// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/system/model/system_tray_model.h"
#include "ash/system/time/calendar_list_model.h"
#include "ash/system/time/calendar_model.h"
#include "ash/system/time/calendar_up_next_view.h"
#include "ash/system/time/calendar_view_controller.h"
#include "ash/system/unified/glanceable_tray_child_bubble.h"
#include "ash/system/unified/unified_system_tray_controller.h"
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_multi_source_observation.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/scroll_view.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace ui {
class Event;
} // namespace ui
namespace views {
class Label;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class CalendarEventListView;
class CalendarMonthView;
class GlanceablesProgressBarView;
class IconButton;
class TriView;
// The header of the calendar view, which shows the current month and year.
class CalendarHeaderView : public views::View {
METADATA_HEADER(CalendarHeaderView, views::View)
CalendarHeaderView(const std::u16string& month, const std::u16string& year);
CalendarHeaderView(const CalendarHeaderView& other) = delete;
CalendarHeaderView& operator=(const CalendarHeaderView& other) = delete;
~CalendarHeaderView() override;
// Updates the month and year labels.
void UpdateHeaders(const std::u16string& month, const std::u16string& year);
friend class CalendarViewAnimationTest;
friend class CalendarViewTest;
// The main header which shows the month name.
const raw_ptr<views::Label> header_;
// The year header which follows the `header_`.
const raw_ptr<views::Label> header_year_;
// This view displays a scrollable calendar.
class ASH_EXPORT CalendarView : public CalendarModel::Observer,
public CalendarViewController::Observer,
public GlanceableTrayChildBubble,
public views::ViewObserver {
METADATA_HEADER(CalendarView, GlanceableTrayChildBubble)
// `use_glanceables_container_style` - Whether the calendar view is shown as a
// bubble in glanceables container, or a `UnifiedSystemTrayBubble` (which is
// the case if glanceables feature is not enabled).
explicit CalendarView(bool use_glanceables_container_style);
CalendarView(const CalendarView& other) = delete;
CalendarView& operator=(const CalendarView& other) = delete;
~CalendarView() override;
// CalendarModel::Observer:
void OnEventsFetched(const CalendarModel::FetchingStatus status,
const base::Time start_time) override;
// CalendarViewController::Observer:
void OnMonthChanged() override;
void OpenEventList() override;
void CloseEventList() override;
void OnSelectedDateUpdated() override;
void OnCalendarLoaded() override;
// views::ViewObserver:
void OnViewBoundsChanged(views::View* observed_view) override;
void OnViewFocused(View* observed_view) override;
// views::View:
void OnEvent(ui::Event* event) override;
CalendarViewController* calendar_view_controller() {
return calendar_view_controller_.get();
CalendarUpNextView* up_next_view() { return up_next_view_; }
CalendarEventListView* event_list_view() { return event_list_view_; }
enum class CalendarSlidingSurfaceBoundsType {
// The bounds should be `event_list_view_`'s bounds. This is used when the
// `event_list_view_` is showing.
// The bounds should be `up_next_view_`'s bounds. This is used mostly when
// the `up_next_view_` is showing.
// The bounds should be at the bottom of the calendar bubble. This is used
// when neither the `event_list_view_` or the `up_next_view_` is showing.
// Sets the bounds of the container of the `up_next_view_` and
// `event_list_view_` to be flush with the bottom of the scroll view. Only the
// position will be animated, so give the view its final bounds.
// `CalendarSlidingSurfaceBoundsType` needs to be passed in to determine the
// state of the bounds.
void SetCalendarSlidingSurfaceBounds(CalendarSlidingSurfaceBoundsType type);
// The header of each month view which shows the month's name. If the year of
// this month is not the same as the current month, the year is also shown in
// this view.
class MonthHeaderLabelView;
// Content view of calendar's scroll view, used for metrics recording.
// TODO(crbug.com/1297376): Add unit tests for metrics recording.
class ScrollContentsView : public views::View {
METADATA_HEADER(ScrollContentsView, views::View)
explicit ScrollContentsView(CalendarViewController* controller);
ScrollContentsView(const ScrollContentsView& other) = delete;
ScrollContentsView& operator=(const ScrollContentsView& other) = delete;
~ScrollContentsView() override = default;
// Update the value of current month based on the controller.
void OnMonthChanged();
// views::View:
void OnEvent(ui::Event* event) override;
// Called when a stylus touch event is triggered.
void OnStylusEvent(const ui::TouchEvent& event);
// Used as a Shell pre-target handler to notify the owner of stylus events.
class StylusEventHandler : public ui::EventHandler {
explicit StylusEventHandler(ScrollContentsView* content_view);
StylusEventHandler(const StylusEventHandler&) = delete;
StylusEventHandler& operator=(const StylusEventHandler&) = delete;
~StylusEventHandler() override;
// ui::EventHandler:
void OnTouchEvent(ui::TouchEvent* event) override;
raw_ptr<ScrollContentsView> content_view_;
const raw_ptr<CalendarViewController, DanglingUntriaged> controller_;
StylusEventHandler stylus_event_handler_;
// Since we only record metrics once when we scroll through a particular
// month. This keeps track the current month in display that we have already
// recorded metrics.
std::u16string current_month_;
// The types to create the `MonthHeaderLabelView` which are in corresponding
// to the 4 months: `previous_month_`, `current_month_`, `next_month_` and
// `next_next_month_`.
friend class CalendarViewTest;
friend class CalendarViewPixelTest;
friend class CalendarViewAnimationTest;
// Creates the new header of the calendar view, which includes a
// `CalendarHeaderView`, a reset to today button, and up/down buttons.
views::View* CreateCalendarHeaderRow();
// Creates the calendar view title that includes a label,
// `reset_to_today_button_`, and a `settings_button_`.
void CreateCalendarTitleRow();
// Creates the `CalendarHeaderView`s container that contains `header_` and
// `temp_header_`.
views::View* CreateMonthHeaderContainer();
// Creates the button container that contains `up_button_` and `down_button_`.
views::View* CreateButtonContainer();
// Assigns month views and labels based on the current date on screen.
void SetMonthViews();
// Returns the current month first row position.
int GetPositionOfCurrentMonth() const;
// Returns the today's row position.
int GetPositionOfToday() const;
// Returns the selected date's row position.
int GetPositionOfSelectedDate() const;
// Returns the calculated height of a single visible row.
int GetSingleVisibleRowHeight() const;
// Adds a month label.
views::View* AddLabelWithId(LabelType type, bool add_at_front = false);
// Adds a `CalendarMonthView`.
CalendarMonthView* AddMonth(base::Time month_first_date,
bool add_at_front = false);
// Deletes the current next month and add a new month at the top of the
// `content_view_`.
void ScrollUpOneMonth();
// Deletes the current previous month and adds a new month at the bottom of
// the `content_view_`.
void ScrollDownOneMonth();
// Scrolls up or down one month then auto scrolls to the current month's first
// row.
void ScrollOneMonthAndAutoScroll(bool scroll_up);
// Shows the scrolling animation then scrolls one month then auto scroll to
// the current month's first row.
void ScrollOneMonthWithAnimation(bool scroll_up);
// Sets up the `temp_header_` to prepare for the header animation and returns
// the moving transform for the header.
gfx::Transform GetHeaderMovingAndPrepareAnimation(
bool scroll_up,
const std::string& animation_name,
const std::u16string& temp_month,
const std::u16string& temp_year);
// Scrolls up/down one row based on `scroll_up`.
void ScrollOneRowWithAnimation(bool scroll_up);
// Sets opacity for header and content view (which contains previous, current
// and next month with their labels),
void SetHeaderAndContentViewOpacity(float opacity);
// Enables or disables `should_months_animate_` and `scroll_view_` vertical
// scroll bar mode.
void SetShouldMonthsAnimateAndScrollEnabled(bool enabled);
// Fades out on-screen month, sets date to today by calling `ResetToToday` and
// fades in updated views after.
void ResetToTodayWithAnimation();
// Removes on-screen month and adds today's date month and label views without
// animation.
void ResetToToday();
// Updates the on-screen month map with the current months on screen.
void UpdateOnScreenMonthMap();
// Returns true if there is no Calendar List fetch in progress.
bool CalendarsFetchComplete();
// Returns whether or not we've finished fetching CalendarEvents.
bool EventsFetchComplete();
// Creates and adds the `up_next_view_` if it's not created yet.
void MaybeCreateUpNextView();
// Checks if all months in the visible window have finished fetching. If so,
// stop showing the loading bar.
void MaybeUpdateLoadingBarVisibility();
// Fades in current month.
void FadeInCurrentMonth();
// Updates the `header_`'s month and year to the current month and year.
void UpdateHeaders();
// Resets the `header_`'s opacity and position. Also resets
// `scrolling_settled_timer_` and `header_animation_restart_timer_`.
void RestoreHeadersStatus();
// Resets the the month views' opacity and position. In case the animation is
// aborted in the middle and the view's are not in the original status.
void RestoreMonthStatus();
// Auto scrolls to today. If the view is big enough we scroll to the first row
// of today's month, otherwise we scroll to the position of today's row.
void ScrollToToday();
// If currently focusing on any date cell.
bool IsDateCellViewFocused();
// Returns whether `header_`, `current_month_`, `content_view_`, or
// `event_list_view_` are animating.
bool IsAnimating();
// If focusing on `CalendarDateCellView` is interrupted (by scrolling or by
// today's button), resets the content view's `FocusBehavior` to `ALWAYS`.
void MaybeResetContentViewFocusBehavior();
// We only fetch events after we've "settled" on the current on-screen month.
void OnScrollingSettledTimerFired();
// Sets `expanded_row_index_` and auto-scrolls the `scroll_view_` when
// `event_list_view_` is opened. After scrolling, disables the scroll bar.
void SetExpandedRowThenDisableScroll(int row_index);
// ScrollView callback.
void OnContentsScrolled();
// Callback passed to `up_button_` and `down_button_`, activated on button
// activation.
void OnMonthArrowButtonActivated(bool up, const ui::Event& event);
// Adjusts the Chrome Vox box position for date cells in the scroll view.
void AdjustDateCellVoxBounds();
// Performs cleanup on temporary views after the scroll animation is complete,
// and re-enables the month and header animation.
void OnScrollMonthAnimationComplete(bool scroll_up);
// Handles the position and status of `event_list_view_` and other views after
// the opening event list animation or closing event list animation. Such as
// restoring the position of them, re-enabling animation and etc.
void OnOpenEventListAnimationComplete();
void OnCloseEventListAnimationComplete();
// Requests the focusing ring to go to the close button of `event_list_view_`.
void RequestFocusForEventListCloseButton();
// Animates the month and scrolls back to today and resets the
// `scrolling_settled_timer_` to update the `on_screen_month_` map after the
// resetting to today animation.
void OnResetToTodayAnimationComplete();
// Enables the month and header animation, restores the header and content
// opacity.
void OnResetToTodayFadeInAnimationComplete();
// Tries to focus the preferred CalendarDateCellView. If `prefer_today` is
// true, preferred CalendarDateCellView is todays CalendarDateCellView,
// otherwise preferred view is the selected CalendarDateCellView. If the
// preferred view is not visible, focus the first visible view.
void FocusPreferredDateCellViewOrFirstVisible(bool prefer_today);
// Returns `target_date_cell_view` if it is in the visible window of
// `scroll_view_` and in `current_month_`. Otherwise returns the first visible
// focusable date cell on the first fully visible row.
CalendarDateCellView* GetTargetDateCellViewOrFirstFocusable(
CalendarDateCellView* target_date_cell_view);
// Calculates the first fully visible row (which lives in `content_view_`)
// shown in `scroll_view_`'s visible window.
int CalculateFirstFullyVisibleRow();
// Conditionally displays the `up_next_view_`.
void MaybeShowUpNextView();
// Removes the `up_next_view_`.
void RemoveUpNextView();
// Used by the `CalendarUpNextView` to open the event list for today's date.
void OpenEventListForTodaysDate();
enum class ScrollViewState {
// Used for clipping the calendar scroll view height to the different states
// that the calendar view can be in.
void ClipScrollViewHeight(ScrollViewState state_to_change_to);
// Fades in or out the `up_next_view_`.
void FadeInUpNextView();
void FadeOutUpNextView();
// Callback after the `FadeInUpNextView()`/`FadeOutUpNextView()` animation has
// ended.
void OnFadeInUpNextViewAnimationEnded();
void OnFadeOutUpNextViewAnimationEnded();
// Stops the `check_upcoming_events_timer_` if it's running. This is used when
// `up_next_view_` fades out, the timer needs to stop as well.
void StopUpNextTimer();
// Checks if `up_next_view_` exists and is visible.
bool IsUpNextViewVisible() const;
// Setters for animation flags.
void set_should_header_animate(bool should_animate) {
should_header_animate_ = should_animate;
void set_should_months_animate(bool should_animate) {
should_months_animate_ = should_animate;
std::unique_ptr<CalendarViewController> calendar_view_controller_;
// Reset `scrolling_settled_timer_`.
void reset_scrolling_settled_timer() { scrolling_settled_timer_.Reset(); }
// The content of the `scroll_view_`, which carries months and month labels.
// Owned by `CalendarView`.
raw_ptr<ScrollContentsView> content_view_ = nullptr;
// The container view for the top-most title row. Owned by `CalendarView`.
raw_ptr<TriView> tri_view_ = nullptr;
// The following is owned by `CalendarView`.
raw_ptr<views::ScrollView> scroll_view_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::View, DanglingUntriaged> current_label_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::View, DanglingUntriaged> previous_label_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::View, DanglingUntriaged> next_label_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::View, DanglingUntriaged> next_next_label_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<CalendarMonthView, DanglingUntriaged> previous_month_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<CalendarMonthView, DanglingUntriaged> current_month_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<CalendarMonthView, DanglingUntriaged> next_month_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<CalendarMonthView, DanglingUntriaged> next_next_month_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<CalendarHeaderView> header_ = nullptr;
// Temporary header, used for animations.
raw_ptr<CalendarHeaderView> temp_header_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::Button> reset_to_today_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::Button> settings_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<IconButton> managed_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<IconButton> up_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<IconButton> down_button_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<GlanceablesProgressBarView> progress_bar_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<views::View> calendar_sliding_surface_ = nullptr;
raw_ptr<CalendarEventListView, DanglingUntriaged> event_list_view_ = nullptr;
// Owned by CalendarView.
raw_ptr<CalendarUpNextView, DanglingUntriaged> up_next_view_ = nullptr;
std::map<base::Time, CalendarModel::FetchingStatus> on_screen_month_;
raw_ptr<CalendarListModel> calendar_list_model_ =
raw_ptr<CalendarModel> calendar_model_ =
// If it `is_resetting_scroll_`, we don't calculate the scroll position and we
// don't need to check if we need to update the month or not.
bool is_resetting_scroll_ = false;
// It's true if the header should animate, but false when it is currently
// animating, or header changing from mouse scroll (not from the buttons) or
// cooling down from the last animation.
bool should_header_animate_ = true;
// It's true if the month views should animate, but false when it is currently
// animating, or cooling down from the last animation.
bool should_months_animate_ = true;
// This is used to define the animation directions for updating the header and
// month views.
bool is_scrolling_up_ = true;
// Whether the Calendar View is scrolling.
bool is_calendar_view_scrolling_ = false;
// If the Calendar View destructor is being called.
bool is_destroying_ = false;
// Set to true if the user has scrolled the Calendar at all, either via the
// scroll view directly or used the month arrow buttons, in the lifetime of
// the CalendarView.
bool user_has_scrolled_ = false;
// Timer that fires when the calendar view is settled on, i.e. finished
// scrolling to, a currently-visible month
base::RetainingOneShotTimer scrolling_settled_timer_;
// Timers that enable the updating month/header animations. When the month
// keeps getting changed, the animation will be disabled and the cool-down
// duration is `kAnimationDisablingTimeout` ms to enable the next animation.
base::RetainingOneShotTimer header_animation_restart_timer_;
base::RetainingOneShotTimer months_animation_restart_timer_;
// Timer that checks upcoming events periodically.
base::RepeatingTimer check_upcoming_events_timer_;
base::CallbackListSubscription on_contents_scrolled_subscription_;
base::ScopedObservation<CalendarModel, CalendarModel::Observer>
base::ScopedMultiSourceObservation<views::View, views::ViewObserver>
base::WeakPtrFactory<CalendarView> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash