// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/notification_center/notification_center_tray.h"
#include "ash/system/tray/tray_background_view.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
namespace ash {
// This class controls the animation sequence that runs when the notification
// center tray's visibility changes.
class ASH_EXPORT StatusAreaAnimationController
: public TrayBackgroundView::Observer,
public NotificationCenterTray::Observer {
explicit StatusAreaAnimationController(
NotificationCenterTray* notification_center_tray);
StatusAreaAnimationController(const StatusAreaAnimationController&) = delete;
StatusAreaAnimationController& operator=(
const StatusAreaAnimationController&) = delete;
~StatusAreaAnimationController() override;
// Returns true if the "hide" animation is scheduled to run, false otherwise.
bool is_hide_animation_scheduled() { return is_hide_animation_scheduled_; }
// Starts running the visibility animation sequence. This will be the "show"
// animation sequence if `visible` is true, otherwise it will be the "hide"
// sequence.
void PerformAnimation(bool visible);
// Disables animations for visibility changes of the notification center
// tray's `TrayItemView`s. The animations will be re-enabled when the higher-
// level "show" animation sequence finishes/aborts.
void DisableNotificationCenterTrayItemAnimations();
// Re-enables the notification center tray's `TrayItemView`'s visibility
// animations.
void EnableNotificationCenterTrayItemAnimations();
// Updates the notification center tray's `TrayItemView`'s visibilities
// without animating any changes.
void ImmediatelyUpdateTrayItemVisibilities();
// TrayBackgroundView::Observer:
void OnVisiblePreferredChanged(bool visible_preferred) override;
// NotificationCenterTray::Observer:
void OnAllTrayItemsAdded() override;
// A `base::ScopedClosureRunner` that, when run, re-enables default visibility
// animations for `NotificationCenterTray`. Note that this should not be run
// until this `StatusAreaAnimationController` is being destroyed, because the
// whole point of this class is to handle a custom visibility animation for
// `NotificationCenterTray`.
// A list of `base::ScopedClosureRunner`s that, when run, re-enable visibility
// animations for `NotificationCenterTray`'s `TrayItemView`s whose animations
// are currently disabled.
raw_ptr<NotificationCenterTray> notification_center_tray_;
// Whether the "hide" animation is scheduled to be run.
bool is_hide_animation_scheduled_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<StatusAreaAnimationController> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash