// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Tests for the Phone as a Security Key settings page.
import type {CrInputElement, SecurityKeysPhone, SecurityKeysPhonesBrowserProxy, SecurityKeysPhonesList, SecurityKeysPhonesSubpageElement} from 'chrome://settings/lazy_load.js';
import {SecurityKeysPhonesBrowserProxyImpl} from 'chrome://settings/lazy_load.js';
import {assertDeepEquals, assertEquals, assertTrue} from 'chrome://webui-test/chai_assert.js';
import {flushTasks} from 'chrome://webui-test/polymer_test_util.js';
import {TestBrowserProxy} from 'chrome://webui-test/test_browser_proxy.js';
class TestSecurityKeysPhonesBrowserProxy extends TestBrowserProxy implements
SecurityKeysPhonesBrowserProxy {
constructor() {
// nextPhonesList_ is the next result to return from a call to `enumerate` or
// `delete`.
private nextPhonesList_: SecurityKeysPhonesList|null = null;
setNextPhonesList(syncedPhones: string[], linkedPhones: string[]) {
this.nextPhonesList_ =
[syncedPhones.map(this.toPhone_), linkedPhones.map(this.toPhone_)];
/* override */ enumerate(): Promise<SecurityKeysPhonesList> {
return this.consumeNextPhonesList_();
/* override */ delete(publicKey: string): Promise<SecurityKeysPhonesList> {
this.methodCalled('delete', publicKey);
return this.consumeNextPhonesList_();
/* override */ rename(publicKey: string, newName: string): Promise<void> {
this.methodCalled('rename', publicKey, newName);
return Promise.resolve();
private consumeNextPhonesList_(): Promise<SecurityKeysPhonesList> {
const result = this.nextPhonesList_;
this.nextPhonesList_ = null;
result !== null,
'browserProxy methods called without result have being set for it');
return Promise.resolve(result!);
* Create a dummy phone given a name.
private toPhone_(name: string): SecurityKeysPhone {
return {name, publicKey: name};
type ShownPhones = Array<{name: string, hasDots: boolean}>;
* Get the phones currently listed by the given SecurityKeysPhonesListElement.
function getPhonesFromList(list: HTMLElement): ShownPhones {
const items = list.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('.list-item');
const ret: ShownPhones = [];
for (const item of items) {
const nameSpan = item.querySelector<HTMLElement>('.name-column');
const dots = item.querySelector<HTMLElement>('.icon-more-vert');
if (nameSpan != null) {
ret.push({name: nameSpan.innerText, hasDots: dots !== null});
return ret;
* Get the list phones currently shown on the page.
function getPhones(page: HTMLElement): [ShownPhones, ShownPhones] {
return [
* Click the `num`th drop-down icon in the list of linked phones.
function clickLinkedPhoneDots(page: HTMLElement, num: number) {
const list =
const items = list.shadowRoot!.querySelectorAll('.list-item');
const dots = items[num]!.querySelector<HTMLElement>('.icon-more-vert')!;
* Click the button named `name` in the `num`th drop-down.
function clickButton(page: HTMLElement, name: string) {
const list =
const menu = list.shadowRoot!.querySelector<HTMLElement>('#menu')!;
const button = menu.querySelector<HTMLElement>('#' + name);
assertTrue(button !== null, name + ' button missing');
if (button === null) {
suite('SecurityKeysPhonesSubpage', function() {
let browserProxy: TestSecurityKeysPhonesBrowserProxy;
let page: SecurityKeysPhonesSubpageElement;
// These are the initial lists of synced and linked phones that will be
// displayed when the test starts.
const initialSynced = ['Synced 1', 'Synced 2'];
const initialLinked = ['Linked 1', 'Linked 2'];
setup(async function() {
browserProxy = new TestSecurityKeysPhonesBrowserProxy();
document.body.innerHTML = window.trustedTypes!.emptyHTML;
page = document.createElement('security-keys-phones-subpage');
browserProxy.setNextPhonesList(initialSynced, initialLinked);
await flushTasks();
assertEquals(browserProxy.getCallCount('enumerate'), 1);
test('Initialization', async function() {
const shown = getPhones(page);
// The default entries should be shown.
assertDeepEquals(shown[0].map(x => x.name), initialSynced);
assertDeepEquals(shown[1].map(x => x.name), initialLinked);
// The synced phones should not have the dropdown dots, the linked phones
// should.
shown[0].every(x => !x.hasDots), 'Synced phones don\'t have dots');
assertTrue(shown[1].every(x => x.hasDots), 'Linked phones have dots');
test('Delete', async function() {
clickLinkedPhoneDots(page, 0);
// 'delete' should be called for the first linked phone.
browserProxy.whenCalled('delete').then((name: string) => {
assertEquals(name, initialLinked[0]);
browserProxy.setNextPhonesList(initialSynced, ['Linked 2']);
clickButton(page, 'delete');
await flushTasks();
assertEquals(browserProxy.getCallCount('delete'), 1);
const shown = getPhones(page);
assertDeepEquals(shown[0].map(x => x.name), initialSynced);
// The first phone should have disappeared.
assertDeepEquals(shown[1].map(x => x.name), ['Linked 2']);
test('Edit', async function() {
clickLinkedPhoneDots(page, 0);
clickButton(page, 'edit');
await flushTasks();
const dialogs =
assertEquals(dialogs.length, 1, 'num dialogs');
const dialog = dialogs[0]!;
const name = dialog.shadowRoot!.querySelector<CrInputElement>('#name')!;
assertEquals(name.value, 'Linked 1');
const newName = 'New name';
name.value = newName;
const saveButton =
([publicKey, requestedName]: [string, string]) => {
assertEquals(publicKey, initialLinked[0]);
assertEquals(requestedName, newName);
browserProxy.setNextPhonesList(initialSynced, [newName, 'Linked 2']);
await flushTasks();
assertEquals(browserProxy.getCallCount('rename'), 1, 'rename not called');
await browserProxy.whenCalled('enumerate');
await flushTasks();
browserProxy.getCallCount('enumerate'), 1, 'enumerate not called');
const shown = getPhones(page);
assertDeepEquals(shown[0].map(x => x.name), initialSynced);
// The first phone should have been renamed.
assertDeepEquals(shown[1].map(x => x.name), [newName, 'Linked 2']);