// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace ash {
// A LayoutManager adapter that allows clients to specify a minimum and/or a
// maximum preferred size. The actual layout will be delegated to the
// LayoutManager owned by this. i.e. |this| can be used to override the
// preferred size returned by a View.
// By default the SizeRangeLayout is configured to own a FillLayout but this can
// be overridden with SetLayoutManager().
// Example use case :
// Suppose you wanted a Label to take up a specific size of (50, 50) even
// though the label's preferred size was (25, 25).
// Example code:
// Label* label = new Label(kSomeDummyText);
// View* container = new View();
// container->AddChildView(label);
// SizeRangeLayout* layout = new SizeRangeLayout();
// layout->SetSize(gfx::Size(50, 50));
// container->SetLayoutManager(layout);
class ASH_EXPORT SizeRangeLayout : public views::View {
METADATA_HEADER(SizeRangeLayout, views::View)
// Create a layout with no minimum or maximum preferred size.
// Create a layout using the given size set as the minimum and maximum sizes.
explicit SizeRangeLayout(const gfx::Size& size);
// Create a layout with the given minimum and maximum preferred sizes. If
// |max_size| is smaller than |min_size| then |min_size| will be set to the
// smaller |max_size| value.
SizeRangeLayout(const gfx::Size& min_size, const gfx::Size& max_size);
SizeRangeLayout(const SizeRangeLayout&) = delete;
SizeRangeLayout& operator=(const SizeRangeLayout&) = delete;
~SizeRangeLayout() override;
// The absolute minimum possible width/height. Use this with SetMinSize() to
// effectively unset the minimum preferred size.
static const int kAbsoluteMinSize;
// Tthe absolute maximum possible width/height. Use this with SetMaxSize() to
// effectively unset the maximum preferred size.
static const int kAbsoluteMaxSize;
// Sets both the minimum and maximum preferred size.
void SetSize(const gfx::Size& size);
void SetSize(int width, int height);
// Set the minimum preferred size that GetPreferredSize() will round up to. If
// |size| is larger than the current |max_size_| then |max_size_| will set to
// |size| as well.
void SetMinSize(const gfx::Size& size);
void SetMinSize(int width, int height);
gfx::Size min_size() const { return min_size_; }
// Set the minimum preferred size that GetPreferredSize() will round down to.
// If |size| is smaller than the current |min_size_| then |min_size_| will set
// to |size| as well.
void SetMaxSize(const gfx::Size& size);
// views::View:
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize(
const views::SizeBounds& available_size) const override;
void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(View* child) override;
friend class SizeRangeLayoutTest;
// Clamps |size| to be within the minimum and maximum preferred sizes.
void ClampSizeToRange(gfx::Size* size) const;
// The host View that this has been installed on.
raw_ptr<views::View> host_ = nullptr;
// The minimum preferred size.
gfx::Size min_size_;
// The maximum preferred size.
gfx::Size max_size_;
} // namespace ash