// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/session_observer.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/tray_item_view.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/compositor/throughput_tracker.h"
namespace gfx {
class LinearAnimation;
namespace views {
class BoxLayout;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class Shelf;
// A tray item which resides in the system tray, indicating to users that an app
// is currently accessing camera/microphone.
class ASH_EXPORT PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemView : public TrayItemView,
public SessionObserver {
METADATA_HEADER(PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemView, TrayItemView)
enum AnimationState {
// No animation is running.
// `expand_animation_` is running.
// `expand_animation_` finishes but the the shrink animation hasn't started
// yet. The view will dwell at its expanded size.
// Happens when `longer_side_shrink_animation_` already started but
// `shorter_side_shrink_animation_` hasn't started yet.
// Happens when both the 2 shrink animations are animating. Note that
// `longer_side_shrink_animation_` ended before
// `shorter_side_shrink_animation_`, and this state ends when
// `shorter_side_shrink_animation_` ends.
// This enum covers all the possible variations for the privacy indicators
// view type that we are interested in recording metrics, specifying whether
// camera/mic access and screen sharing icons are showing. Note to keep in
// sync with enum `PrivacyIndicatorsType` in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/ash/enums.xml.
enum class Type {
kCamera = 1 << 1,
kMicrophone = 1 << 2,
kScreenSharing = 1 << 3,
kCameraMicrophone = kCamera | kMicrophone,
kCameraScreenSharing = kCamera | kScreenSharing,
kMicrophoneScreenSharing = kMicrophone | kScreenSharing,
kAllUsed = kCamera | kMicrophone | kScreenSharing,
kMaxValue = kAllUsed,
explicit PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemView(Shelf* shelf);
PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemView(const PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemView&) = delete;
PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemView& operator=(
const PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemView&) = delete;
~PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemView() override;
views::ImageView* camera_icon() { return camera_icon_; }
views::ImageView* microphone_icon() { return microphone_icon_; }
// Called by `PrivacyIndicatorsController` to update the view according to the
// new state of camara/microphone access. `is_new_app`, `was_camera_in_use`,
// and `was_microphone_in_use` are the information used to determine if we
// should perform an animation.
void OnCameraAndMicrophoneAccessStateChanged(bool is_camera_used,
bool is_microphone_used,
bool is_new_app,
bool was_camera_in_use,
bool was_microphone_in_use);
// Update the view according to the state of screen sharing.
void UpdateScreenShareStatus(bool is_screen_sharing);
// Update the view according to the shelf alignment.
void UpdateAlignmentForShelf(Shelf* shelf);
// TrayItemView:
std::u16string GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& point) const override;
// Update the view's visibility based on camera/mic access and screen sharing
// state.
void UpdateVisibility();
friend class PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemViewPixelTest;
friend class PrivacyIndicatorsTrayItemViewTest;
// TrayItemView:
void PerformVisibilityAnimation(bool visible) override;
void HandleLocaleChange() override;
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize(
const views::SizeBounds& available_size) const override;
void OnThemeChanged() override;
void OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) override;
views::View* GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(const gfx::Point& point) override;
void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationEnded(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationCanceled(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void ImmediatelyUpdateVisibility() override;
// Performs a sequence of expand, dwell, and then shrink animations to notify
// users about the usage of camera, microphone, and screen sharing.
void PerformAnimation();
// SessionObserver:
void OnSessionStateChanged(session_manager::SessionState state) override;
// Update the icons for the children views.
void UpdateIcons();
// Update the bounds insets based on shelf alignment.
void UpdateBoundsInset();
// Calculate the size of the view during shrink animation. We are calculating
// for the longer side if `for_longer_side` is true, otherwise it is for
// shorter side.
int CalculateSizeDuringShrinkAnimation(bool for_longer_side) const;
// Calculate the length of the longer size, based on `is_screen_sharing_`.
int GetLongerSideLengthInExpandedMode() const;
// End all 3 animations contained in this class.
void EndAllAnimations();
// Record the type of privacy indicators that are showing.
void RecordPrivacyIndicatorsType();
// Record repeated shows metric when the timer is stop.
void RecordRepeatedShows();
raw_ptr<views::BoxLayout> layout_manager_ = nullptr;
// Owned by the views hierarchy.
raw_ptr<views::ImageView> camera_icon_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::ImageView> microphone_icon_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::ImageView> screen_share_icon_ = nullptr;
// Keep track of the current screen sharing state.
bool is_screen_sharing_ = false;
// Keep track the current animation state during the multi-part animation.
AnimationState animation_state_ = kIdle;
// Animations for showing/expanding the view, then shrink it to be a dot.
std::unique_ptr<gfx::LinearAnimation> expand_animation_;
std::unique_ptr<gfx::LinearAnimation> longer_side_shrink_animation_;
std::unique_ptr<gfx::LinearAnimation> shorter_side_shrink_animation_;
// Timers for delaying shrink animations after `expand_animation_` is
// completed.
base::OneShotTimer longer_side_shrink_delay_timer_;
base::OneShotTimer shorter_side_shrink_delay_timer_;
// Used to record metrics of the number of shows per session.
int count_visible_per_session_ = 0;
// Used to record metrics of repeated shows per 100 ms.
int count_repeated_shows_ = 0;
base::DelayTimer repeated_shows_timer_;
// Keeps track of the last time the indicator starts showing. Used to record
// visibility duration metrics.
base::Time start_showing_time_;
// Measure animation smoothness metrics for all the animations.
std::optional<ui::ThroughputTracker> throughput_tracker_;
} // namespace ash