// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Do not depend on the Chai Assertion Library in this file. Some consumers of
// the following test utils are not configured to use Chai.
* Observes an HTML attribute and fires a promise when it matches a given
* value.
export function whenAttributeIs(
target: HTMLElement, attributeName: string,
attributeValue: any): Promise<void> {
function isDone(): boolean {
return target.getAttribute(attributeName) === attributeValue;
return isDone() ? Promise.resolve() : new Promise(function(resolve) {
new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
if (mutation.type === 'attributes' &&
mutation.attributeName === attributeName && isDone()) {
target, {attributes: true, childList: false, characterData: false});
* Observes an HTML element and fires a promise when the check function is
* satisfied.
export function whenCheck(
target: HTMLElement, check: () => boolean): Promise<void> {
return check() ?
Promise.resolve() :
new Promise(resolve => new MutationObserver((_list, observer) => {
if (check()) {
}).observe(target, {
attributes: true,
childList: true,
subtree: true,
* Converts an event occurrence to a promise.
* @return A promise firing once the event occurs.
export function eventToPromise(
eventType: string, target: Element|EventTarget|Window): Promise<any> {
return new Promise(function(resolve, _reject) {
target.addEventListener(eventType, function f(e) {
target.removeEventListener(eventType, f);
* Returns whether or not the element specified is visible.
export function isVisible(element: Element|null): boolean {
const rect = element ? element.getBoundingClientRect() : null;
return (!!rect && rect.width * rect.height > 0);
* Searches the DOM of the parentEl element for a child matching the provided
* selector then checks the visibility of the child.
export function isChildVisible(parentEl: Element, selector: string,
checkLightDom?: boolean): boolean {
const element = checkLightDom ? parentEl.querySelector(selector) :
return isVisible(element);
* Queries |selector| on |element|'s shadow root and returns the resulting
* element if there is any.
export function $$<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement>(
element: HTMLElement, selector: string): E|null;
export function $$(element: HTMLElement, selector: string) {
return element.shadowRoot!.querySelector(selector);
* Returns whether the |element|'s style |property| matches the expected value.
export function hasStyle(
element: Element, property: string, expected: string): boolean {
return expected === element.computedStyleMap().get(property)?.toString();
* Helper method to locally add a breakpoint to a test and automatically pause
* execution once it is hit, allowing further debugging via the DevTools, like
* stepping through the code.
* Note: DO NOT commit such calls into the repository.
* Specifically in order to use it, follow the steps below:
* 1) Add an `await launchDebugger();` statement right before the line of
* interest.
* 2) [Optional] Change test() to test.only() to only run the relevant test
* case.
* 3) Launch the test with all of the following command line flags
* --enable-pixel-output-in-tests
* --ui-test-action-timeout=1000000
* --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs
* --gtest_filter=MyTest.Foo
* Once the test launches, you should see a DevTools window, with the code
* paused at the 'debugger;' statement below.
* 4) Click the "Step out" icon in the DevTools Sources panel to step out of
* this helper function and into the actual test code of interest. Continue
* debugging as needed.
* Note that the timeout is necessary because 'debugger;' statements are a
* no-op if DevTools is not open, and opening DevTools with the
* --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs flag takes a bit of time. The default value
* seems to work for most tests, but can be overridden with a larger value if
* more time is needed in your environment.
export async function launchDebugger(timeout: number = 2000) {
await new Promise<void>(res => {
window.setTimeout(() => res(), timeout);
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-debugger */
* When dealing with CrLitElement instances, prefer this over using the
* `updateComplete` Promise, since it guarantees that microtasks queued by all
* other Lit elements have executed, as well as any updates that would be
* triggered by those updates, and so on.
export function microtasksFinished(): Promise<void> {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 0));