class ASH_EXPORT PowerSoundsController
: public PowerStatus::Observer,
public chromeos::PowerManagerClient::Observer {
static const char kPluggedInBatteryLevelHistogramName[];
static const char kUnpluggedBatteryLevelHistogramName[];
PowerSoundsController(const PowerSoundsController&) = delete;
PowerSoundsController& operator=(const PowerSoundsController&) = delete;
~PowerSoundsController() override;
static void RegisterLocalStatePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// PowerStatus::Observer:
void OnPowerStatusChanged() override;
// chromeos::PowerManagerClient::Observer:
void LidEventReceived(chromeos::PowerManagerClient::LidState state,
base::TimeTicks timestamp) override;
friend class PowerSoundsControllerTest;
// Type of the battery state according to the critical power or low power
// threshold.
enum class BatteryState {
// The remaining battery level or minutes isn't larger than the critical
// power threshold.
// The remaining battery level or minutes isn't larger than the low power
// threshold but higher than the critical power threshold.
// Other status. e.g. when connecting with an AC charger, or the remaining
// battery level larger than the low power threshold.
// Updates the lid state from received switch states.
void OnReceiveSwitchStates(
std::optional<chromeos::PowerManagerClient::SwitchStates> switch_states);
// Returns true if the device can play sounds.
bool CanPlaySounds() const;
void SetPowerStatus(int battery_level,
bool is_calculating_battery_time,
ExternalPower external_power,
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> remaining_time);
// Plays a sound when any power resource is connected.
// `old_ac_charger_connected` records whether line power was connected last
// time when `OnPowerStatusChanged()` was called.
void MaybePlaySoundsForCharging(bool old_ac_charger_connected);
bool ShouldPlayLowBatterySound() const;
// Returns true if the `current_state_` will be updated to a new state.
bool UpdateBatteryState(bool is_calculating_battery_time,
ExternalPower external_power,
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> remaining_time);
BatteryState CalculateBatteryState(
bool is_calculating_battery_time,
ExternalPower external_power,
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> remaining_time) const;
BatteryState GetBatteryStateFromBatteryLevel() const;
BatteryState GetBatteryStateFromRemainingTime(
std::optional<base::TimeDelta> remaining_time) const;
// Records the battery level when the `OnPowerStatusChanged()` was called.
int battery_level_;
// True if an AC charger is connected when the `OnPowerStatusChanged()` was
// called.
bool is_ac_charger_connected_;
BatteryState current_state_ = BatteryState::kNone;
chromeos::PowerManagerClient::LidState lid_state_ =
// An observer to listen for changes to prefs::kLowBatterySoundEnabled.
BooleanPrefMember low_battery_sound_enabled_;
// An observer to listen for changes to prefs::kChargingSoundsEnabled.
BooleanPrefMember charging_sounds_enabled_;
raw_ptr<PrefService> local_state_ =
nullptr; // Non-owned and must out-live this.
base::WeakPtrFactory<PowerSoundsController> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash