// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// clang-format off
import 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_tabs/cr_tabs.js';
import type {CrTabsElement} from 'chrome://resources/cr_elements/cr_tabs/cr_tabs.js';
import {keyDownOn} from 'chrome://webui-test/keyboard_mock_interactions.js';
import {assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chai_assert.js';
import {eventToPromise} from 'chrome://webui-test/test_util.js';
// clang-format on
suite('cr_tabs_test', function() {
let tabs: CrTabsElement;
setup(() => {
document.body.innerHTML = window.trustedTypes!.emptyHTML;
tabs = document.createElement('cr-tabs');
tabs.tabNames = ['tab1', 'tab2', 'tab3'];
tabs.tabIcons = ['chrome://icon1.png'];
function getTabElement(index: number): HTMLElement {
return tabs.shadowRoot!.querySelector(`.tab:nth-of-type(${index + 1})`)!;
async function checkUiChange(
uiChange: Function, initialSelection: number, expectedSelection: number) {
tabs.selected = initialSelection;
await tabs.updateComplete;
if (initialSelection === expectedSelection) {
} else {
const wait = eventToPromise('selected-changed', tabs);
await wait;
// Wait for updateComplete here, to allow any errors in the update cycle to
// surface (required for the 'initial tab out of bound' test to properly
// fail if errors occur in the update cycle).
await tabs.updateComplete;
assertEquals(expectedSelection, tabs.selected);
const tabElement = getTabElement(expectedSelection);
assertEquals('0', tabElement.getAttribute('tabindex'));
const notSelected =
assertEquals(2, notSelected.length);
notSelected.forEach(tab => {
assertEquals('-1', tab.getAttribute('tabindex'));
function checkKey(
key: string, initialSelection: number, expectedSelection: number) {
return checkUiChange(
() => keyDownOn(tabs, 0, [], key), initialSelection, expectedSelection);
function checkClickTab(initialSelection: number, expectedSelection: number) {
return checkUiChange(
() => getTabElement(expectedSelection).click(), initialSelection,
function checkClickTabChild(
initialSelection: number, expectedSelection: number) {
return checkUiChange(() => {
const tabIndicator = getTabElement(expectedSelection)
}, initialSelection, expectedSelection);
test('check CSS classes, aria-selected and tabindex for a tab', async () => {
const tab = getTabElement(0);
assertEquals(1, tab.classList.length);
assertEquals('false', tab.getAttribute('aria-selected'));
assertEquals('-1', tab.getAttribute('tabindex'));
tabs.selected = 0;
await tabs.updateComplete;
assertEquals(2, tab.classList.length);
assertEquals('true', tab.getAttribute('aria-selected'));
assertEquals('0', tab.getAttribute('tabindex'));
tabs.selected = 1;
await tabs.updateComplete;
assertEquals(1, tab.classList.length);
assertEquals('false', tab.getAttribute('aria-selected'));
assertEquals('-1', tab.getAttribute('tabindex'));
test('tab icons are optional', () => {
const tab0 = getTabElement(0);
const tabIcon0 = tab0.querySelector('.tab-icon')!;
assertNotEquals('none', getComputedStyle(tabIcon0).display);
const tab1 = getTabElement(1);
const tabIcon1 = tab1.querySelector('.tab-icon')!;
assertEquals('none', getComputedStyle(tabIcon1).display);
test('right/left pressed, selection changes and event fires', async () => {
await checkKey('ArrowRight', 0, 1);
await checkKey('ArrowRight', 1, 2);
// Check that the selection wraps.
await checkKey('ArrowRight', 2, 0);
await checkKey('ArrowLeft', 2, 1);
await checkKey('ArrowLeft', 1, 0);
// Check that the selection wraps.
await checkKey('ArrowLeft', 0, 2);
await checkKey('Home', 0, 0);
await checkKey('Home', 1, 0);
await checkKey('Home', 2, 0);
await checkKey('End', 0, 2);
await checkKey('End', 1, 2);
await checkKey('End', 2, 2);
test('clicking on tabs, selection changes and event fires', async () => {
await checkClickTab(0, 0);
await checkClickTab(1, 0);
await checkClickTab(2, 0);
await checkClickTab(0, 1);
await checkClickTab(1, 1);
await checkClickTab(2, 1);
await checkClickTab(0, 2);
await checkClickTab(1, 2);
await checkClickTab(2, 2);
'clicking on tabs children, selection changes and event fires',
async () => {
await checkClickTabChild(0, 0);
await checkClickTabChild(1, 0);
await checkClickTabChild(2, 0);
await checkClickTabChild(0, 1);
await checkClickTabChild(1, 1);
await checkClickTabChild(2, 1);
await checkClickTabChild(0, 2);
await checkClickTabChild(1, 2);
await checkClickTabChild(2, 2);
test('initial tab out of bound', async () => {
// When old selected tab is out of bound, onSelectedChanged_ should early
// return, rather than trigger out of bound error.
await checkUiChange(
() => getTabElement(1).click(), /*initialSelection=*/ 10,
/*expectedSelection=*/ 1);