// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'chrome-untrusted://read-anything-side-panel.top-chrome/read_anything.js';
import type {AppElement} from 'chrome-untrusted://read-anything-side-panel.top-chrome/read_anything.js';
import {assertEquals} from 'chrome-untrusted://webui-test/chai_assert.js';
import {suppressInnocuousErrors} from './common.js';
suite('UpdateContentIntegration', () => {
let app: AppElement;
function setTree(rootChildren: number[], nodes: Object[]) {
const tree = {
rootId: 1,
nodes: [
id: 1,
role: 'rootWebArea',
htmlTag: '#document',
childIds: rootChildren,
chrome.readingMode.setContentForTesting(tree, rootChildren);
function assertHtml(expected: string) {
assertEquals(expected, app.$.container.innerHTML);
setup(() => {
document.body.innerHTML = window.trustedTypes!.emptyHTML;
chrome.readingMode.onConnected = () => {};
app = document.createElement('read-anything-app');
test('overline text style', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
childIds: [3, 4, 5],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
textStyle: 'overline',
name: 'This should be overlined.',
id: 4,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'Regular text.',
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
textStyle: 'overline underline',
name: 'This is overlined and bolded.',
const expected = '<div><p><span style="text-decoration: overline;">This ' +
'should be overlined.</span>Regular text.<b style="text-decoration: ' +
'overline;">This is overlined and bolded.</b></p></div>';
setTree([2], nodes);
test('bold text style', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
childIds: [3, 4],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'Regular text.',
id: 4,
role: 'staticText',
textStyle: 'underline',
name: 'This should be bolded.',
id: 5,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
childIds: [6, 7],
id: 6,
role: 'staticText',
textStyle: 'italic',
name: 'Bolded text.',
id: 7,
role: 'staticText',
textStyle: 'bold',
name: 'Bolded text.',
const expected = '<div><p>Regular text.<b>This should be bolded.</b></p>' +
'<p><b>Bolded text.</b><b>Bolded text.</b></p></div>';
setTree([2, 5], nodes);
test('horizontal text direction', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
direction: 1,
childIds: [3],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is left to right writing',
id: 4,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
direction: 2,
childIds: [5],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is right to left writing',
const expected = '<div><p dir="ltr">This is left to right writing</p>' +
'<p dir="rtl">This is right to left writing</p></div>';
setTree([2, 4], nodes);
test('horizontal text direction with different parent', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
direction: 1,
childIds: [3, 4],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is ltr',
id: 4,
role: 'link',
htmlTag: 'a',
direction: 2,
url: 'http://www.google.com/',
childIds: [5],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This link is rtl',
const expected = '<div><p dir="ltr">This is ltr' +
'<a dir="rtl" href="http://www.google.com/">' +
'This link is rtl</a></p></div>';
setTree([2], nodes);
test('vertical text direction', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
direction: 3,
childIds: [3],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This should be auto',
id: 4,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
direction: 4,
childIds: [5],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This should be also be auto',
const expected = '<div><p dir="auto">This should be auto</p>' +
'<p dir="auto">This should be also be auto</p></div>';
setTree([2, 4], nodes);
test('normal text', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is some text.',
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is some more text.',
const expected = '<div>This is some text.This is some more text.</div>';
setTree([2, 3], nodes);
test('bad input', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'staticText',
const expected = '';
setTree([2], nodes);
test('paragraph', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
childIds: [3],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is a paragraph',
id: 4,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
childIds: [5],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is a second paragraph',
const expected = '<div><p>This is a paragraph</p>' +
'<p>This is a second paragraph</p></div>';
setTree([2, 4], nodes);
test('no content nodes', () => {
const axTree = {
rootId: 1,
nodes: [
id: 1,
role: 'rootWebArea',
htmlTag: '#document',
childIds: [2],
id: 2,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is some text.',
const expected = '';
chrome.readingMode.setContentForTesting(axTree, []);
test('link', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'link',
htmlTag: 'a',
url: 'http://www.google.com',
childIds: [3],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is a link.',
id: 4,
role: 'link',
htmlTag: 'a',
url: 'http://www.youtube.com',
childIds: [5],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is another link.',
const expected = '<div><a href="http://www.google.com">This is a link.' +
'</a><a href="http://www.youtube.com">This is another link.</a></div>';
setTree([2, 4], nodes);
test('bad link input', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'link',
htmlTag: 'a',
childIds: [3],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This link does not have a url.',
id: 4,
role: 'image',
htmlTag: 'img',
url: 'http://www.mycat.com',
const expected =
'<div><a>This link does not have a url.</a><canvas alt="" ' +
setTree([2, 4], nodes);
test('language set by parent', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
language: 'en',
childIds: [3, 4],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is in English',
id: 4,
role: 'link',
htmlTag: 'a',
url: 'http://www.google.com/',
childIds: [5],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This link has no language set',
const expected = '<div><p lang="en">This is in English' +
'<a href="http://www.google.com/">This link has no language set</a>' +
setTree([2], nodes);
test('child and parent language are different', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
language: 'en',
childIds: [3],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is in English',
id: 4,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
language: 'es',
childIds: [5, 6],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'Esto es en español',
id: 6,
role: 'link',
htmlTag: 'a',
language: 'zh',
url: 'http://www.google.cn/',
childIds: [7],
id: 7,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is a link in Chinese',
const expected = '<div><p lang="en">This is in English</p>' +
'<p lang="es">Esto es en español' +
'<a href="http://www.google.cn/" lang="zh">' +
'This is a link in Chinese</a></p></div>';
setTree([2, 4], nodes);
test('interactive element', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
childIds: [3],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'hello world',
id: 4,
role: 'button',
htmlTag: 'button',
childIds: [5],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'button text',
const expected = '<div><p>hello world</p></div>';
setTree([2, 4], nodes);
test('headings with other content', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h1',
childIds: [3],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h1.',
id: 4,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h2',
childIds: [5],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h2.',
id: 6,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h3',
childIds: [7],
id: 7,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h3.',
id: 8,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h4',
childIds: [9],
id: 9,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h4.',
id: 10,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h5',
childIds: [11],
id: 11,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h5.',
id: 12,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h6',
childIds: [13],
id: 13,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h6.',
id: 14,
role: 'paragraph',
htmlTag: 'p',
childIds: [15],
id: 15,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is a paragraph.',
const expected = '<div><h1>This is an h1.</h1><h2>This is an h2.</h2>' +
'<h3>This is an h3.</h3><h4>This is an h4.</h4><h5>This is an h5.' +
'</h5><h6>This is an h6.</h6><p>This is a paragraph.</p></div>';
setTree([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14], nodes);
test('only headings', () => {
const nodes = [
id: 2,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h1',
childIds: [3],
id: 3,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h1.',
id: 4,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h2',
childIds: [5],
id: 5,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h2.',
id: 6,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h3',
childIds: [7],
id: 7,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h3.',
id: 8,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h4',
childIds: [9],
id: 9,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h4.',
id: 10,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h5',
childIds: [11],
id: 11,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h5.',
id: 12,
role: 'heading',
htmlTag: 'h6',
childIds: [13],
id: 13,
role: 'staticText',
name: 'This is an h6.',
const expected = '';
// RM should not display JUST heading nodes.
setTree([2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12], nodes);