// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {PrintPreviewDestinationListItemElement} from 'chrome://print/print_preview.js';
import {Destination, DestinationOrigin} from 'chrome://print/print_preview.js';
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chai_assert.js';
suite('DestinationItemTest', function() {
let item: PrintPreviewDestinationListItemElement;
const printerId: string = 'FooDevice';
const printerName: string = 'FooName';
setup(function() {
document.body.innerHTML = window.trustedTypes!.emptyHTML;
item = document.createElement('print-preview-destination-list-item');
// Create destination
item.destination = new Destination(
printerId, DestinationOrigin.EXTENSION, printerName,
{extensionId: 'aaa111', extensionName: 'myPrinterExtension'});
item.searchQuery = null;
// Test that the destination is displayed correctly for the basic case of a
// destination with no search query.
test('NoQuery', function() {
const name = item.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.name')!;
assertEquals(printerName, name.textContent);
assertEquals('1', window.getComputedStyle(name).opacity);
// Test that the destination is displayed correctly when the search query
// matches its display name.
test('QueryName', function() {
item.searchQuery = /(Foo)/ig;
const name = item.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.name')!;
assertEquals(printerName + printerName, name.textContent);
// Name should be highlighted.
const searchHits = name.querySelectorAll('.search-highlight-hit');
assertEquals(1, searchHits.length);
assertEquals('Foo', searchHits[0]!.textContent);
// No hints.
// Test that the destination is displayed correctly when the search query
// matches its description.
test('QueryDescription', function() {
const params = {
description: 'ABCPrinterBrand Model 123',
location: 'Building 789 Floor 6',
extensionId: 'aaa111',
extensionName: 'myPrinterExtension',
item.destination = new Destination(
printerId, DestinationOrigin.EXTENSION, printerName, params);
item.searchQuery = /(ABC)/ig;
// No highlighting on name.
const name = item.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.name')!;
assertEquals(printerName, name.textContent);
assertEquals(0, name.querySelectorAll('.search-highlight-hit').length);
// Search hint should be have the description and be highlighted.
const hint = item.shadowRoot!.querySelector('.search-hint')!;
const searchHits = hint.querySelectorAll('.search-highlight-hit');
assertEquals(1, searchHits.length);
assertEquals('ABC', searchHits[0]!.textContent);