// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace updater {
// Returns the preferred language of the updater.
std::wstring GetPreferredLanguage();
// Given the base message id of a string, return the localized string based on
// the language tag. The string is read from the binary's string table, and the
// localized message id of the string will be calculated based off of the
// language offsets defined in updater_installer_strings.h.
std::wstring GetLocalizedString(
unsigned int base_message_id,
const std::wstring& lang = GetPreferredLanguage());
// Returns a formatted version of the localized string in which there is only
// one replacement.
std::wstring GetLocalizedStringF(
unsigned int base_message_id,
const std::wstring& replacement,
const std::wstring& lang = GetPreferredLanguage());
// Multivariatic version of GetLocalizedStringF, which can format multiple
// arguments.
std::wstring GetLocalizedStringF(
unsigned int base_message_id,
std::vector<std::wstring> replacements,
const std::wstring& lang = GetPreferredLanguage());
// Returns a localized version of the error message associated with a
// metainstaller `exit_code`/`windows_error`.
std::wstring GetLocalizedMetainstallerErrorString(DWORD exit_code,
DWORD windows_error);
} // namespace updater