
# This file is used as a template to generate host files for our CI tests.
# <xyz> tokens are replaced with real values by

project {
  # ID of the project. Note that it's not the name of the project.
  name: '<project_id>'

  # All assets will be created in this zone. Note that this is NOT the region name.
  zone: 'us-west1-b'

# Where the logs go.
log_settings { admin_log: "admin" }

storage {
  # The GCS storage bucket.
  bucket: "<storage_bucket>",

  # all files used by CEL will be put under this directory.
  prefix: "<storage_prefix>"

machine_type {
  # Name must match the host_machine_type field in the windows_machine asset
  # entries.
  name: 'win2012r2'

  # Going to specify instance properties for a new GCE instance. Alternatively,
  # we could specify a GCE instance template name.
  instance_properties {
    # Go with 2 CPUs and 7.5GB of RAM. This is the GCE machine type, not to be
    # confused with the CEL machine_type.
    machineType: 'projects/${}/zones/${}/machineTypes/n1-standard-2'

    # Scheduling options. By default instances are not pre-emptible.
    scheduling {
      automaticRestart: true

    # Disks. We only need one disk
    disks {
      # autoDelete must be set to true when specifying initializeParams.
      # Otherwise the toolchain will remind you.
      autoDelete: true

      # ... which is a boot disk. This can be left out since the first disk
      # will become the boot disk by default.
      boot: true

      initializeParams {
        # This is a special form for referencing the URL property of the image
        # object named windows-2012-r2. Furthermore, this image type is not
        # defined in this file. Instead see the builtins.textpb file for a list
        # of builtin host assets that can be included for convenience.
        sourceImage: '${}'

    # Note that we are leaving a bunch of fields out because their defaults are
    # reasonable. See the GCE documentation, and in particular the REST API
    # documentation for what these fields do. For our convenience, we generate
    # a .proto file containing the Compute API schema which has the same
    # information. This generated .proto file can be found at
    # /schema/gcp/compute/compute-api.proto.

machine_type {
  # Name must match the host_machine_type field in the windows_machine asset
  # entries.
  name: 'win2016'

  instance_properties {
    machineType: 'projects/${}/zones/${}/machineTypes/n1-standard-2'

    scheduling {
      automaticRestart: true

    disks {
      autoDelete: true
      boot: true

      initializeParams {
        sourceImage: '${}'

machine_type {
  # Name must match the host_machine_type field in the windows_machine asset
  # entries.
  name: "win2019"

  instance_properties {
    machineType: "projects/${}/zones/${}/machineTypes/n1-standard-2"

    scheduling {
      automaticRestart: true

    disks {
      autoDelete: true
      boot: true

      initializeParams {
        sourceImage: "${}"

machine_type {
  # Name must match the host_machine_type field in the windows_machine asset
  # entries.
  name: "win2022"

  instance_properties {
    machineType: "projects/${}/zones/${}/machineTypes/n1-standard-2"

    scheduling {
      automaticRestart: true

    disks {
      autoDelete: true
      boot: true

      initializeParams {
        sourceImage: "${}"

machine_type {
  name: 'win7'
  nested_vm {
    image: 'gs://<storage_bucket>/images/win7_sp1_ent_unlicensed.img'
    user_name: 'win7'
    password: 'pass@word!'

machine_type {
  name: 'win10'
  nested_vm {
    image: 'gs://<storage_bucket>/images/win10_pro_1803.img'
    user_name: 'win10'
    password: 'pass@word!'