// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/system_notification_builder.h"
#include "ash/system/privacy_hub/sensor_disabled_notification_delegate.h"
#include "ui/message_center/message_center_observer.h"
#include "ui/message_center/public/cpp/notification_delegate.h"
namespace ash {
// A custom delegate that ensures consistent handling of notification
// interactions across all Privacy Hub notifications.
class ASH_EXPORT PrivacyHubNotificationClickDelegate
: public message_center::NotificationDelegate {
// The `button_callback` will be executed when the only button of the
// notification is clicked.
explicit PrivacyHubNotificationClickDelegate(
base::RepeatingClosure button_click);
// message_center::NotificationDelegate:
void Click(const std::optional<int>& button_index,
const std::optional<std::u16string>& reply) override;
// When clicking on the notification message execute this `callback`.
void SetMessageClickCallback(base::RepeatingClosure callback);
// Set the `callback` for an additional button.
void SetSecondButtonCallback(base::RepeatingClosure callback);
~PrivacyHubNotificationClickDelegate() override;
// Run `callback` if it's not null. Do nothing otherwise.
void RunCallbackIfNotNull(const base::RepeatingClosure& callback);
std::array<base::RepeatingClosure, 2> button_callbacks_;
base::RepeatingClosure message_callback_;
// Represents the information displayed in a `PrivacyHubNotification`.
class ASH_EXPORT PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor {
// `message_ids` must not be empty`.
// `message_ids.at(0)` should be the generic notification message with no
// application names.
// `message_ids.at(n)` should be the notification message with `n` application
// names.
// `delegate` specifies the callback to be used when the button is clicked.
// if it is null (default), an action that sets all privacy toggles
// corresponding `sensors` to true.
const SensorDisabledNotificationDelegate::SensorSet& sensors,
int title_id,
const std::vector<int>& button_ids,
const std::vector<int>& message_ids,
scoped_refptr<PrivacyHubNotificationClickDelegate> delegate = nullptr);
const PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor& other);
PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor& operator=(
const PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor& other);
const std::vector<int>& button_ids() const { return button_ids_; }
const SensorDisabledNotificationDelegate::SensorSet& sensors() const {
return sensors_;
const std::vector<int>& message_ids() const { return message_ids_; }
scoped_refptr<PrivacyHubNotificationClickDelegate> delegate() const {
return delegate_;
int title_id_;
std::vector<int> button_ids_;
SensorDisabledNotificationDelegate::SensorSet sensors_;
std::vector<int> message_ids_;
scoped_refptr<PrivacyHubNotificationClickDelegate> delegate_;
// This class wraps `SystemNotificationBuilder` and adds additional constraints
// and shared behavior that applies to all Privacy Hub notifications.
class ASH_EXPORT PrivacyHubNotification
: public message_center::MessageCenterObserver {
// Class used to encapsulate the logic whether a notification should be
// throttled (suppressed because it has been manually dismissed recently);
class Throttler {
Throttler() = default;
Throttler(const Throttler&) = delete;
Throttler& operator=(const Throttler&) = delete;
virtual ~Throttler() = default;
// Returns `true` if the notification should be suppressed.
virtual bool ShouldThrottle() = 0;
// To be called when a notification is dismissed by the user.
virtual void RecordDismissalByUser() = 0;
// Create a new notification.
// When calling `Show() or `Update()`:
// If `sensors_` is empty, the generic notification message from `descriptor`
// will be displayed.
// If `sensors_` is non-empty and `n` applications are using the sensors in
// `sensors_`, the displayed notification message will contain `n` application
// names. If `descriptor` does not contain a notification message with `n`
// application names, the generic notification message from `descriptor` will
// be displayed.
PrivacyHubNotification(const std::string& id,
NotificationCatalogName catalog_name,
const PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor& descriptor);
// When PrivacyHubNotification is constructed with multiple
// `PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor`s, which descriptor to use will be
// decided depending on the value of `sensors_`. When `sensors_` changes, the
// descriptor to use will also change.
//`descriptors` must have multiple `PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor` objects,
// use the previous constructor otherwise please.
const std::string& id,
NotificationCatalogName catalog_name,
const std::vector<PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor>& descriptors);
PrivacyHubNotification(PrivacyHubNotification&&) = delete;
PrivacyHubNotification& operator=(PrivacyHubNotification&&) = delete;
~PrivacyHubNotification() override;
// message_center::MessageCenterObserver:
void OnNotificationRemoved(const std::string& notification_id,
bool by_user) override;
// Show the notification to the user for at least `kMinShowTime`. Every time
// `Show()` is called, the notification will pop up. For silent updates, use
// the `Update()` function.
void Show();
// Hide the notification from the message center.
void Hide();
// Returns true if this notificaiton is shown (present in the message center).
bool IsShown();
// Silently updates the notification when needed, for example, when an
// application stops accessing a sensor and the name of that application needs
// to be removed from the notification without letting the notification pop up
// again.
void Update();
// Updates priority for notification that will be created via Show/Update.
void SetPriority(message_center::NotificationPriority priority);
// Updates the value of `sensors_`.
void SetSensors(SensorDisabledNotificationDelegate::SensorSet sensors);
// Get the underlying `SystemNotificationBuilder` to do modifications beyond
// what this wrapper allows you to do. If you change the ID of the message
// `Show()` and `Hide()` are not going to work reliably.
SystemNotificationBuilder& builder() { return builder_; }
// Sets a custom Throttler - the object that decides whether to suppress a
// notification due too too many repetitions.
void SetThrottler(std::unique_ptr<Throttler> throttler);
// Starts observation of dismissed messages
void StartDismissalObservation();
// Stops observation of dismissed messages
void StopDismissalObservation();
// Get names of apps accessing sensors in `sensors_`. At most `number_of_apps`
// elements will be returned.
std::vector<std::u16string> GetAppsAccessingSensors(
size_t number_of_apps) const;
// Propagates information about the update in notification content (message,
// title, buttons etc.) to the underlying `SystemNotificationBuilder`. This is
// always done before showing or updating a notification.
void SetNotificationContent();
std::string id_;
// A set of `PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor`s. Appropriate
// `PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor` for a specific `SensorSet` can be found
// using the standard `find` function. `sensors_.ToEnumBitmask()` can be used
// as the key for the `find` function.
std::set<PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor, std::less<>>
SensorDisabledNotificationDelegate::SensorSet sensors_;
// `notification_descriptors_` is a set of
// `PrivacyHubNotificationDescriptor`s. The content in the descriptors are
// used to update the underlying `SystemNotificationBuilder`. Before a call to
// `Show()` or `Update()`, the underlying builder needs to be updated. Content
// of which descriptor to use to update the builder depends on the value
// current value of `sensors_` enumset.
// `has_sensors_changed_` being true means that `sensors_` was updated but the
// underlying builder was not updated after that.
bool has_sensors_changed_ = true;
SystemNotificationBuilder builder_;
// TODO(b/271809217): Refactor camera HW switch notification implementation
// Notification for the camera hardware switch is currently using only a
// subset of `PrivacyHubNotification` properties. `catalog_name_` is stored to
// determine if the notification is for the camera hardware switch to handle
// it specially.
NotificationCatalogName catalog_name_;
// Encapsulates the throttling logic for this notification.
std::unique_ptr<Throttler> throttler_;
} // namespace ash