
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";
package test.fuzzing.atspi_fuzzing;

// A fuzzer case for
message FuzzCase {
  // Actions to take.
  repeated Action action = 1;

// Actions to take
message Action {
  // The path to the control with which we want to interact.
  // e.g. [Chrome] -> [3rd panel] -> [2nd panel] -> [Maximize]
  // Wherever controls have names, we use them, for maximal
  // stability across Chromium versions.
  ControlPath path_to_control = 1;

  // Wait until idle after the action.
  bool wait_afterwards = 2;

  oneof action_choice {
    // Take an "action" in an ATSPI sense, e.g. click a button
    TakeAction take_action = 3;

    // Edit some text.
    ReplaceText replace_text = 4;

    // Select items from a list.
    SetSelection set_selection = 5;

  message TakeAction {
    uint32 action_id = 1;

  message ReplaceText {
    string new_text = 1;

  message SetSelection {
    repeated uint32 selected_child = 1;

message ControlPath {
  repeated PathElement path_to_control = 1;

message PathElement {
  oneof element_type {
    // The element has a name.
    Named named = 1;

    // The element does not have a name.
    Anonymous anonymous = 2;

  message Named {
    // A named control
    string name = 1;

  message Anonymous {
    // The control's "role", e.g. "panel". Everything has one.
    string role = 1;

    // This is the nth anonymous "role", e.g. the third anonymous panel.
    // This should be slightly more stable than a plain ordinal.
    uint32 ordinal = 2;