// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/progress_indicator/progress_indicator_animation_registry.h"
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/color/color_provider.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_delegate.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_owner.h"
namespace ash {
class ProgressIconAnimation;
class ProgressRingAnimation;
// A class owning a `ui::Layer` which paints indication of progress.
// NOTE: The owned `layer()` is not painted if progress == `1.f`, but we can
// paint the `layer()` by setting the progress back to `kForcedShow`.
class ASH_EXPORT ProgressIndicator : public ui::LayerOwner,
public ui::LayerDelegate {
static constexpr char kClassName[] = "ProgressIndicator";
static constexpr float kProgressComplete = 1.f;
static constexpr float kForcedShow = 0.999999f;
ProgressIndicator(const ProgressIndicator&) = delete;
ProgressIndicator& operator=(const ProgressIndicator&) = delete;
~ProgressIndicator() override;
// Returns an instance which paints indication of progress returned by the
// specified `progress_callback`. NOTE: This instance comes pre-wired with an
// `animation_registry_` that will manage progress animations as needed.
static std::unique_ptr<ProgressIndicator> CreateDefaultInstance(
base::RepeatingCallback<std::optional<float>()> progress_callback);
// Adds the specified `callback` to be notified of `progress_` changes. The
// `callback` will continue to receive events so long as both `this` and the
// returned subscription exist.
base::CallbackListSubscription AddProgressChangedCallback(
base::RepeatingClosureList::CallbackType callback);
// Creates and returns the `layer()` which is owned by this progress
// indicator. Note that this may only be called if `layer()` does not exist.
using ColorResolver = base::RepeatingCallback<SkColor(ui::ColorId)>;
ui::Layer* CreateLayer(ColorResolver color_resolver);
// Destroys the `layer()` which is owned by this progress indicator. Note that
// this will no-op if `layer()` does not exist.
void DestroyLayer();
// Invoke to schedule repaint of the entire `layer()`.
void InvalidateLayer();
// Sets the `color_id` to use in lieu of the default when painting progress
// indication. If `color_id` is absent, default colors are used.
void SetColorId(const std::optional<ui::ColorId>& color_id);
// Sets the visibility for this progress indicator's inner icon. Note that
// the inner icon will only be painted while `progress_` is incomplete,
// regardless of the value of `visible` provided.
void SetInnerIconVisible(bool visible);
bool inner_icon_visible() const { return inner_icon_visible_; }
// Sets the visibility for this progress indicator's inner ring. Note that
// the inner ring will only be painted while `progress_` is incomplete,
// regardless of the value of `visible` provided.
void SetInnerRingVisible(bool visible);
// Sets the visibility of the progress indicator's outer ring track. Note that
// the track will only be painted while `progress_` is incomplete, regardless
// of the value of `visible` provided.
void SetOuterRingTrackVisible(bool visible);
// Sets the width for this progress indicator's outer ring stroke.
void SetOuterRingStrokeWidth(float width);
// Returns the underlying `animation_registry_` in which to look up animations
// for the associated `animation_key_`. NOTE: This may return `nullptr`.
ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry* animation_registry() {
return animation_registry_;
// Returns the `animation_key_` for which to look up animations in the
// underlying `animation_registry_`. NOTE: This may return `nullptr`.
ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry::AnimationKey animation_key() const {
return animation_key_;
// Returns the underlying `progress_` for which to paint indication.
// NOTE: If absent, progress is indeterminate.
// NOTE: If present, progress must be >= `0.f` and <= `1.f`.
const std::optional<float>& progress() const { return progress_; }
// Each progress indicator is associated with an `animation_key_` which is
// used to look up animations in the provided `animation_registry`. When an
// animation exists, it will be painted in lieu of the determinate progress
// indication that would otherwise be painted for the cached `progress_`.
// NOTE: `animation_registry` may be `nullptr` if animations are not needed.
ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry* animation_registry,
ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry::AnimationKey animation_key);
// Returns the calculated progress to paint to the owned `layer()`. This is
// invoked during `UpdateVisualState()` just prior to painting.
// NOTE: If absent, progress is indeterminate.
// NOTE: If present, progress must be >= `0.f` and <= `1.f`.
// NOTE: If progress == `1.f`, progress is complete and will not be painted.
virtual std::optional<float> CalculateProgress() const = 0;
// ui::LayerDelegate:
void OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float old_scale, float new_scale) override;
void OnPaintLayer(const ui::PaintContext& context) override;
void UpdateVisualState() override;
// Invoked when the icon `animation` associated with this progress indicator's
// `animation_key_` has changed in the `animation_registry_`.
// NOTE: The specified `animation` may be `nullptr`.
void OnProgressIconAnimationChanged(ProgressIconAnimation* animation);
// Invoked when the ring `animation` associated with this progress indicator's
// `animation_key_` has changed in the `animation_registry_`.
// NOTE: The specified `animation` may be `nullptr`.
void OnProgressRingAnimationChanged(ProgressRingAnimation* animation);
// The animation registry in which to look up animations for the associated
// `animation_key_`. When an animation exists, it will be painted in lieu of
// the determinate progress indication that would otherwise be painted for the
// cached `progress_`.
const raw_ptr<ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry, DanglingUntriaged>
// The key for which to look up animations in the `animation_registry_`.
// When an animation exists, it will be painted in lieu of the determinate
// progress indication that would otherwise be painted for the cached
// `progress_`.
const ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry::AnimationKey animation_key_;
// A subscription to receive events when the icon animation associated with
// this progress indicator's `animation_key_` has changed in the
// `animation_registry_`.
base::CallbackListSubscription icon_animation_changed_subscription_;
// A subscription to receive events on updates to the icon animation owned by
// the `animation_registry_` which is associated with this progress
// indicator's `animation_key_`. On icon animation update, the progress
// indicator will `InvalidateLayer()` to trigger paint of the next animation
// frame.
base::CallbackListSubscription icon_animation_updated_subscription_;
// A subscription to receive events when the ring animation associated with
// this progress indicator's `animation_key_` has changed in the
// `animation_registry_`.
base::CallbackListSubscription ring_animation_changed_subscription_;
// A subscription to receive events on updates to the ring animation owned by
// the `animation_registry_` which is associated with this progress
// indicator's `animation_key_`. On ring animation update, the progress
// indicator will `InvalidateLayer()` to trigger paint of the next animation
// frame.
base::CallbackListSubscription ring_animation_updated_subscription_;
// Used to resolve the color to use to paint progress indication. Non-null if
// and only if the `layer()` which is owned by this progress indicator exists.
ColorResolver color_resolver_;
// The color ID to use in lieu of the default when painting progress
// indication. If absent, default colors are used.
std::optional<ui::ColorId> color_id_;
// Cached progress returned from `CalculateProgress()` just prior to painting.
// NOTE: If absent, progress is indeterminate.
// NOTE: If present, progress must be >= `0.f` and <= `1.f`.
std::optional<float> progress_ = kProgressComplete;
// The list of callbacks for which to notify `progress_` changes.
base::RepeatingClosureList progress_changed_callback_list_;
// Whether this progress indicator's inner icon is visible. Note that the
// inner icon will only be painted while `progress_` is incomplete, regardless
// of this value.
bool inner_icon_visible_ = true;
// Whether this progress indicator's inner ring is visible. Note that the
// inner ring will only be painted while `progress_` is incomplete, regardless
// of this value.
bool inner_ring_visible_ = true;
// Whether this progress indicator's outer ring track is visible. Note that
// the track will only be painted while `progress_` is incomplete, regardless
// of this value.
bool outer_ring_track_visible_ = false;
// The width for the outer ring stroke.
std::optional<float> outer_ring_stroke_width_;
} // namespace ash