// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type {PrintPreviewModelElement, PrintPreviewPinSettingsElement} from 'chrome://print/print_preview.js';
import {State} from 'chrome://print/print_preview.js';
import {flush} from 'chrome://resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {assertEquals, assertFalse, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chai_assert.js';
import {fakeDataBind} from 'chrome://webui-test/polymer_test_util.js';
import {triggerInputEvent} from './print_preview_test_utils.js';
suite('PinSettingsTest', function() {
let pinSection: PrintPreviewPinSettingsElement;
let model: PrintPreviewModelElement;
setup(function() {
document.body.innerHTML = window.trustedTypes!.emptyHTML;
model = document.createElement('print-preview-model');
model.set('settings.pin.available', true);
model.set('settings.pin.value', false);
model.set('settings.pinValue.available', true);
model.set('settings.pinValue.value', '');
pinSection = document.createElement('print-preview-pin-settings');
pinSection.settings = model.settings;
pinSection.state = State.READY;
pinSection.disabled = false;
fakeDataBind(model, pinSection, 'settings');
// Pin settings observes |state| which may change
// regardless of pin availability, When the pin printing enforced by policy
// the checkbox will be true and the initial pin is empty which is invalid
// In this scenario setSettingValid assert will fail because the input is
// invalid and the pin printing is unavailable. This test make sure there is
// check for avaiablity before calling setSettingValid
// Regression test for https://crbug.com/1321118
test('pin settings unavailable with invalid input', async () => {
pinSection.state = State.NOT_READY;
model.set('settings.pin.available', false);
model.set('settings.pin.value', true);
model.set('settings.pinValue.available', false);
pinSection.state = State.READY;
// Tests that checking the box or entering the pin value updates the
// setting.
test('enter valid pin value', async () => {
const checkbox = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-checkbox')!;
const collapse = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-collapse')!;
assertEquals('', pinSection.getSettingValue('pinValue'));
checkbox.checked = true;
new CustomEvent('change', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
assertEquals('', pinSection.getSettingValue('pinValue'));
const input = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-input')!;
await input.updateComplete;
assertEquals('', input.value);
// Verify that entering the pin value in the input sets the setting.
await triggerInputEvent(input, '0000', pinSection);
assertEquals('0000', pinSection.getSettingValue('pinValue'));
assertEquals(true, pinSection.isPinValid);
// Tests that entering non-digit pin value updates the validity of the
// setting.
test('enter non-digit pin value', async () => {
const checkbox = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-checkbox')!;
checkbox.checked = true;
new CustomEvent('change', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
const input = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-input')!;
// Verify that entering the non-digit pin value in the input updates the
// setting validity and doesn't update its value.
await triggerInputEvent(input, 'aaaa', pinSection);
assertEquals('', pinSection.getSettingValue('pinValue'));
assertEquals(false, pinSection.isPinValid);
// Check that checkbox and input are still enabled so user can correct
// invalid input.
assertEquals(false, checkbox.disabled);
assertEquals(false, input.disabled);
// Tests that entering too short pin value updates the validity of the
// setting.
test('enter too short pin value', async () => {
const checkbox = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-checkbox')!;
checkbox.checked = true;
new CustomEvent('change', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
const input = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-input')!;
// Verify that entering too short pin value in the input updates the
// setting validity and doesn't update its value.
await triggerInputEvent(input, '000', pinSection);
assertEquals('', pinSection.getSettingValue('pinValue'));
assertEquals(false, pinSection.isPinValid);
// Check that checkbox and input are still enabled so user can correct
// invalid input.
assertEquals(false, checkbox.disabled);
assertEquals(false, input.disabled);
// Tests that entering empty pin value updates the validity of the
// setting.
test('enter empty pin value', async () => {
const checkbox = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-checkbox')!;
checkbox.checked = true;
new CustomEvent('change', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
const input = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-input')!;
// Verify that initial pin value is empty and the setting is invalid.
assertEquals('', pinSection.getSettingValue('pinValue'));
assertEquals(false, pinSection.isPinValid);
// Verify that entering the pin value in the input sets the setting.
await triggerInputEvent(input, '0000', pinSection);
assertEquals('0000', pinSection.getSettingValue('pinValue'));
assertEquals(true, pinSection.isPinValid);
// Verify that entering empty pin value in the input updates the
// setting validity and its value.
await triggerInputEvent(input, '', pinSection);
assertEquals('', pinSection.getSettingValue('pinValue'));
assertEquals(false, pinSection.isPinValid);
// Check that checkbox and input are still enabled so user can correct
// invalid input.
assertEquals(false, checkbox.disabled);
assertEquals(false, input.disabled);
// Check that after unchecking the checkbox the pin value is valid again.
checkbox.checked = false;
new CustomEvent('change', {bubbles: true, composed: true}));
assertEquals(true, pinSection.isPinValid);
// Tests that if settings are enforced by enterprise policy the
// appropriate UI is disabled.
test('disabled by policy', async () => {
const checkbox = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-checkbox')!;
pinSection.setSetting('pin', true);
const input = pinSection.shadowRoot!.querySelector('cr-input')!;
model.set('settings.pin.setByPolicy', true);
await input.updateComplete;