
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/process/process_iterator.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/updater/test/server.h"
#include "chrome/updater/update_service.h"

#include <windows.h>

#include <wrl/client.h>

#include "chrome/updater/app/server/win/updater_legacy_idl.h"

class GURL;

namespace base {
class CommandLine;
class Value;
class Version;
}  // namespace base

namespace updater {
enum class UpdaterScope;
struct RegistrationRequest;
}  // namespace updater

namespace wireless_android_enterprise_devicemanagement {
class OmahaSettingsClientProto;
}  // namespace wireless_android_enterprise_devicemanagement

namespace updater::test {

enum class AppBundleWebCreateMode {};

struct AppUpdateExpectation {};

// Returns the path to the updater installer program (in the build output
// directory). This is typically the updater setup, or the updater itself for
// the platforms where a setup program is not provided.
base::FilePath GetSetupExecutablePath();

// Returns the non-duplicate, unique names for processes which may be running
// during unit tests.
std::set<base::FilePath::StringType> GetTestProcessNames();

// Filters to processes that match the current and older updater versions.
class VersionProcessFilter : public base::ProcessFilter {

  bool Includes(const base::ProcessEntry& entry) const override;

  const base::Version this_version_;
  const base::Version older_version_;
#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN)

// Ensures test processes are not running after the function is called.
void CleanProcesses();

// Verifies that test processes are not running.
void ExpectCleanProcesses();

// Prints the provided file to stdout.
void PrintFile(const base::FilePath& file);

// Returns all the updater log files found in %TMP%.
std::vector<base::FilePath> GetUpdaterLogFilesInTmp();

// Prints the updater.log file to stdout.
void PrintLog(UpdaterScope scope);

// Removes traces of the updater from the system. It is best to run this at the
// start of each test in case a previous crash or timeout on the machine running
// the test left the updater in an installed or partially installed state.
void Clean(UpdaterScope scope);

// Expects that the system is in a clean state, i.e. no updater is installed and
// no traces of an updater exist. Should be run at the start and end of each
// test.
void ExpectClean(UpdaterScope scope);

// Places the updater into test mode (redirect server URLs and disable CUP).
void EnterTestMode(const GURL& update_url,
                   const GURL& crash_upload_url,
                   const GURL& device_management_url,
                   const GURL& app_logo_url,
                   const base::TimeDelta& idle_timeout);

// Takes the updater our of the test mode by deleting the external constants
// JSON file.
void ExitTestMode(UpdaterScope scope);

// Sets the external constants for group policies.
void SetGroupPolicies(const base::Value::Dict& values);

// Sets platform policies. Platform policy is group policy on Windows, and
// Managed Preferences on macOS.
void SetPlatformPolicies(const base::Value::Dict& values);

// Sets whether the machine is in managed state.
void SetMachineManaged(bool is_managed_device);

// Expects to find no crashes. If there are any crashes, causes the test to
// fail. Copies any crashes found to the isolate directory. In system scope,
// this checks for crashes from both the system and the user updaters.
void ExpectNoCrashes(UpdaterScope scope);

// Copies the logs to a location where they can be retrieved by ResultDB.
void CopyLog(const base::FilePath& src_dir, const std::string& infix);

// Expects that the updater is installed on the system.
void ExpectInstalled(UpdaterScope scope);

// Installs the updater.
void Install(UpdaterScope scope, const base::Value::List& switches);

// Installs the updater and an app via the command line.
void InstallUpdaterAndApp(UpdaterScope scope,
                          const std::string& app_id,
                          bool is_silent_install,
                          const std::string& tag,
                          const std::string& child_window_text_to_find,
                          bool always_launch_cmd,
                          bool verify_app_logo_loaded,
                          bool expect_success,
                          bool wait_for_the_installer);

// Expects that the updater is installed on the system and the specified
// version is active.
void ExpectVersionActive(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& version);
void ExpectVersionNotActive(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& version);

// Uninstalls the updater. If the updater was installed during the test, it
// should be uninstalled before the end of the test to avoid having an actual
// live updater on the machine that ran the test.
void Uninstall(UpdaterScope scope);

// Runs the wake client and wait for it to exit. Assert that it exits with
// `exit_code`. The server should exit a few seconds after.
void RunWake(UpdaterScope scope, int exit_code);

// Runs the wake-all client and wait for it to exit. Assert that it exits with
// kErrorOk. The server should exit a few seconds after.
void RunWakeAll(UpdaterScope scope);

// As RunWake, but runs the wake client for whatever version of the server is
// active, rather than kUpdaterVersion.
void RunWakeActive(UpdaterScope scope, int exit_code);

// Starts an updater process with switch `--crash-me`.
void RunCrashMe(UpdaterScope scope);

// Runs the server and waits for it to exit. Assert that it exits with
// `exit_code`.
void RunServer(UpdaterScope scope, int exit_code, bool internal);

// Invokes the active instance's UpdateService::Update (via RPC) for an app.
void Update(UpdaterScope scope,
            const std::string& app_id,
            const std::string& install_data_index);

// Invokes the active instance's UpdateService::CheckForUpdate (via RPC) for an
// app.
void CheckForUpdate(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& app_id);

// Invokes the active instance's UpdateService::UpdateAll (via RPC).
void UpdateAll(UpdaterScope scope);

// Invokes the active instance's UpdateService::Install (via RPC) for an
// app.
void InstallAppViaService(UpdaterScope scope,
                          const std::string& app_id,
                          const base::Value::Dict& expected_final_values);

void GetAppStates(UpdaterScope updater_scope,
                  const base::Value::Dict& expected_app_states);

// Deletes the file.
void DeleteFile(UpdaterScope scope, const base::FilePath& path);

// Deletes the updater executable directory. Does not do any kind of cleanup
// related to service registration. The intent of this command is to replicate
// a common mode of breaking the updater, so we can test how it recovers.
void DeleteUpdaterDirectory(UpdaterScope scope);

// DeleteActiveUpdaterExecutable is a more narrowly-targeted tool for simulating
// a broken updater. Finds the executable for the active updater (including
// any copy owned by systemd), according to the active version on the global
// prefs file, and deletes it. Does not clean up service registrations, updater
// configuration, app registration, etc.
void DeleteActiveUpdaterExecutable(UpdaterScope scope);

// Runs the command and waits for it to exit or time out.
void Run(UpdaterScope scope,
         base::CommandLine command_line,
         int* exit_code = nullptr);

// Runs the command (via sudo if `elevate` is true) and waits for it to exit,
// then asserts that it returned the expected exit code (if provided) and
// its stdout was exactly the expected string (if provided).
void ExpectCliResult(base::CommandLine command_line,
                     bool elevate,
                     std::optional<std::string> want_stdout,
                     std::optional<int> want_exit_code);

// Returns the path of the Updater executable.
std::optional<base::FilePath> GetInstalledExecutablePath(UpdaterScope scope);

// Sets up a fake updater on the system at a version lower than the test.
void SetupFakeUpdaterLowerVersion(UpdaterScope scope);

// Gets the file path for the real updater lower version.
base::FilePath GetRealUpdaterLowerVersionPath();

// Sets up a real updater on the system at a version lower than the test. The
// exact version of the updater is not defined.
void SetupRealUpdaterLowerVersion(UpdaterScope scope);

// Sets up a fake updater on the system at a version higher than the test.
void SetupFakeUpdaterHigherVersion(UpdaterScope scope);

// Expects that this version of updater is uninstalled from the system.
void ExpectCandidateUninstalled(UpdaterScope scope);

// Sets the active bit for `app_id`.
void SetActive(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& app_id);

// Expects that the active bit for `app_id` is set.
void ExpectActive(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& app_id);

// Expects that the active bit for `app_id` is unset.
void ExpectNotActive(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& app_id);

void SetExistenceCheckerPath(UpdaterScope scope,
                             const std::string& app_id,
                             const base::FilePath& path);

void SetServerStarts(UpdaterScope scope, int value);

// Writes lots of data into the log file.
void FillLog(UpdaterScope scope);

// Confirms that an old log file exists and that the current log file is small.
void ExpectLogRotated(UpdaterScope scope);

void ExpectRegistered(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& app_id);

void ExpectNotRegistered(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& app_id);

void ExpectAppTag(UpdaterScope scope,
                  const std::string& app_id,
                  const std::string& tag);

void SetAppTag(UpdaterScope scope,
               const std::string& app_id,
               const std::string& tag);

void ExpectAppVersion(UpdaterScope scope,
                      const std::string& app_id,
                      const base::Version& version);

void RegisterApp(UpdaterScope scope, const RegistrationRequest& registration);
void RegisterAppByValue(UpdaterScope scope,
                        const base::Value::Dict& registration_data);

[[nodiscard]] bool WaitForUpdaterExit();

void ExpectInterfacesRegistered(UpdaterScope scope);
void ExpectMarshalInterfaceSucceeds(UpdaterScope scope);
void ExpectLegacyUpdate3WebSucceeds(
    UpdaterScope scope,
    const std::string& app_id,
    AppBundleWebCreateMode app_bundle_web_create_mode,
    int expected_final_state,
    int expected_error_code,
    bool cancel_when_downloading);
void ExpectLegacyProcessLauncherSucceeds(UpdaterScope scope);
void ExpectLegacyAppCommandWebSucceeds(UpdaterScope scope,
                                       const std::string& app_id,
                                       const std::string& command_id,
                                       const base::Value::List& parameters,
                                       int expected_exit_code);
void ExpectPolicyStatusValues(
    Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IPolicyStatusValue> policy_status_value,
    const std::wstring& expected_source,
    const std::wstring& expected_value,
    VARIANT_BOOL expected_has_conflict);
void ExpectLegacyPolicyStatusSucceeds(UpdaterScope scope);

// Calls a function defined in test/service/win/
// Entries of the `arguments` dictionary should be the function's parameter
// name/value pairs.
void InvokeTestServiceFunction(const std::string& function_name,
                               const base::Value::Dict& arguments);

void RunUninstallCmdLine(UpdaterScope scope);
void RunHandoff(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& app_id);
#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN)

// Returns the number of files in the directory, not including directories,
// links, or dot dot.
int CountDirectoryFiles(const base::FilePath& dir);

void ExpectSelfUpdateSequence(UpdaterScope scope, ScopedServer* test_server);

void ExpectPing(UpdaterScope scope,
                ScopedServer* test_server,
                int event_type,
                std::optional<GURL> target_url);

void ExpectAppCommandPing(UpdaterScope scope,
                          ScopedServer* test_server,
                          const std::string& appid,
                          const std::string& appcommandid,
                          int errorcode,
                          int eventresult,
                          int event_type,
                          const base::Version& version);

void ExpectUpdateCheckRequest(UpdaterScope scope, ScopedServer* test_server);

void ExpectUpdateCheckSequence(UpdaterScope scope,
                               ScopedServer* test_server,
                               const std::string& app_id,
                               UpdateService::Priority priority,
                               const base::Version& from_version,
                               const base::Version& to_version);

void ExpectUpdateSequence(UpdaterScope scope,
                          ScopedServer* test_server,
                          const std::string& app_id,
                          const std::string& install_data_index,
                          UpdateService::Priority priority,
                          const base::Version& from_version,
                          const base::Version& to_version,
                          bool do_fault_injection);

void ExpectUpdateSequenceBadHash(UpdaterScope scope,
                                 ScopedServer* test_server,
                                 const std::string& app_id,
                                 const std::string& install_data_index,
                                 UpdateService::Priority priority,
                                 const base::Version& from_version,
                                 const base::Version& to_version);

void ExpectInstallSequence(UpdaterScope scope,
                           ScopedServer* test_server,
                           const std::string& app_id,
                           const std::string& install_data_index,
                           UpdateService::Priority priority,
                           const base::Version& from_version,
                           const base::Version& to_version,
                           bool do_fault_injection);

void ExpectAppsUpdateSequence(UpdaterScope scope,
                              ScopedServer* test_server,
                              const base::Value::Dict& request_attributes,
                              const std::vector<AppUpdateExpectation>& apps);

void StressUpdateService(UpdaterScope scope);

void CallServiceUpdate(UpdaterScope updater_scope,
                       const std::string& app_id,
                       const std::string& install_data_index,
                       bool same_version_update_allowed);

void SetupFakeLegacyUpdater(UpdaterScope scope);

void RunFakeLegacyUpdater(UpdaterScope scope);

// Dismiss the installation completion dialog, then wait for the process
// exit.
void CloseInstallCompleteDialog(const std::wstring& child_window_text_to_find,
                                bool verify_app_logo_loaded = false);
#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN)

void PrivilegedHelperInstall(UpdaterScope scope);
void DeleteLegacyUpdater(UpdaterScope scope);
void ExpectPrepareToRunBundleSuccess(const base::FilePath& bundle_path);
#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_MAC)

void ExpectLegacyUpdaterMigrated(UpdaterScope scope);

void RunRecoveryComponent(UpdaterScope scope,
                          const std::string& app_id,
                          const base::Version& version);

void SetLastChecked(UpdaterScope scope, const base::Time& time);

void ExpectLastChecked(UpdaterScope scope);

void ExpectLastStarted(UpdaterScope scope);

void InstallApp(UpdaterScope scope,
                const std::string& app_id,
                const base::Version& version);

void UninstallApp(UpdaterScope scope, const std::string& app_id);

void RunOfflineInstall(UpdaterScope scope,
                       bool is_legacy_install,
                       bool is_silent_install);

void RunOfflineInstallOsNotSupported(UpdaterScope scope,
                                     bool is_legacy_install,
                                     bool is_silent_install);

base::CommandLine MakeElevated(base::CommandLine command_line);

// Stores a device management enrollment token and deletes any existing
// stored device management token (for the already-enrolled state).
// Requires root permissions.
void DMPushEnrollmentToken(const std::string& enrollment_token);

void DMDeregisterDevice(UpdaterScope scope);

void DMCleanup(UpdaterScope scope);

void ExpectDeviceManagementRegistrationRequest(
    ScopedServer* test_server,
    const std::string& enrollment_token,
    const std::string& dm_token);
void ExpectDeviceManagementPolicyFetchRequest(
    ScopedServer* test_server,
    const std::string& dm_token,
    const ::wireless_android_enterprise_devicemanagement::
        OmahaSettingsClientProto& omaha_settings,
    bool first_request = true,
    bool rotate_public_key = false,
    std::optional<GURL> target_url = std::nullopt);
void ExpectDeviceManagementPolicyFetchWithNewPublicKeyRequest(
    ScopedServer* test_server,
    const std::string& dm_token,
    const ::wireless_android_enterprise_devicemanagement::
        OmahaSettingsClientProto& omaha_settings);
void ExpectDeviceManagementTokenDeletionRequest(ScopedServer* test_server,
                                                const std::string& dm_token,
                                                bool invalidate_token);
void ExpectDeviceManagementPolicyValidationRequest(ScopedServer* test_server,
                                                   const std::string& dm_token);
void ExpectProxyPacScriptRequest(ScopedServer* test_server);


void ExpectKSAdminResult(UpdaterScope scope,
                         bool elevate,
                         const std::map<std::string, std::string>& switches,
                         std::optional<std::string> want_stdout,
                         std::optional<int> want_exit_code);

// Expect ksadmin to fetch the specified tag for the specified product
// ID, including fetching the empty tag if no tag is specified, or to
// fail to retrieve a tag.
// Params:
//      scope -- Picks which ksadmin binary to use.
//    elevate -- Whether to run as root instead of the current user.
// product_id -- Product ID to fetch the tag for.
//    xc_path -- Optional: Existence checker path to include in the tag
//               lookup operation. If empty, the `--xc_path` switch is not
//               provided to ksadmin at all.
// store_flag -- Adds the `--system_store` or `--user_store` switch to the
//               ksadmin command line. Switch is omitted if nullopt.
//   want_tag -- if valid, the tag that ksadmin is expected to successfully
//               retrieve, which may be the empty string. If nullopt,
//               specifies that `ksadmin` should return EXIT_FAILURE.
void ExpectKSAdminFetchTag(UpdaterScope scope,
                           bool elevate,
                           const std::string& product_id,
                           const base::FilePath& xc_path,
                           std::optional<UpdaterScope> store_flag,
                           std::optional<std::string> want_tag);

#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_MAC)

}  // namespace updater::test