// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {CapabilitiesResponse, ExtensionDestinationInfo, LocalDestinationInfo, NativeInitialSettings, NativeLayer, PageLayoutInfo} from 'chrome://print/print_preview.js';
import {GooglePromotedDestinationId, PrinterType} from 'chrome://print/print_preview.js';
import {assert} from 'chrome://resources/js/assert.js';
import {webUIListenerCallback} from 'chrome://resources/js/cr.js';
import {PromiseResolver} from 'chrome://resources/js/promise_resolver.js';
import {TestBrowserProxy} from 'chrome://webui-test/test_browser_proxy.js';
import {getCddTemplate, getPdfPrinter} from './print_preview_test_utils.js';
* Test version of the native layer.
export class NativeLayerStub extends TestBrowserProxy implements NativeLayer {
* The initial settings to be used for the response to a |getInitialSettings|
* call.
private initialSettings_: NativeInitialSettings|null = null;
* Local destination list to be used for the response to |getPrinters|.
private localDestinationInfos_: LocalDestinationInfo[] = [];
* Extension destination lists to be used for the response to |getPrinters|.
private extensionDestinationInfos_: ExtensionDestinationInfo[][] = [];
* A map from destination IDs to the responses to be sent when
* |getPrinterCapabilities| is called for the ID.
private localDestinationCapabilities_:
Map<string, Promise<CapabilitiesResponse>> = new Map();
private multipleCapabilitiesPromise_: PromiseResolver<void>|null = null;
private multipleCapabilitiesCount_: number = 0;
private multipleGetPrintersPromise_: PromiseResolver<void>|null = null;
private multipleGetPrintersCount_: number = 0;
/** The ID of a printer with a simulated bad driver. */
private badPrinterId_: string = '';
/** The number of total pages in the document. */
private pageCount_: number = 1;
private pageLayoutInfo_: PageLayoutInfo|null = null;
* Rejects the promise for getPrinters() to simulate getting no response or a
* a slow response from the backend.
private simulateNoResponseForGetPrinters_: boolean = false;
constructor() {
setPageCount(pageCount: number) {
this.pageCount_ = pageCount;
dialogClose(isCancel: boolean) {
this.methodCalled('dialogClose', isCancel);
getInitialSettings() {
return Promise.resolve(this.initialSettings_);
getPrinters(type: PrinterType) {
if (this.simulateNoResponseForGetPrinters_) {
return Promise.reject();
this.methodCalled('getPrinters', type);
if (this.multipleGetPrintersPromise_) {
if (this.multipleGetPrintersCount_ === 0) {
this.multipleGetPrintersPromise_ = null;
if (type === PrinterType.LOCAL_PRINTER &&
this.localDestinationInfos_.length > 0) {
'printers-added', type, this.localDestinationInfos_);
} else if (
type === PrinterType.EXTENSION_PRINTER &&
this.extensionDestinationInfos_.length > 0) {
this.extensionDestinationInfos_.forEach(infoList => {
webUIListenerCallback('printers-added', type, infoList);
return Promise.resolve();
getPreview(printTicket: string) {
this.methodCalled('getPreview', {printTicket: printTicket});
const printTicketParsed = JSON.parse(printTicket);
if (printTicketParsed.deviceName === this.badPrinterId_) {
return Promise.reject('SETTINGS_INVALID');
const pageRanges = printTicketParsed.pageRange;
const requestId = printTicketParsed.requestID;
if (this.pageLayoutInfo_) {
'page-layout-ready', this.pageLayoutInfo_, false, false);
if (pageRanges.length === 0) { // assume full length document, 1 page.
'page-count-ready', this.pageCount_, requestId, 100);
for (let i = 0; i < this.pageCount_; i++) {
webUIListenerCallback('page-preview-ready', i, 0, requestId);
} else {
const pages = pageRanges.reduce(
function(soFar: number[], range: {from: number, to: number}) {
for (let page = range.from; page <= range.to; page++) {
return soFar;
'page-count-ready', this.pageCount_, requestId, 100);
pages.forEach(function(page: number) {
webUIListenerCallback('page-preview-ready', page - 1, 0, requestId);
return Promise.resolve(requestId);
getPrinterCapabilities(printerId: string, type: PrinterType) {
{destinationId: printerId, printerType: type});
if (this.multipleCapabilitiesPromise_) {
if (this.multipleCapabilitiesCount_ === 0) {
this.multipleCapabilitiesPromise_ = null;
if (printerId === GooglePromotedDestinationId.SAVE_AS_PDF) {
return Promise.resolve(getPdfPrinter());
// <if expr="is_chromeos">
if (printerId === GooglePromotedDestinationId.SAVE_TO_DRIVE_CROS) {
return Promise.resolve(getPdfPrinter());
// </if>
if (type !== PrinterType.LOCAL_PRINTER) {
return Promise.reject();
return this.localDestinationCapabilities_.get(printerId) ||
doPrint(printTicket: string) {
this.methodCalled('doPrint', printTicket);
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
hidePreview() {
showSystemDialog() {
recordInHistogram(histogram: string, bucket: number) {
this.methodCalled('recordInHistogram', histogram, bucket);
recordBooleanHistogram() {}
saveAppState(appState: string) {
this.methodCalled('saveAppState', appState);
cancelPendingPrintRequest() {}
managePrinters() {
* settings The settings to return as a response to |getInitialSettings|.
setInitialSettings(settings: NativeInitialSettings) {
this.initialSettings_ = settings;
* @param localDestinations The local destinations to return as a response to
* |getPrinters|.
setLocalDestinations(localDestinations: LocalDestinationInfo[]) {
this.localDestinationInfos_ = localDestinations;
this.localDestinationCapabilities_ = new Map();
this.localDestinationInfos_.forEach(info => {
printer: info,
getCddTemplate(info.deviceName, info.printerName).capabilities,
* @param extensionDestinations The extension destinations to return as a
* response to |getPrinters|.
ExtensionDestinationInfo[][]) {
this.extensionDestinationInfos_ = extensionDestinations;
* @param response The response to send for the destination whose ID is in the
* response.
* @param reject Whether to reject the callback for this destination.
* Defaults to false (will resolve callback) if not provided.
response: CapabilitiesResponse, reject?: boolean) {
reject ? Promise.reject() : Promise.resolve(response));
* @param id The printer ID that should cause an SETTINGS_INVALID error in
* response to a preview request. Models a bad printer driver.
setInvalidPrinterId(id: string) {
this.badPrinterId_ = id;
setPageLayoutInfo(pageLayoutInfo: PageLayoutInfo) {
this.pageLayoutInfo_ = pageLayoutInfo;
* @param count The number of capability requests to wait for.
* @return Promise that resolves after |count| requests.
waitForMultipleCapabilities(count: number): Promise<void> {
assert(this.multipleCapabilitiesPromise_ === null);
this.multipleCapabilitiesCount_ = count;
this.multipleCapabilitiesPromise_ = new PromiseResolver();
return this.multipleCapabilitiesPromise_.promise;
* @param count The number of getPrinters requests to wait for.
* @return Promise that resolves after |count| requests.
waitForGetPrinters(count: number): Promise<void> {
assert(this.multipleGetPrintersPromise_ === null);
this.multipleGetPrintersCount_ = count;
this.multipleGetPrintersPromise_ = new PromiseResolver();
return this.multipleGetPrintersPromise_.promise;
boolean) {
this.simulateNoResponseForGetPrinters_ = simulateNoResponseForGetPrinters;