// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
export type Modifier = 'alt'|'ctrl'|'meta'|'shift';
export type ModifiersParam = Modifier|Modifier[];
* Returns a keyboard event. This event bubbles and is cancellable.
* @param type The type of keyboard event (such as 'keyup' or 'keydown').
* @param keyCode The keyCode for the event.
* @param modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
* Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
* @param key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
function keyboardEventFor(
type: string, keyCode: number, modifiers: ModifiersParam = [],
key: string = '') {
modifiers = modifiers || [];
if (typeof modifiers === 'string') {
modifiers = [modifiers];
return new KeyboardEvent(type, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
composed: true,
altKey: modifiers.includes('alt'),
ctrlKey: modifiers.includes('ctrl'),
metaKey: modifiers.includes('meta'),
shiftKey: modifiers.includes('shift'),
* Fires a keyboard event on a specific node. This event bubbles and is
* cancellable.
* @param target The node to fire the event on.
* @param type The type of keyboard event (such as 'keyup' or
* 'keydown').
* @param keyCode The keyCode for the event.
* @param modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
* Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
* @param key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
export function keyEventOn(
target: Element, type: string, keyCode: number, modifiers?: ModifiersParam,
key?: string) {
target.dispatchEvent(keyboardEventFor(type, keyCode, modifiers, key));
* Fires a 'keydown' event on a specific node. This event bubbles and is
* cancellable.
* @param target The node to fire the event on.
* @param keyCode The keyCode for the event.
* @param modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
* Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
* @param key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
export function keyDownOn(
target: Element, keyCode: number, modifiers?: ModifiersParam,
key?: string) {
keyEventOn(target, 'keydown', keyCode, modifiers, key);
* Fires a 'keyup' event on a specific node. This event bubbles and is
* cancellable.
* @param target The node to fire the event on.
* @param keyCode The keyCode for the event.
* @param modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
* Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
* @param key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
export function keyUpOn(
target: Element, keyCode: number, modifiers?: ModifiersParam,
key?: string) {
keyEventOn(target, 'keyup', keyCode, modifiers, key);
* Simulates a complete key press by firing a `keydown` keyboard event, followed
* by an asynchronous `keyup` event on a specific node.
* @param target The node to fire the event on.
* @param keyCode The keyCode for the event.
* @param modifiers The key modifiers for the event.
* Accepted values are shift, ctrl, alt, meta.
* @param key The KeyboardEvent.key value for the event.
export function pressAndReleaseKeyOn(
target: Element, keyCode: number, modifiers?: ModifiersParam,
key?: string) {
keyDownOn(target, keyCode, modifiers, key);
window.setTimeout(function() {
keyUpOn(target, keyCode, modifiers, key);
}, 1);
* Simulates a complete 'enter' key press by firing a `keydown` keyboard event,
* followed by an asynchronous `keyup` event on a specific node.
export function pressEnter(target: Element) {
pressAndReleaseKeyOn(target, 13);
* Simulates a complete 'space' key press by firing a `keydown` keyboard event,
* followed by an asynchronous `keyup` event on a specific node.
export function pressSpace(target: Element) {
pressAndReleaseKeyOn(target, 32);