// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome-untrusted://read-anything-side-panel.top-chrome/read_anything.js';
import {assertEquals, assertThrows, assertTrue} from 'chrome-untrusted://webui-test/chai_assert.js';
import {FakeReadingMode} from './fake_reading_mode.js';
import type {FakeTree} from './fake_tree_builder.js';
import {FakeTreeBuilder} from './fake_tree_builder.js';
suite('FakeTreeBuilderTest', () => {
let readingMode: FakeReadingMode;
const errorMsg: string = ': expected false to be true';
setup(() => {
readingMode = new FakeReadingMode();
function buildTree(
builder: FakeTreeBuilder, rootId: number, htmlTagNodes: number[],
htmlTags: string[], textNodes: number[], text: string[]): FakeTree {
for (let i = 0; i < htmlTagNodes.length; i++) {
builder.addTag(htmlTagNodes[i]!, rootId, htmlTags[i]!)
.addText(textNodes[i]!, htmlTagNodes[i]!, text[i]!);
return builder.build(readingMode);
suite('fake tree builder', () => {
let builder: FakeTreeBuilder;
function assertNodeHasExpectedValues(
tree: FakeTree, expectedId: number, expectedHtmlTag: string,
expectedTextContent: string, expectedChildren: number[]) {
const node = tree.nodes.get(expectedId)!;
assertEquals(node.id, expectedId);
assertEquals(expectedHtmlTag, node.htmlTag);
assertEquals(expectedHtmlTag, readingMode.getHtmlTag(expectedId));
assertEquals(expectedTextContent, node.textContent);
assertEquals(expectedTextContent, readingMode.getTextContent(expectedId));
const readingModeChildren = readingMode.getChildren(expectedId);
assertEquals(expectedChildren.length, readingModeChildren.length);
assertEquals(expectedChildren.length, node.children.length);
for (let i = 0; i < expectedChildren.length; i++) {
assertEquals(expectedChildren[i], readingModeChildren[i]!);
assertEquals(expectedChildren[i], node.children[i]!);
setup(() => {
builder = new FakeTreeBuilder();
test('build without root node fails', () => {
assertThrows(() => builder.build(readingMode), errorMsg);
test('add tag before parent fails', () => {
assertThrows(() => builder.addTag(1, 0, 'span'), errorMsg);
test('add text before parent fails', () => {
() => builder.addText(2, 1, 'just give me a reason'), errorMsg);
test('build tree with just root returns root with no children', () => {
const rootId = 0;
const tree = builder.root(rootId).build(readingMode);
assertEquals(rootId, readingMode.rootId);
assertNodeHasExpectedValues(tree, rootId, '#document', '', []);
suite('with valid tree', () => {
const rootId = 10;
const htmlTagNodes = [11, 13, 15, 17];
const htmlTags = ['h1', 'p', 'h2', 'span'];
const textNodes = [12, 14, 16, 18];
const text = [
'Verse 1',
'right from the start you were a thief you stole my heart',
'just give me a reason, just a little bit\'s enough',
let tree: FakeTree;
setup(() => {
tree =
buildTree(builder, rootId, htmlTagNodes, htmlTags, textNodes, text);
test('root of tree has document tag and html tag children', () => {
assertEquals(rootId, readingMode.rootId);
tree, rootId, '#document', '', htmlTagNodes);
'tags have html tags, no text content, and text nodes as children',
() => {
for (let i = 0; i < htmlTagNodes.length; i++) {
tree, htmlTagNodes[i]!, htmlTags[i]!, '', [textNodes[i]!]);
test('text nodes have text content, no tags, and no children', () => {
for (let i = 0; i < textNodes.length; i++) {
assertNodeHasExpectedValues(tree, textNodes[i]!, '', text[i]!, []);
suite('fake tree', () => {
const rootId = 10;
const htmlTagNodes = [11, 13, 15, 17, 19];
const htmlTags = ['p', 'p', 'p', 'p', 'p'];
const textNodes = [12, 14, 16, 18, 20];
const text = [
'I\'ve just met a girl named Maria',
'And suddenly that name',
'Will never be the same',
'To me',
let tree: FakeTree;
setup(() => {
const builder = new FakeTreeBuilder();
tree =
buildTree(builder, rootId, htmlTagNodes, htmlTags, textNodes, text);
suite('setSelection', () => {
test('non-existent nodes fails', () => {
assertThrows(() => tree.setSelection(4, 0, 5, 7), errorMsg);
test('selection within one node succeeds', () => {
tree.setSelection(14, 3, 14, 10);
assertEquals(14, readingMode.startNodeId);
assertEquals(14, readingMode.endNodeId);
assertEquals(3, readingMode.startOffset);
assertEquals(10, readingMode.endOffset);
test('selection across nodes succeeds', () => {
tree.setSelection(14, 0, 16, 5);
assertEquals(14, readingMode.startNodeId);
assertEquals(16, readingMode.endNodeId);
assertEquals(0, readingMode.startOffset);
assertEquals(5, readingMode.endOffset);
suite('setReadingHighlight', () => {
test('non-existent nodes fails', () => {
assertThrows(() => tree.setReadingHighlight(2, 1, 3, 2), errorMsg);
suite('when highlighting one node', () => {
setup(() => {
tree.setReadingHighlight(textNodes[1]!, 3, textNodes[1]!, 10);
test('indices for highlighted node are correct', () => {
assertEquals(3, readingMode.getCurrentTextStartIndex(textNodes[1]!));
assertEquals(10, readingMode.getCurrentTextEndIndex(textNodes[1]!));
test('indices for valid but not highlighted node are not found', () => {
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextStartIndex(textNodes[2]!));
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextEndIndex(textNodes[2]!));
test('indices for invalid node are not found', () => {
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextStartIndex(0));
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextEndIndex(0));
suite('when highlighting across nodes', () => {
setup(() => {
tree.setReadingHighlight(textNodes[1]!, 4, textNodes[3]!, 5);
test('indices for first highlighted node are correct', () => {
assertEquals(4, readingMode.getCurrentTextStartIndex(textNodes[1]!));
test('indices for last highlighted node are correct', () => {
assertEquals(0, readingMode.getCurrentTextStartIndex(textNodes[3]!));
assertEquals(5, readingMode.getCurrentTextEndIndex(textNodes[3]!));
test('indices for invalid node are not found', () => {
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextStartIndex(0));
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextEndIndex(0));
suite('highlightNode', () => {
test('non-existent nodes fails', () => {
assertThrows(() => tree.highlightNode(0), errorMsg);
suite('when highlighting valid node', () => {
setup(() => {
test('full node is highlighted', () => {
assertEquals(0, readingMode.getCurrentTextStartIndex(textNodes[2]!));
test('valid but not highlighted node has invalid indices', () => {
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextStartIndex(textNodes[3]!));
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextEndIndex(textNodes[3]!));
test('indices for invalid node are not found', () => {
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextStartIndex(0));
assertEquals(-1, readingMode.getCurrentTextEndIndex(0));