
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>

#include "ash/calendar/calendar_client.h"
#include "ash/system/time/calendar_utils.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "google_apis/calendar/calendar_api_response_types.h"

namespace ash {

namespace {
// This list is from "chromeos/ash/components/settings/".
const char* kAllTimeZones[] = {"Pacific/Midway",

// These are from "third_party/fontconfig/include/fc-lang/fclang.h" data.
// Locales "und-zmth" and "und-zsye" are omitted since they cannot be set.
const char* kLocales[] = {
    "aa",     "ab",  "af",    "ak",    "am",    "an",    "ar",    "as",
    "ast",    "av",  "ay",    "az-az", "az-ir", "ba",    "be",    "ber-dz",
    "ber-ma", "bg",  "bh",    "bho",   "bi",    "bin",   "bm",    "bn",
    "bo",     "br",  "brx",   "bs",    "bua",   "byn",   "ca",    "ce",
    "ch",     "chm", "chr",   "co",    "crh",   "cs",    "csb",   "cu",
    "cv",     "cy",  "da",    "de",    "doi",   "dv",    "dz",    "ee",
    "el",     "en",  "eo",    "es",    "et",    "eu",    "fa",    "fat",
    "ff",     "fi",  "fil",   "fj",    "fo",    "fr",    "fur",   "fy",
    "ga",     "gd",  "gez",   "gl",    "gn",    "gu",    "gv",    "ha",
    "haw",    "he",  "hi",    "hne",   "ho",    "hr",    "ht",    "hu",
    "hy",     "hz",  "ia",    "id",    "ie",    "ig",    "ii",    "ik",
    "io",     "is",  "it",    "iu",    "ja",    "jv",    "ka",    "kaa",
    "kab",    "ki",  "kj",    "kk",    "kl",    "km",    "kn",    "ko",
    "kok",    "kr",  "ks",    "ku-am", "ku-iq", "ku-ir", "ku-tr", "kum",
    "kv",     "kw",  "kwm",   "ky",    "la",    "lah",   "lb",    "lez",
    "lg",     "li",  "ln",    "lo",    "lt",    "lv",    "mai",   "mg",
    "mh",     "mi",  "mk",    "ml",    "mn-cn", "mn-mn", "mni",   "mo",
    "mr",     "ms",  "mt",    "my",    "na",    "nb",    "nds",   "ne",
    "ng",     "nl",  "nn",    "no",    "nr",    "nso",   "nv",    "ny",
    "oc",     "om",  "or",    "os",    "ota",   "pa",    "pa-pk", "pap-an",
    "pap-aw", "pl",  "ps-af", "ps-pk", "pt",    "qu",    "quz",   "rm",
    "rn",     "ro",  "ru",    "rw",    "sa",    "sah",   "sat",   "sc",
    "sco",    "sd",  "se",    "sel",   "sg",    "sh",    "shs",   "si",
    "sid",    "sk",  "sl",    "sm",    "sma",   "smj",   "smn",   "sms",
    "sn",     "so",  "sq",    "sr",    "ss",    "st",    "su",    "sv",
    "sw",     "syr", "ta",    "te",    "tg",    "th",    "ti-er", "ti-et",
    "tig",    "tk",  "tl",    "tn",    "to",    "tr",    "ts",    "tt",
    "tw",     "ty",  "tyv",   "ug",    "uk",    "ur",    "uz",    "ve",
    "vi",     "vo",  "vot",   "wa",    "wal",   "wen",   "wo",    "xh",
    "yap",    "yi",  "yo",    "za",    "zh-cn", "zh-hk", "zh-mo", "zh-sg",
    "zh-tw",  "zu"};

std::set<std::string> kLocalesWithUniqueNumerals{"bn", "fa", "mr", "pa-pk"};

}  // namespace

namespace calendar_test_utils {

// Used for over-riding the locale that `base::Time` uses. Copied from
// ``.
class ScopedLibcTimeZone {
  explicit ScopedLibcTimeZone(const std::string& timezone);

  ScopedLibcTimeZone(const ScopedLibcTimeZone& other) = delete;
  ScopedLibcTimeZone& operator=(const ScopedLibcTimeZone& other) = delete;

  bool is_success() const { return success_; }

  static constexpr char kTimeZoneEnvVarName[] = "TZ";

  bool success_ = true;
  std::optional<std::string> old_timezone_;

// A duration to let the animation finish and pass the cool down duration in
// tests.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kAnimationSettleDownDuration = base::Seconds(3);

// A duration which is smaller than any of the animation duration. So if there's
// an animation, the view should be in the middle of the animation.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kAnimationStartBufferDuration =

// Creates a `google_apis::calendar::SingleCalendar` for testing only.
std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::SingleCalendar> CreateCalendar(
    const std::string& id,
    const std::string& summary,
    const std::string& color_id,
    bool selected,
    bool primary);

std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::CalendarList> CreateMockCalendarList(

// Creates a `google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent` for testing, that converts
// start/end time strings to `google_apis::calendar::DateTime`.
std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent> CreateEvent(
    const char* id,
    const char* summary,
    const char* start_time,
    const char* end_time,
    const google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent::EventStatus event_status =
    const google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus
        self_response_status =
    bool all_day_event = false,
    GURL video_conference_url = GURL());

// Creates a `google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent` for testing, that converts
// start/end `base::Time` objects to `google_apis::calendar::DateTime`.
std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent> CreateEvent(
    const char* id,
    const char* summary,
    base::Time start_time,
    base::Time end_time,
    const google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent::EventStatus event_status =
    const google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent::ResponseStatus
        self_response_status =
    bool all_day_event = false,
    GURL video_conference_url = GURL());

std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::EventList> CreateMockEventList(
    std::list<std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent>> events);

// Checks if the two exploded are in the same month.
bool IsTheSameMonth(const base::Time date_a, const base::Time date_b);

// Returns the `base:Time` from the given string.
base::Time GetTimeFromString(const char* start_time);

// A mock `CalendarClient` which uses `SetEventList` and `SetError` to set the
// response. This mock client's `GetEventList` waits for a short duration to
// mock the fetching process. This client can be used in calendar unittests to
// mock the process of fetching events and getting back event list or error
// message. It needs to be registered to a calendar client in `SetUp`.
class CalendarClientTestImpl : public CalendarClient {
  CalendarClientTestImpl(const CalendarClientTestImpl& other) = delete;
  CalendarClientTestImpl& operator=(const CalendarClientTestImpl& other) =
  ~CalendarClientTestImpl() override;

  void set_is_disabled_by_admin(bool is_disabled_by_admin) {
    is_disabled_by_admin_ = is_disabled_by_admin;

  // CalendarClient:
  bool IsDisabledByAdmin() const override;
  base::OnceClosure GetCalendarList(
      google_apis::calendar::CalendarListCallback callback) override;
  base::OnceClosure GetEventList(
      google_apis::calendar::CalendarEventListCallback callback,
      const base::Time start_time,
      const base::Time end_time) override;
  base::OnceClosure GetEventList(
      google_apis::calendar::CalendarEventListCallback callback,
      const base::Time start_time,
      const base::Time end_time,
      const std::string& calendar_id,
      const std::string& calendar_color_id) override;

  // Sets `calendars` as the fetched calendar list.
  void SetCalendarList(
      std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::CalendarList> calendars);

  // Sets `events` as the fetched event list.
  void SetEventList(std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::EventList> events);

  // Sets `error` as the error message. The value of `error` is
  // `google_apis::HTTP_SUCCESS` by default.
  void SetError(google_apis::ApiErrorCode error) { error_ = error; }

  // Sets `delay` as the response delay. By default, the response delay is
  // `kAnimationSettleDownDuration` plus 2 seconds.
  void SetResponseDelay(const base::TimeDelta delay) { task_delay_ = delay; }

  // Force the task to take longer than the default timeout, causing an internal
  // error to be propagated.
  void ForceTimeout() {
    task_delay_ = calendar_utils::kCalendarDataFetchTimeout + base::Seconds(1);

  bool is_disabled_by_admin_ = false;
  google_apis::ApiErrorCode error_ = google_apis::HTTP_SUCCESS;
  std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::CalendarList> calendars_;
  std::unique_ptr<google_apis::calendar::EventList> events_;
  base::TimeDelta task_delay_ = kAnimationSettleDownDuration + base::Seconds(2);

}  // namespace calendar_test_utils

}  // namespace ash