// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/system/time/event_date_formatter_util.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/strings/grit/ash_strings.h"
#include "ash/system/model/clock_model.h"
#include "ash/system/model/system_tray_model.h"
#include "ash/system/time/calendar_utils.h"
#include "ash/system/time/date_helper.h"
#include "base/i18n/number_formatting.h"
#include "base/i18n/time_formatting.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "google_apis/calendar/calendar_api_response_types.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
namespace ash::event_date_formatter_util {
namespace {
bool Is12HourClock() {
return Shell::Get()->system_tray_model()->clock()->hour_clock_type() ==
// Calculate the number of elapsed days so far.
// We add 1 as if 1 day has passed in the event, then we're on Day 2.
// `selected_date_midnight` will be the selected date at 00:00:00 UTC.
// `selected_date_midnight_utc` will be the selected date adjusted for local
// timezone in UTC.
int GetEventElapsedDayCount(const google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent* event,
const base::Time& selected_date_midnight,
const base::Time& selected_date_midnight_utc) {
// For all day events, we can just take selected midnight UTC minus the
// event start time, as all day events start at midnight UTC.
if (event->all_day_event()) {
return (selected_date_midnight - event->start_time().date_time()).InDays() +
// For other events, we take the adjusted to local selected midnight minus the
// adjusted to local midnight event start time.
const auto start_time_local_midnight =
return (selected_date_midnight_utc - start_time_local_midnight).InDays() + 1;
int GetEventTotalDayCount(const google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent* event) {
const auto start_time = calendar_utils::GetStartTimeMidnightAdjusted(event);
const auto end_time = calendar_utils::GetEndTimeMidnightAdjusted(event);
const int total_day_count = (end_time - start_time).InDays();
// Events ending at midnight of the following day that the event ends, i.e.
// all day events or multi-day events that finish at midnight in the local
// timezone, shouldn't be included in the total day count.
// `base::Time::InDays()` will be correct for these events, e.g. a 2 day,
// all day event with start and end times of 20220101 00:00:00 UTC - 20220103
// 00:00:00 UTC will be calculated as 2 days in time. Technically the event
// spans a 3 day period, but we want to show this as a 2 day event.
const auto end_time_adjusted = calendar_utils::GetEndTimeAdjusted(event);
base::Time::Exploded exploded_end_time;
auto event_ends_at_midnight =
(exploded_end_time.hour == 0 && exploded_end_time.minute == 0);
if (event->all_day_event() || event_ends_at_midnight)
return total_day_count;
// For multi-day events not ending at midnight, they'll span multiple days,
// but the `base::Time::InDays()` function will return 1 less than the total
// amount of days that an event might span e.g. for a 2 day, multi-day
// event of 20220101 08:00:00 UTC - 20220102 08:00:00 UTC, the elapsed
// time is 1 day, but it spans over 2 days.
return total_day_count + 1;
// Calculates the total and elapsed number of days for the event.
// Returns "(Day n / n)".
const std::u16string GetEventDayText(
const google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent* event,
const base::Time& selected_date_midnight,
const base::Time& selected_date_midnight_utc) {
const int elapsed_day_count = GetEventElapsedDayCount(
event, selected_date_midnight, selected_date_midnight_utc);
const int total_day_count = GetEventTotalDayCount(event);
} // namespace
ASH_EXPORT const std::tuple<std::u16string, std::u16string>
GetStartAndEndTimeAccessibleNames(base::Time start_time, base::Time end_time) {
if (Is12HourClock()) {
return std::make_tuple(calendar_utils::GetTwelveHourClockTime(start_time),
return std::make_tuple(calendar_utils::GetTwentyFourHourClockTime(start_time),
ASH_EXPORT const std::u16string GetFormattedInterval(base::Time start_time,
base::Time end_time) {
if (Is12HourClock()) {
return calendar_utils::FormatTwelveHourClockTimeInterval(start_time,
return calendar_utils::FormatTwentyFourHourClockTimeInterval(start_time,
ASH_EXPORT const std::u16string GetMultiDayText(
const google_apis::calendar::CalendarEvent* event,
const base::Time& selected_date_midnight,
const base::Time& selected_date_midnight_utc) {
const auto day_text = GetEventDayText(event, selected_date_midnight,
// Returns "(Day n / n)".
if (event->all_day_event())
return day_text;
const auto end_time_local_midnight =
const auto [start_time, end_time] = GetStartAndEndTimeAccessibleNames(
event->start_time().date_time(), event->end_time().date_time());
// Returns "Starts at `start_time` `day_text`.
if (selected_date_midnight < end_time_local_midnight) {
return l10n_util::GetStringFUTF16(
// Returns "Ends at `end_time` `day_text`.
if (selected_date_midnight == end_time_local_midnight) {
end_time, day_text);
<< "The `selected_date_midnight` is past the end of the event. Value is: "
<< selected_date_midnight;
} // namespace ash::event_date_formatter_util