// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/progress_indicator/progress_icon_animation.h"
#include "ash/system/progress_indicator/progress_ring_animation.h"
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/functional/function_ref.h"
namespace ash {
// A registry for progress indicator animations.
// Since animations are owned by the registry, they can be shared across
// different UI components as well have a lifetime which is decoupled from UI
// component lifetime.
// Supported animation types:
// * Progress icon animation - independently drive the animation of properties
// for a progress indicator's inner icon, as opposed to progress ring
// animations which independently drive the animation of properties for a
// progress indicator's outer ring.
// * Progress ring animation - independently drive the animation of properties
// for a progress indicator's outer ring, as opposed to progress icon
// animations which independently drive the animation of properties for a
// progress indicator's inner icon.
class ASH_EXPORT ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry {
const ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry&) = delete;
ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry& operator=(
const ProgressIndicatorAnimationRegistry&) = delete;
using AnimationKey = intptr_t;
// Returns the specified `ptr` as an animation key.
static AnimationKey AsAnimationKey(const void* ptr);
using ProgressIconAnimationChangedCallbackList =
// Adds the specified `callback` to be notified of changes to the progress
// icon animation associated with the specified `key`. The `callback` will
// continue to receive events so long as both `this` and the returned
// subscription exist.
base::CallbackListSubscription AddProgressIconAnimationChangedCallbackForKey(
AnimationKey key,
ProgressIconAnimationChangedCallbackList::CallbackType callback);
using ProgressRingAnimationChangedCallbackList =
// Adds the specified `callback` to be notified of changes to the progress
// ring animation associated with the specified `key`. The `callback` will
// continue to receive events so long as both `this` and the returned
// subscription exist.
base::CallbackListSubscription AddProgressRingAnimationChangedCallbackForKey(
AnimationKey key,
ProgressRingAnimationChangedCallbackList::CallbackType callback);
// Returns the progress icon animation registered for the specified `key`.
// NOTE: This may return `nullptr` if no such animation is registered.
ProgressIconAnimation* GetProgressIconAnimationForKey(AnimationKey key);
// Returns the progress ring animation registered for the specified `key`.
// NOTE: This may return `nullptr` if no such animation is registered.
ProgressRingAnimation* GetProgressRingAnimationForKey(AnimationKey key);
// Sets and returns the progress icon animation registered for the specified
// `key`. NOTE: `animation` may be `nullptr` to unregister `key`.
ProgressIconAnimation* SetProgressIconAnimationForKey(
AnimationKey key,
std::unique_ptr<ProgressIconAnimation> animation);
// Sets and returns the progress ring animation registered for the specified
// `key`. NOTE: `animation` may be `nullptr` to unregister `key`.
ProgressRingAnimation* SetProgressRingAnimationForKey(
AnimationKey key,
std::unique_ptr<ProgressRingAnimation> animation);
// Erases all animations for all keys.
void EraseAllAnimations();
// Erases all animations for the specified `key`.
void EraseAllAnimationsForKey(AnimationKey key);
// Erases all animations for all keys for which the specified `predicate`
// returns `true`.
void EraseAllAnimationsForKeyIf(
base::FunctionRef<bool(AnimationKey key)> predicate);
// Mapping of keys to their associated progress icon animations.
std::map<AnimationKey, std::unique_ptr<ProgressIconAnimation>>
// Mapping of keys to their associated icon animation changed callback lists.
// Whenever an animation for a given key is changed, the callback list for
// that key will be notified.
std::map<AnimationKey, ProgressIconAnimationChangedCallbackList>
// Mapping of keys to their associated progress ring animations.
std::map<AnimationKey, std::unique_ptr<ProgressRingAnimation>>
// Mapping of keys to their associated ring animation changed callback lists.
// Whenever an animation for a given key is changed, the callback list for
// that key will be notified.
std::map<AnimationKey, ProgressRingAnimationChangedCallbackList>
} // namespace ash