// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/display_manager_observer.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/managed_display_info.h"
namespace ash {
// ScreenLayoutObserver is responsible to send notification to users when screen
// resolution changes or screen rotation changes.
class ASH_EXPORT ScreenLayoutObserver : public display::DisplayManagerObserver {
ScreenLayoutObserver(const ScreenLayoutObserver&) = delete;
ScreenLayoutObserver& operator=(const ScreenLayoutObserver&) = delete;
~ScreenLayoutObserver() override;
static const char kNotificationId[];
// display::DisplayManagerObserver:
void OnDidApplyDisplayChanges() override;
// No notification will be shown only for the next ui scale change for the
// display with |display_id|. This state will be consumed and subsequent
// changes won't be affected.
void SetDisplayChangedFromSettingsUI(int64_t display_id);
// Notifications are shown in production and are not shown in unit tests.
// Allow individual unit tests to show notifications.
void set_show_notifications_for_testing(bool show) {
show_notifications_for_testing_ = show;
friend class ScreenLayoutObserverTest;
using DisplayInfoMap = std::map<int64_t, display::ManagedDisplayInfo>;
// Scans the current display info and updates |display_info_|. Sets the
// previous data to |old_info| if it's not NULL.
void UpdateDisplayInfo(DisplayInfoMap* old_info);
// Compares the current display settings with |old_info| and determine what
// message should be shown for notification. Returns true if there's a
// meaningful change. Note that it's possible to return true and set
// |out_message| to empty, which means the notification should be removed. It
// also sets |out_additional_message| which appears in the notification with
// the |out_message|.
bool GetUnassociatedDisplayMessage(const DisplayInfoMap& old_info,
std::u16string* out_message,
std::u16string* out_additional_message);
// Creates or updates the display notification.
void CreateOrUpdateNotification(const std::u16string& message,
const std::u16string& additional_message);
// Returns the notification message that should be shown when mirror display
// mode is exited.
bool GetExitMirrorModeMessage(std::u16string* out_message,
std::u16string* out_additional_message);
DisplayInfoMap display_info_;
enum class DisplayMode {
EXTENDED_2, // 2 displays in extended mode.
EXTENDED_3_PLUS, // 3+ displays in extended mode.
DisplayMode old_display_mode_ = DisplayMode::SINGLE;
DisplayMode current_display_mode_ = DisplayMode::SINGLE;
bool has_unassociated_display_ = false;
// When the UI scale of a display is modified from the Settings UI, we should
// ignore this change and avoid showing a notification for it.
std::set<int64_t> displays_changed_from_settings_ui_;
bool show_notifications_for_testing_ = true;
} // namespace ash