// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/time/calendar_model.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "google_apis/calendar/calendar_api_response_types.h"
#include "google_apis/common/api_error_codes.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
namespace ash {
class CalendarDateCellView;
// Controller of the `CalendarView`.
class ASH_EXPORT CalendarViewController {
CalendarViewController(const CalendarViewController& other) = delete;
CalendarViewController& operator=(const CalendarViewController& other) =
virtual ~CalendarViewController();
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Gets called when `currently_shown_date_ ` changes.
virtual void OnMonthChanged() {}
// Invoked when a date cell is clicked to open the event list.
virtual void OpenEventList() {}
// Invoked when the close button is clicked to close the event list.
virtual void CloseEventList() {}
// Invoked when the selected date is updated in the
// `CalendarViewController`.
virtual void OnSelectedDateUpdated() {}
// Invoked when the calendar UI has completed rendering (including business
// logic like scrolling to the current month).
virtual void OnCalendarLoaded() {}
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Updates the `currently_shown_date_`.
void UpdateMonth(const base::Time current_month_first_date);
// A callback passed into the`CalendarDateCellView`, which is called when the
// cell is clicked to show the event list view.
void ShowEventListView(CalendarDateCellView* selected_calendar_date_cell_view,
base::Time selected_date,
int row_index);
// A callback passed into the`CalendarEventListView`, which is called when the
// close button is clicked to close the event list view.
void CloseEventListView();
// Gets called when the `CalendarEventListView` is opened.
void OnEventListOpened();
// Gets called when the `CalendarEventListView` is closed.
void OnEventListClosed();
// Gets called when the `CalendarView` has completed loading its UI.
void CalendarLoaded();
// Records the event list item being pressed on and the type of event.
// Captures whether it was from the `CalendarEventListView` or implicitly the
// `CalendarUpNextView` (the only other place the `CalendarEventListItemView`
// is used currently).
void RecordEventListItemActivated(const ui::Event& event);
// Records a metric for the "Join" meeting button being pressed.
// Captures whether it was from the `CalendarEventListView` or implicitly the
// `CalendarUpNextView` (the only other place the `CalendarEventListItemView`
// is used currently).
void RecordJoinMeetingButtonPressed(const ui::Event& event);
// Called when a calendar event is about to launch. Used to record metrics.
void OnCalendarEventWillLaunch();
// Called when the CalendarDateCellView representing today gets a fetch.
void OnTodaysEventFetchComplete();
// Called when the on screen month has finished loading and has any events to
// display to the user. Logs a metric once per CalendarView lifetime.
void EventsDisplayedToUser();
// If the selected date in the current month. This is used to inform the
// `CalendarView` if the month should be updated when a date is selected.
bool IsSelectedDateInCurrentMonth();
// Gets the first day of the `currently_shown_date_`'s month, in UTC time.
// Time difference is applied.
base::Time GetOnScreenMonthFirstDayUTC();
// Gets the first day of the nth-previous month based on the
// `currently_shown_date_`'s month, in UTC time. Time difference is applied.
base::Time GetPreviousMonthFirstDayUTC(unsigned int num_months);
// Gets the first day of the nth-next month based on the
// `currently_shown_date_`'s month, in UTC time. Time difference is applied.
base::Time GetNextMonthFirstDayUTC(unsigned int num_months);
// Gets the month name of the `currently_shown_date_`'s month.
std::u16string GetOnScreenMonthName() const;
// Gets the month name of the next `num_months` month based on the
// `currently_shown_date_`'s month.
std::u16string GetNextMonthName(int num_months = 1);
// Gets the month name of the previous month based `currently_shown_date_`'s
// month.
std::u16string GetPreviousMonthName();
// Getters of the today's row position, top and bottom.
int GetTodayRowTopHeight() const;
int GetTodayRowBottomHeight() const;
// The calendar events of the selected date.
SingleDayEventList SelectedDateEvents();
// Selected date events split into two lists, one of multi day events only,
// the other excluding multi day events i.e. same day events. These are
// displayed to the user in two separate list views.
std::tuple<SingleDayEventList, SingleDayEventList>
// Returns upcoming events for the "Up next" view.
SingleDayEventList UpcomingEvents();
// The calendar events number of the `date`.
int GetEventNumber(base::Time date);
// Getters and setters: the row index when the event list view is showing,
// today's row number, today's row height and expanded area height.
int GetExpandedRowIndex() const;
// Get the current date, which can be today or the first day of the current
// month if current month is not today's month.
base::Time currently_shown_date() { return currently_shown_date_; }
// The currently selected date to show the event list.
std::optional<base::Time> selected_date() { return selected_date_; }
// The midnight of the currently selected date adjusted to the local timezone.
base::Time selected_date_midnight() { return selected_date_midnight_; }
// The midnight of the selected date in UTC time.
base::Time selected_date_midnight_utc() {
return selected_date_midnight_utc_;
// The row index of the currently selected date. This is used for auto
// scrolling to this row when the event list is expanded.
int selected_date_row_index() { return selected_date_row_index_; }
void set_expanded_row_index(int row_index) {
expanded_row_index_ = row_index;
int today_row() const { return today_row_; }
void set_today_row(int row) { today_row_ = row; }
int row_height() const { return row_height_; }
void set_row_height(int height) { row_height_ = height; }
CalendarDateCellView* selected_date_cell_view() {
return selected_date_cell_view_;
void set_selected_date_cell_view(
CalendarDateCellView* todays_date_cell_view) {
selected_date_cell_view_ = todays_date_cell_view;
CalendarDateCellView* todays_date_cell_view() {
return todays_date_cell_view_;
void set_todays_date_cell_view(CalendarDateCellView* todays_date_cell_view) {
todays_date_cell_view_ = todays_date_cell_view;
bool is_date_cell_clickable() const { return is_date_cell_clickable_; }
void set_is_date_cell_clickable(bool is_clickable) {
is_date_cell_clickable_ = is_clickable;
bool is_event_list_showing() const { return is_event_list_showing_; }
// Returns whether the events for `start_of_month` have been successfully
// fetched. The `FetchingStatus` should be either `kSuccess` or `kRefetching`.
bool IsSuccessfullyFetched(base::Time start_of_month);
// For unit tests.
friend class CalendarMonthViewTest;
friend class CalendarViewAnimationTest;
friend class CalendarViewEventListViewFetchTest;
friend class CalendarViewEventListViewTest;
friend class CalendarViewTest;
friend class CalendarViewEventListItemViewTest;
// Adds the time difference and returns the adjusted time.
base::Time ApplyTimeDifference(base::Time date);
// The currently shown date, which can be today or the first day of the
// current month if current month is not today's month.
base::Time currently_shown_date_;
// The time the CalendarViewController was created, which coincides with the
// time the view was created.
base::TimeTicks calendar_open_time_;
// The time the user spends in a month before navigating to another one.
base::TimeTicks month_dwell_time_;
// The today's date cell row number (which is index +1) in its
// `CalendarMonthView`.
int today_row_ = 0;
// Each row's height. Every row should have the same height, so this height is
// only updated once with today's row.
int row_height_ = 0;
// If the event list is expanded.
bool is_event_list_showing_ = false;
// Whether the user journey time has been recorded. It is recorded when an
// event is launched, or when this (which is owned by the view) is destroyed.
bool user_journey_time_recorded_ = false;
// Whether the metric for recording time to show the user the first fetch of
// events has been recorded.
bool todays_date_cell_fetch_recorded_ = false;
// Record if any events are displayed (via the dots in the current month) on
// screen to the user.
bool events_shown_to_user_recorded_ = false;
// Whether date cells are clickable. When the event list animation is running,
// date cells should become unclickable until the animation completes.
bool is_date_cell_clickable_ = true;
// The currently selected date.
std::optional<base::Time> selected_date_;
// The currently selected CalendarDateCellView
raw_ptr<CalendarDateCellView> selected_date_cell_view_ = nullptr;
// The CalendarDateCellView which represents today.
raw_ptr<CalendarDateCellView> todays_date_cell_view_ = nullptr;
// The midnight of the currently selected date adjusted to the local timezone.
base::Time selected_date_midnight_;
// The midnight of the selected date in UTC time.
base::Time selected_date_midnight_utc_;
// The row index of the currently selected date.
int selected_date_row_index_ = 0;
// The current row index when the event list view is shown.
int expanded_row_index_ = 0;
// Maximum distance, in months, from the on-screen month first displayed in
// the calendar when it was opened. This is logged as a metric when the
// calendar is closed.
size_t max_distance_browsed_ = 0;
// The first date shown, used to record max distance browsed metrics.
const base::Time first_shown_date_;
base::ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CalendarViewController> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash