// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/schedule_enums.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/session_observer.h"
#include "ash/system/geolocation/geolocation_controller.h"
#include "ash/system/time/time_of_day.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation_traits.h"
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "base/time/tick_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power/power_manager_client.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
#include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"
class PrefService;
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace ash {
class LocalTimeConverter;
// ScheduledFeature represents a feature that can be automatically scheduled to
// be on and off at a specific time. By default, it supports no scheduler and
// auto scheduler (enable during sunset to sunrise). Optionally it may support
// a custom scheduler with a custom start and end time.
class ASH_EXPORT ScheduledFeature
: public GeolocationController::Observer,
public SessionObserver,
public chromeos::PowerManagerClient::Observer {
// Reasons why the feature's state may be modified.
enum class RefreshReason {
// An internally scheduled update to feature state (ex: sunrise or sunset
// when the `kSunsetToSunrise` schedule type is active).
// Schedule's settings have been changed by the user (schedule type, custom
// start/end time, etc).
// Something about the environment has changed (ex: waking up after
// suspend, new geoposition, etc), so the feature's state needs to be
// recomputed.
// An external caller explicitly modified the feature's state to something
// potentially different from what the schedule dictates.
// May be overridden for testing purposes (see SetClockForTesting()). By
// default, returns system time.
class Clock : public base::Clock, public base::TickClock {
// base::Clock:
base::Time Now() const override;
// base::TickClock:
base::TimeTicks NowTicks() const override;
// For callers who are interested in feature state changes expressed using
// `ScheduleCheckpoint`. Checkpoints are a finer-grained way of reading the
// feature's "enabled" state; if this level of detail is not necessary, it's
// sufficient to just observe the binary "enabled" state (see `GetEnabled()`).
class CheckpointObserver : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Invoked whenever a new `ScheduleCheckpoint` has been reached.
// The `src` is provided in case a caller is observing multiple
// `ScheduledFeature`s and needs to know which feature this notification is
// coming from.
virtual void OnCheckpointChanged(const ScheduledFeature* src,
ScheduleCheckpoint new_checkpoint) = 0;
~CheckpointObserver() override = default;
// `prefs_path_custom_start_time` and `prefs_path_custom_end_time` can be
// empty strings. Supplying only one of the custom time prefs is invalid,
// while supplying both of them enables the custom scheduling support.
ScheduledFeature(const std::string prefs_path_enabled,
const std::string prefs_path_schedule_type,
const std::string prefs_path_custom_start_time,
const std::string prefs_path_custom_end_time);
ScheduledFeature(const ScheduledFeature&) = delete;
ScheduledFeature& operator=(const ScheduledFeature&) = delete;
~ScheduledFeature() override;
PrefService* active_user_pref_service() const {
return active_user_pref_service_;
ScheduleCheckpoint current_checkpoint() const { return current_checkpoint_; }
bool GetEnabled() const;
ScheduleType GetScheduleType() const;
TimeOfDay GetCustomStartTime() const;
TimeOfDay GetCustomEndTime() const;
// Set the desired ScheduledFeature settings in the current active user
// prefs.
void SetEnabled(bool enabled);
void SetScheduleType(ScheduleType type);
void SetCustomStartTime(TimeOfDay start_time);
void SetCustomEndTime(TimeOfDay end_time);
void AddCheckpointObserver(CheckpointObserver* obs);
void RemoveCheckpointObserver(CheckpointObserver* obs);
// SessionObserver:
void OnActiveUserPrefServiceChanged(PrefService* pref_service) override;
// GeolocationController::Observer:
void OnGeopositionChanged(bool possible_change_in_timezone) override;
// chromeos::PowerManagerClient::Observer:
void SuspendDone(base::TimeDelta sleep_duration) override;
// Returns now time from the `clock_`.
base::Time Now() const;
void SetClockForTesting(const Clock* clock);
void SetLocalTimeConverterForTesting(
const LocalTimeConverter* local_time_converter);
void SetTaskRunnerForTesting(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner);
base::OneShotTimer* timer() const { return timer_.get(); }
// Called by `Refresh()` and `RefreshScheduleTimer()` to refresh the feature
// state such as display temperature in Night Light.
virtual void RefreshFeatureState(RefreshReason reason) {}
// Contains all of the data required to restore `ScheduledFeature` to a state
// it was in previously. This is maintained per user mainly so that
// `ScheduledFeature` can pick up where it left off when the active user
// changes. This includes restoring a manually toggled feature status. See
// `MaybeRestoreSchedule()`.
struct ScheduleSnapshot {
// The time at which the feature will switch to `target_status` defined
// below. `target_status` is not necessarily a change in status. See
// comments above `ScheduleNextRefresh()`.
base::Time target_time;
bool target_status;
// The value of `current_checkpoint_` at the time this snapshot of the
// feature's state was captured.
ScheduleCheckpoint current_checkpoint;
virtual const char* GetFeatureName() const = 0;
// Invoked whenever `OnActiveUserPrefServiceChanged()` is called.
// `active_user_pref_service()` is guaranteed to be non-null within this
// method and reflect the new active user. This is always called before the
// first `RefreshFeatureState()` call is made for the new user.
virtual void InitFeatureForNewActiveUser() {}
// Optionally override to observe feature-specific prefs. Invoked whenever
// `OnActiveUserPrefServiceChanged()` is called. Overrides can assume the
// `pref_change_registrar` is already initialized.
virtual void ListenForPrefChanges(
PrefChangeRegistrar& pref_change_registrar) {}
// Optional for recording a metric that tracks how often each `ScheduleType`
// is used. Returns the full histogram name. By default, returns nullptr,
// which disables the metric.
virtual const char* GetScheduleTypeHistogramName() const;
// Attempts restoring a previously stored schedule for the current user if
// possible and returns true if so, false otherwise.
bool MaybeRestoreSchedule();
void StartWatchingPrefsChanges();
void InitFromUserPrefs();
void SetEnabledInternal(bool enabled, RefreshReason reason);
// Called when the user pref for the enabled status of ScheduledFeature is
// changed.
void OnEnabledPrefChanged();
// Called when the user pref for the schedule type is changed or initialized.
void OnScheduleTypePrefChanged();
// Refreshes feature state assuming `RefreshReason::kSettingsChanged`.
// During initialization, `keep_manual_toggles_during_schedules` is set to
// true, so the load user pref override any user current toggled setting. For
// more detail about `keep_manual_toggles_during_schedules`, see `Refresh()`.
void RefreshForSettingsChanged(bool keep_manual_toggles_during_schedules);
// Called when either of the custom schedule prefs (custom start or end times)
// are changed.
void OnCustomSchedulePrefsChanged();
// Refreshes the state of ScheduledFeature according to the currently set
// parameters.
// If `keep_manual_toggles_during_schedules` is true, refreshing the schedule
// will not override a previous user's decision to toggle the
// ScheduledFeature status while the schedule is being used.
void Refresh(RefreshReason reason, bool keep_manual_toggles_during_schedules);
// Given the desired start and end times that determine the time interval
// during which the feature will be ON, depending on the time of "now", it
// refreshes the `timer_` to either schedule the future start or end of
// the feature, as well as update the current status if needed.
// This function should never be called if the schedule type is `kNone`.
void RefreshScheduleTimer(base::Time start_time,
base::Time end_time,
RefreshReason reason,
bool keep_manual_toggles_during_schedules);
// Schedule the next upcoming refresh of the feature state and save a copy of
// the schedule's `current_snapshot` so that it can be restored in the future
// for the current user if needed.
// `current_snapshot.target_status` may actually be the same as `GetEnabled()`
// in some cases. For example, if it is currently `kSunrise` (`GetEnabled()`
// is false), that means the next `ScheduleCheckpoint` is `kMorning`
// (`target_status` is still false).
void ScheduleNextRefresh(const ScheduleSnapshot& current_snapshot,
base::Time now);
// Schedules the next call to retry a `Refresh()` operation after a failure.
// Note this is for failure and `ScheduleNextRefresh()` is for success.
void ScheduleNextRefreshRetry(bool keep_manual_toggles_during_schedules);
void SetCurrentCheckpoint(ScheduleCheckpoint new_checkpoint);
// The pref service of the currently active user. Can be null in
// ash_unittests.
raw_ptr<PrefService> active_user_pref_service_ = nullptr;
base::flat_map<PrefService*, ScheduleSnapshot> per_user_schedule_snapshot_;
// The timer that schedules the start and end of this feature when the
// schedule type is either kSunsetToSunrise or kCustom. Safe to assume this is
// never null; this is only reinitialized when the caller sets a new clock.
std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer> timer_;
// The registrar used to watch prefs changes in the above
// `active_user_pref_service_` from outside ash.
// NOTE: Prefs are how Chrome communicates changes to the ScheduledFeature
// settings controlled by this class from the WebUI settings.
std::unique_ptr<PrefChangeRegistrar> pref_change_registrar_;
const std::string prefs_path_enabled_;
const std::string prefs_path_schedule_type_;
const std::string prefs_path_custom_start_time_;
const std::string prefs_path_custom_end_time_;
raw_ptr<GeolocationController> geolocation_controller_;
const Clock default_clock_;
// May be reset in tests to override the time of "Now"; otherwise, points to
// `default_clock_`. Should never be null.
raw_ptr<const Clock> clock_ = nullptr; // Not owned.
// Optional Used in tests to override all local time operations.
raw_ptr<const LocalTimeConverter> local_time_converter_ =
nullptr; // Not owned.
// Never persisted anywhere. Must stay in sync with the feature's current
// "enabled" state.
ScheduleCheckpoint current_checkpoint_ = ScheduleCheckpoint::kDisabled;
base::ObserverList<CheckpointObserver> checkpoint_observers_;
// When a call to `Refresh()` fails, retry with exponential backoff.
net::BackoffEntry refresh_failure_backoff_;
// Transient storage of the `RefreshReason` to be plumbed from
// `SetEnabledInternal()` to the `OnEnabledPrefChanged()` callback.
RefreshReason set_enabled_refresh_reason_ = RefreshReason::kExternal;
} // namespace ash
namespace base {
template <>
struct ScopedObservationTraits<ash::ScheduledFeature,
ash::ScheduledFeature::CheckpointObserver> {
static void AddObserver(ash::ScheduledFeature* source,
ash::ScheduledFeature::CheckpointObserver* observer) {
static void RemoveObserver(
ash::ScheduledFeature* source,
ash::ScheduledFeature::CheckpointObserver* observer) {
} // namespace base